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顺铂(DDP)作为第一个被发现的金属抗癌药物,是目前最有潜力和应用最广泛的抗肿瘤药物。顺铂在宫颈癌的治疗中尤为重要,目前已被推荐为同步放化疗的首选药物。但随着广泛的使用,顺铂的耐药性逐渐显露出来,并成为限制临床疗效和部分患者肿瘤治疗进展的主要原因之一。顺铂的耐药机制复杂,发生环节较多,但具体耐药机制尚不明确,目前按照顺铂耐药发生的环节可分为:①顺铂在血液循环过程中产生耐药;②顺铂通过细胞膜的流入或流出产生耐药;③顺铂在胞质中产生耐药;④顺铂与DNA结合后产生耐药。本文综述了宫颈癌顺铂耐药可能发生的四个环节及克服耐药常用的手段,为提高顺铂对宫颈癌的疗效提供依据。  相似文献   
目的了解社区人群对糖尿病知识知晓情况,为城镇居民进行糖尿病干预研究提供依据.方法对广州市荔湾区25岁以上常住居民进行随机抽样问卷,对资料作描述性和分析性研究.结果糖尿病知识知晓情况在年龄、性别、文化程度、糖尿病家族史、糖尿病患病史分布上有显著性差异.多因素分析显示:性别、年龄、文化程度、糖尿病家族史、糖尿病患病史、体力劳动强度、脑力劳动强度、收缩压与糖尿病知识知晓率密切相关,其比值比分别为1.239,0.990,1.223,2.752,1.897,1.373,0.916,0.884和0.996.结论该地区人群的糖尿病知识知晓率较低,要广泛开展全民特别是老年人、男性和文化程度较低人群的糖尿病知识宣传教育.  相似文献   
Paediatric dacryocystorhinostomy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Of 258 cases of dacryocystorhinostomy performed on children in the period September 1981 to September 1991, 130 were for simple, unresolved congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction. Other indications for surgery included punctal agenesis, lacrimal fistula, post-traumatic and post-inflammatory canalicular obstruction. Of 177 children without canalicular pathology, 171 (96%) were relieved of symptoms with one operation, without canalicular intubation. Of 81 cases with canalicular disease, 55 of 70 (79%) who underwent DCR plus canalicular intubation, and 10 of 11 who underwent DCR plus Lester-Jones tube, were substantially improved with one operation. No child required peroperative or postoperative blood transfusion. Dacryocystorhinostomy in childhood, in experienced surgical hands, is a safe procedure, achieving relief of symptoms in most cases, particularly in the absence of canalicular disease.  相似文献   
Objective To observe changes of hepatic hemodynamics and hepatic functional reserve after splenectomy and periesophagogastric devascularization. Methods From July 2006 to August 2007, thirty patients with portal hypertension caused by hepatitis B cirrhosis underwent splenectomy and periesophagogastric devascuiarization. The PVPG (portal venous pressure gradient) was measured by inductor continually during operation. The HAF (hepatic artery flow), PVF (portal venours flow) and hepatic arterial RI(resistant index) were measured with Doppler sonography. The EHBF(effective hepatic blood flow) and ICGR15 (indocyaninegreen retention rate at 15 minutes) were obtained respectively by indocyaninegreen clearance test before and after the operation. Results PVPG after laparotomy (19±4) mm Hg, ligating the splenic artery(14±4) mm Hg, splenectomy(14±3)mm Hg and periesophagogastric devascularization (12±4) mm Hg showed a tendency to decrease progressively. The PVF decreased [from (42±14) ml/s to (16±8) ml/s] and HAF increased in compensation after operation. The EHBF increased [from (0.48±0.10) L/min to (0.56±0.10) L/min], and the ICGR15 decreased (from 23%±8% to 18%±4%) postoperatively. Conclusion After splenectomy and periesophagogastric devascularization, the hepatic functional reserve improves at least in a short term notwithstanding the decrease of PVPG and PVF.  相似文献   
超声引导下注射皮质类固醇治疗狭窄性腱鞘炎   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨超声引导下注射皮质类固醇治疗狭窄性腱鞘炎的方法及效果。方法 38例狭窄性腱鞘炎患者,按药物注射方法的不同随机分成2组。治疗组(21例)在10-MHz超声引导下向腱鞘内腱周间隙内穿刺注射醋酸强的松龙0.6 ml,对照组(17例)采用闭合穿刺法注射等量药物。注射前及随访时(注射后3周)测定疼痛强度视觉类比评分(Visual analogue score,VAS)。结果 随访时疼痛消失率治疗组为81%、对照组为53%,VAS下降值治疗组为[(6.8±1.9)x±s,下同]对照组为(5.1±3.0)。结论超声引导下将针尖穿刺于腱鞘内腱周间隙的操作简单、准确并可实时观察药物的分布,是治疗狭窄性腱鞘炎的较好方法。  相似文献   
