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We have studied the effects of randomized preloading with eithera crystalloid (lactated Ringer's) 15 ml kg–1 or colloid(hydroxyethyl starch) 7.5 ml kg–1 solution in 20 parturientsundergoing elective Caesarean section under extradural anaesthesia,on blood flow in maternal placental and non-placental uterineand placental arcuate arteries and in fetal umbilical, renaland middle cerebral arteries, using a pulsed colour Dopplertechnique. Simultaneously, fetal and neonatal myocardial functionwere investigated by pulsed Doppler and M mode echocardiography.We found no changes in maternal or fetal blood velocity waveformindices after crystalloid preloading, but the pulsatility indexof the maternal non-placental uterine artery in creased significantlyafter colloid preloading. Fetal heart rate decreased after preloadingwith crystalloid solution. There were no differences in fetalor neonatal myocardial function between the groups, and theoutcome of the newborn infants were uneventful in all cases.These results suggest that preloading with either a crystalloidor colloid solution may lead to different uterine and fetalhaemodynamics but these solutions had only minimal effects onfetal and neonatal myocardial performance and no effect on theclinical condition of newborns in uncomplicated pregnancies.  相似文献   
Background: Central neuraxial blocks (CNBs) for surgery and analgesia are an important part of anaesthesia practice in the Nordic countries. More active thromboprophylaxis with potent antihaemostatic drugs has increased the risk of bleeding into the spinal canal. National guidelines for minimizing this risk in patients who benefit from such blocks vary in their recommendations for safe practice. Methods: The Scandinavian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (SSAI) appointed a task force of experts to establish a Nordic consensus on recommendations for best clinical practice in providing effective and safe CNBs in patients with an increased risk of bleeding. We performed a literature search and expert evaluation of evidence for (1) the possible benefits of CNBs on the outcome of anaesthesia and surgery, for (2) risks of spinal bleeding from hereditary and acquired bleeding disorders and antihaemostatic drugs used in surgical patients for thromboprophylaxis, for (3) risk evaluation in published case reports, and for (4) recommendations in published national guidelines. Proposals from the taskforce were available for feedback on the SSAI web‐page during the summer of 2008. Results: Neuraxial blocks can improve comfort and reduce morbidity (strong evidence) and mortality (moderate evidence) after surgical procedures. Haemostatic disorders, antihaemostatic drugs, anatomical abnormalities of the spine and spinal blood vessels, elderly patients, and renal and hepatic impairment are risk factors for spinal bleeding (strong evidence). Published national guidelines are mainly based on experts' opinions (weak evidence). The task force reached a consensus on Nordic guidelines, mainly based on our experts' opinions, but we acknowledge different practices in heparinization during vascular surgery and peri‐operative administration of non‐steroidal anti‐inflammatory drugs during neuraxial blocks. Conclusions: Experts from the five Nordic countries offer consensus recommendations for safe clinical practice of neuraxial blocks and how to minimize the risks of serious complications from spinal bleeding. A brief version of the recommendations is available on http://www.ssai.info .  相似文献   
Aim: Significant side effects of tocolytic and uterotonic substances may be of concern to the anaesthesiologist. Recently, new drugs have been introduced having less side effects for both the mother and the neonate.
Methods: A literature search was undertaken mainly focusing on meta-analyses, to review the possible side effects that might affect the course of anaesthesia and to suggest which precautions should be considered to prevent the occurrence of significant interactions with anaesthetic manipulations and drugs.
Results: Magnesium sulphate has a proven benefit in lowering systolic blood pressure and preventing the occurrence of eclampsia, but not as a tocolytic. β-adrenergic agonists are being abandoned due to the availability of tocolytic agents causing less side effects. Calcium channel blockers (CCB) are frequently used but can cause major maternal cardiovascular complications. Nitroglycerin seems to be appreciated as an acute tocolytic rather than a routine substance during pre-term labour. Cyclo-oxygenase-2 inhibitors are still under investigation but their tocolytic benefit is questionable mainly due to foetal side effects. Atosiban is considered the first-choice tocolytic. With respect to oxytocic drugs, oxytocine, prostaglandines and methylergometrine may all cause serious side effects especially when combined. The cardiovascular side effects of prostaglandins and methylergometrine can be life-threatening. Both oxytocin and carbetocin have a rather low risk for maternal complications.
