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<正>1病历摘要患者女,59岁,2021年8月5日因“左胁肋部疼痛麻木伴左上半身无汗20余天”来门诊。7月13日患者因过度劳累后左侧胁肋近乳房部出现闪电样、针刺样疼痛,呈间断性,4~5次/h,每次持续10 s左右,伴麻木,未予重视。患者3天后疼痛加重并扩至背部,且疼痛区出现红色斑丘疹,呈带状分布,表面有密集小水疱,部分融合成大疱,疱液澄清,同时发现运动后左侧上半身无汗,无发热,前往当地某三甲医院皮肤科就诊,  相似文献   
目的:证实石菖蒲煎剂对血脑屏障有保护作用,研究石菖蒲煎剂对不同时长急性脑缺血再灌注大鼠血脑屏障(Blood Brain Barrier BBB)保护效应,并探索石菖蒲煎剂治疗延长脑缺血溶栓时间窗的可能性。方法:将96只成年雄性SD大鼠随机分为4组,即假手术组、模型组、单纯再灌组、石菖蒲再灌组,每组24只;各组随机分为MCAO3h,MCAO6h 2个亚组,每组12只;复制大鼠大脑中动脉缺血模型MCAO,假手术组行假手术。在溶栓后24 h,每个亚组随机分成两组,每组6只,分别用荧光法测定大鼠脑内伊文斯蓝(EB)的含量以及大鼠脑含水量和脑系数。结果:1MCAO3h模型,与单纯再灌组比较,石菖蒲再灌组脑含水量、脑系数、脑EB含量无明显差异(P0.05);与假手术组比较,石菖蒲再灌组与脑含水量无明显差异(P0.05),脑系数提高(P0.05);2MCAO6h模型,与单纯再灌组比较,石菖蒲灌再灌组脑含水量、脑系数及脑EB含量均下降(P0.05);与模型组比较,石菖蒲再灌组脑含水量及脑系数明显下降(P0.05),单纯再灌组脑EB含量升高(P0.05);3与3 h石菖蒲再灌组比较,6 h石菖蒲再灌组脑EB含量升高(P0.05)。结论:石菖蒲煎剂对血脑屏障有保护作用,能改善其通透性,降低缺血再灌注损伤;在一定时间内,脑缺血时间越长石菖蒲煎剂对血脑屏障的保护作用越明显;石菖蒲水煎剂具有延长大鼠溶栓治疗时间窗的可能性。  相似文献   
Objective To observe the effect of nerve growth factor(NGF)and electro-acupuncture(EA) on learning and memory in rats with cerebral ischemia.Methods An experimental model of cerebral ischemiareperfusion was established in 40 rats,who were then randomly divided into a model group,a sham operated group,a NGF group,an acupuncture group and a NGF plus acupuncture group.Three weeks were allowed for the recovery of the blood-brain barrier lesion caused by ischemia-reperfusion before intravenous injection of NGF(10μg/kg,once daily for 15 days)via the vena caudalis.In the two acupuncture groups,this was administered in combination with EA at the Baihui(DU20)and Yamen(DU15)acupoints(frequency 100 Hz,2 mA,20 min/time,once daily for 15 days).Morris' water maze test was used to assess any changes in spatial learning and memory abilities.Results The ischemic rats showed significant learning and memory disorders compared with the sham-operated group.In the NGF group,the rats' learning and memory abilities did not impmve significantly compared with the model group and the EA group.Significantly better learning was observed in the NGF+EA group compared with the model group,the EA group and the NGF group.Conclusion NGF combined with EA can improve the learning and memory abilities of rats with learning and memory dysfunction caused by cerebral ischemia-repedusion.  相似文献   
Hegu (LI 4) and Taichong (LR 3) are the Yuan- Primary acupoints of the Large Intestine and Liver Meridian, and are collectively named as Si Guan (four gates) point. Combined use of these two acupoints can harmonize yin and yang, regulate qi and blood, and balance ascending or descending. This paper attempts to study the effects of Si Guan point on the vascular dilation and constriction in migraine patients from the perspective of its feature.  相似文献   
<正>笔者选用电针联合麦粒灸疗法治疗周围性面瘫后遗症40例,临床疗效满意。报道如下。1一般资料选取本院2017年1月~2018年1月门诊的80例周围性面瘫后遗症期患者作为观察对象,采用简单随机化法分为两组。观察组40例,其中男22例,女18例;年龄30~74岁,平均44.5±20.5岁;病程为3个月以上,平均0.7±0.2年。对照组40例,其中男20例,女20例;年  相似文献   