目的 探讨在全反式维甲酸 (ATRA)治疗急性早幼粒细胞白血病 (APL)前后弥漫性血管内凝血(DIC)发生率与D 二聚体含量的关系及意义。方法 应用ELISA法检测 30例APL患者 (包括 12例合并DIC患者 )发病时及应用ATRA治疗后D 二聚体水平的变化 ,并与正常对照组比较。结果  30例APL患者治疗前血浆D 二聚体水平 (2 .38± 0 .98mg/L)较正常对照组 (0 .2 5± 0 .0 9mg/L)明显升高 (P <0 .0 1) ,其中 12例并发DIC者(2 .5 2± 0 .12mg/L)明显高于 18例不并发DIC者 (2 .18± 0 .96mg/L)。结论 APL患者D 二聚体检测值随维甲酸治疗逐渐降低 ,并可预测ATRA治疗过程中DIC变化及预后。  相似文献   
采用HPLC测定健康志愿者血浆中头孢克洛的浓度。方法简便快速,结果准确。平均回收率为102.18±4.01%,日间及日内RSD均小于6%。血药浓度-时间曲线符合一室模型。  相似文献   
0~5岁儿童睡眠时间流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王红  冉域辰  李薇  曹丽  张亚果 《中国妇幼保健》2007,22(26):3710-3712
目的:了解成都市0~5岁儿童不同年龄阶段的睡眠时间及其影响因素。方法:采用随机抽样的方法抽取成都市2个城区1276例儿童,对其家长或看护人进行睡眠状况的问卷调查。结果:成都市0~5岁儿童白天睡眠时间和总的睡眠时间随年龄增加逐渐减少,不同性别间睡眠时间无显著差别;影响睡眠时间的主要因素有儿童年龄、喂养方式、入睡方式以及母亲年龄和睡眠总时间等。结论:目前成都市小年龄阶段儿童睡眠时间较少,需引起重视;对儿童睡眠时间影响较大的主要是社会环境因素,从小培养良好的睡眠习惯和良好的睡眠环境是保证儿童充足睡眠的重要前提。  相似文献   
60Coγ射线对体外培养成骨细胞作用的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究放射性骨损伤的发病机制,探讨骨折合并射线损伤愈合能力下降的原因。方法:将体外培养的成骨细胞用^60Coγ射线一次性照射3、6、9、12Gy,以建立体外培养成骨细胞受射线作用的实验模型;同时,观察成骨细胞的碱性磷酸酶(ALP)活性改变,骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)和转化生长因子β1(TGF-β1)的胞质内表达量,以及细胞内钙离子的含量。结果:成骨细胞受射线照射后,其ALP活性明显降低,且与照射剂量呈明显量效关系,3Gy组抑制率为31.59%,而12Gy组则为84.95%;BMP、TGF-β1的表达量下降,但与照射剂量无明显量效关系;胞质内钙含量亦降低,但受照各组间的抑制率无明显统计学差异。结论:射线对成骨细胞具有直接损害作用,放射性骨损伤的重要方面就是射线对成骨细胞的主要功能酶ALP活性的损害,抑制BMP、TGF-β1等生长因子的合成,且干扰细胞内第二信使钙离子,从而致骨组织的再生重建机能下降。  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the role of opioid receptors in the protective effects of isoflurane-induced delayed preconditioning against myocardial ischemia-reperfusion (I/R) injury in rabbits. Methods Forty male New Zealand white rabbits weighing 2.0-2.5 kg were randomly assigned into 4 groups ( n = 10 each) : group I sham operation (S); group II I/R; group Ⅲ isoflurane + I/R (Iso) and group IV Iso + naloxone + I/R (Nal). Myocardial I/R was induced by 40 min occlusion of left anterior descending branch (LAD) of coronary artery followed by 120 min reperfusion. In group Ⅲ (Iso) 2% isoflurane in 100% O2 was inhaled for 2 h and I/R was produced 24 h later. In group IV (Nal) naloxone 6 mg/kg was given iv 10 min before 2 h of 2% isoflurane inhalation and I/R was produced 24 h later. At the end of 120 min reperfusion, infarct size (IS) and area at risk (AAR) were determined by Evan's blue and TTC staining. Myocardial ultrastructure was examined by electron microscopy. The phosphorylated p38MAPK protein expression in myocardium was determined by Western blot. Results The IS was significantly smaller in group Iso ( Ⅲ ) ( 19.7% ± 2.8%) than in I/R group ( II ) (37.8% ±1.7%) (P<0.05). The phosphorylated p38MAPK protein expression in myocardium was significantly lower in group Iso than in group I/R. Microscopic examination showed less myocardial damage in Iso group than in group I/R. The protective effects of delayed preconditioning by isoflurane was prevented by naloxone pretreatment. ConclusionOpioid receptors may be involved in the protective effects of delayed preconditioning by isoflurane against myocardial I/R injury.  相似文献   
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