穴位天灸发泡治疗肝炎后高胆红素血症临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肝炎后高胆红素血症主要以血清非结合胆红素升高为临床表现,目前常规药物治疗远期疗效多不满意。自1996年以来,笔者采用穴位天灸发泡疗法治疗本病,疗效较好,现报道如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料 共收治肝炎后高胆红素血症患者62例,均为慢性乙型肝炎恢复期患者,男47例,女15例,病程4个月~5年。血清总胆红素最高81.1μmol/L,最低24.7μmol/L。上述患者随机分成两组。 1.2 诊断标准 慢性乙型肝炎按1995年全国传染病会议拟定的标准诊断,入选患者肝功能检查除黄疸指数异常外,ALT、AST正常且维持2周以上,其它临床症状轻微,并排…  相似文献   
Objective To observe the effect of nerve growth factor(NGF)and electro-acupuncture(EA) on learning and memory in rats with cerebral ischemia.Methods An experimental model of cerebral ischemiareperfusion was established in 40 rats,who were then randomly divided into a model group,a sham operated group,a NGF group,an acupuncture group and a NGF plus acupuncture group.Three weeks were allowed for the recovery of the blood-brain barrier lesion caused by ischemia-reperfusion before intravenous injection of NGF(10μg/kg,once daily for 15 days)via the vena caudalis.In the two acupuncture groups,this was administered in combination with EA at the Baihui(DU20)and Yamen(DU15)acupoints(frequency 100 Hz,2 mA,20 min/time,once daily for 15 days).Morris' water maze test was used to assess any changes in spatial learning and memory abilities.Results The ischemic rats showed significant learning and memory disorders compared with the sham-operated group.In the NGF group,the rats' learning and memory abilities did not impmve significantly compared with the model group and the EA group.Significantly better learning was observed in the NGF+EA group compared with the model group,the EA group and the NGF group.Conclusion NGF combined with EA can improve the learning and memory abilities of rats with learning and memory dysfunction caused by cerebral ischemia-repedusion.  相似文献   
谈中医专业《针灸学》的教与学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针灸学是中医学的一个重要分支学科,<针灸学>是高等院校中医专业本科的主干课程,对该课程的教与学的好坏,在一定程度上影响中医专业学生的培养质量.根据我们往年的课堂情况及教学反馈信息,由于针灸学内容的特殊性及部分学生对专业的认识、导向等问题,对<针灸学>的学习仍处于一种茫然、被动状态,部分同学甚至存有学完针灸后将来有何用途的疑虑.为此,我们从2001年开始,对<针灸学>的教学作了一些尝试性的改革,并取得了较好的教学效果.  相似文献   
目的探讨银杏叶提取物对慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期(AECOPD)患者血管内皮功能的影响。方法将60例AECOPD患者随机分为常规治疗组(CT组),银杏叶组(GBLE组),每组30例;并选择同期30例健康体检者作为对照组。两组常规治疗相同,GBLE组每日加用舒血宁注射液20 mL静脉滴注,连用2周。酶联免疫吸附法检测血清一氧化氮(NO)、血栓调节蛋白(TM)和血管假血友病因子(vWF)。结果两个治疗组治疗前NO,TM显著低于对照组(P〈0.01),vWF显著高于对照组(P〈0.01)。治疗后,两组NO,TM水平较治疗前显著升高(P〈0.01),而GBLE组升高更为显著,与CT组比较有统计学差异(P〈0.01);两组vWF水平较治疗前显著下降(P〈0.01),GBLE组下降较CT组更为显著(P〈0.01)。结论银杏叶提取物有显著改善AECOPD患者血管内皮细胞功能的作用,可预防血栓性疾病。  相似文献   
介绍林咸明教授采用针刺治疗面肌痉挛的临床经验。林教授认为面肌痉挛的病位在经筋,病机为感受风邪、经络不通,或正气亏虚、虚风内动导致面部经络不和,出现头面部肌肉不自主痉挛。其临床采用经络辨证、病因病机相结合的辨证取穴思路,同时重视安神、治神、调神,在治疗手法上强调进针深度达经筋部,提出“轻补”“轻泻”的操作手法,形成了“经络取穴位-经筋定病位”的特色治疗思想,临床疗效颇佳。并附验案1则,加以佐证。  相似文献   
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