Conclusion: Atosiban and CCB are at least as effective tocolytic agents as β-mimetics but have significantly less side effects. Magnesium sulphate can cause neuromuscular blockade, especially when combined with CCB. Concerning oxytocic agents, short-acting oxyctocin and long-acting carbetocin have the least side effects as compared with prostaglandins and methylergometrine.  相似文献   
We have studied the effects of an extradural block during Caesareansection using either bupivacaine plain or with adrenaline 85–100µg on blood velocity waveforms of maternal uterine andplacental arcuate arteries and fetal umbilical, renal and middlecerebral arteries, in 20 hypertensive parturients with chronicfetal asphyxia. Fetal myocardial function was investigated atthe same time by M-mode echocardiography. Extradural anaesthesiaresulted in a significant decrease in maternal mean systolicand diastolic arterial pressures in both groups, but this wasmore marked after plain bupivacaine. There were no significantdifferences in any of the Doppler recordings relative to baselinevalues after plain bupivacaine, but after bupivacaine with adrenalinethere were significantly increased blood flow velocity indicesfor the maternal uterine and placental arcuate arteries andsignificantly decreased indices in the fetal renal and middlecerebral arteries. Neonatal outcome as evaluated by Apgar scoresand acid-base values in the umbilical cord were similar in thetwo groups. The results suggest that adrenaline added to thesolution of bupivacaine increased vascular resistance in theuteroplacental circulation, indicating impaired blood flow.  相似文献   
We have studied the effects of extradural anaesthesia with bupivacaine(plain) in eight healthy parturients undergoing elective Caesareansection, on blood flow in maternal uterine and placental arcuatearteries and in fetal umbilical, renal and middle cerebral arteries,using a colour Doppler technique. Simultaneously, fetal myocardialfunction was investigated by M-mode echocardiography. Maternaland fetal blood velocity waveform indices did not change significantly.We found no changes in fetal myocardial function with extraduralanaesthesia, except for an increase in the right ventricularinner end-diastolic dimensions. These results suggest that extraduralanaesthesia has no detrimental effects on uteroplacental andfetal circulations in the uncomplicated pregnancy when maternalhypotension is avoided with rapid prehydration.  相似文献   
We have studied the effects of an extradural block using bupivacainewith adrenaline 90–100 µg on blood flow in the maternaluterine and placental arcuate arteries and the fetal umbilical,renal and middle cerebral arteries, using a colour Doppler techniquein eight healthy parturients undergoing elective Caesarean section.Fetal myocardial function was investigated simultaneously byM-mode echocardiography. Maternal heart rate increased and diastolicarterial pressure decreased after extradural administrationof bupivacaine with adrenaline. The latter effect was relievedby increasing the infusion rate in every case and none of thepatients required vaso-pressors. There were no significant differencesin maternal or fetal blood velocity waveforms, and no significantchanges were found in any of the fetal myocardial measurementsrelative to control values. These observations suggest thatextradural anaesthesia using bupivacaine with adrenaline doesnot have an adverse effect on vascular resistance in the uteroplacentalor fetal circulations or on fetal myocardial function in normalpregnancy when bupivacaine-adrenaline is administered fractionallyand maternal hypotension is prevented by rapid crystalloid volumeloading.  相似文献   
Background: Epileptiform patterns, spikes, polyspikes and periodic epileptiform discharges (PED) have been reported in electroencephalograms (EEGs) during anaesthesia induction with sevoflurane in healthy adults and children. Published recordings have been performed with a limited number of channels, and therefore the topographic distributions of these patterns are not known.
Methods: Twenty ASA I children aged 4–10 years undergoing routine operations were anaesthetized with 8% sevoflurane in 50%/50% oxygen and nitrous oxide using mask induction with controlled normoventilation. An EEG was recorded with a full 10–20 electrode system including orbitofrontal and ear electrodes, and a recording band of 0.016–70 Hz. Beat-to-beat heart rate (HR) was calculated off-line.
Results: Nineteen out of 20 children developed multifocal spikes and polyspikes with a maximum over the frontal lobes. Four patients developed suppression, which was almost continuous and lasted several minutes, and thereafter a continuous EEG resumed, a few spikes were seen and then a nonepileptiform pattern. In three children a couple of PED waves were seen at the onset of a continuous EEG. HR increased maximally before the onset of spikes. No motor phenomena were seen.
Conclusion: These recordings confirm the epileptogenic property of sevoflurane in mask induction. The spikes and polyspikes had frontal multifocal maxima and may be missed in recordings from frontopolar electrodes used by depth-of-anaesthesia monitors. PED and burst suppression were synchronous over the whole cortex. Epileptiform activity was indiscernible from epileptiform waveforms without anaesthesia, such as the patterns seen in status epilepticus.  相似文献   
Background : Women undergoing laparoscopic surgery are susceptible to postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV). Ondansetron and droperidol are useful antiemetics. This study was designed to ascertain primarily the relative difference in efficacy of ondansetron and droperidol and secondarily between these drugs and placebo in the prevention of PONV after laparoscopic surgery. Methods : The prophylactic antiemetic efficacy of ondansetron and droperidol was compared in a prospective, randomised, double–blind, placebo–controlled trial of 439 female inpatients scheduled for laparoscopic surgery. During induction of standardised general anaesthesia the patients received intravenously either ondansetron 8 mg (n=195), droperidol 1.25 mg (n=193) or placebo (n=51). The occurrence of nausea, vomiting, sideeffects and the need for rescue antiemetic medication were recorded for 24 h postoperatively. Results : The proportion of patients with nausea was 48%, 50% and 67% in the ondansetron, droperidol and placebo groups, respectively; with a significant difference when both ondansetron (P=0.02) and droperidol (P=0.04) were compared with placebo. Vomiting occurred in 18%, 26% and 37% of the patients in the three groups, respectively (P=0.05 between ondansetron and droperidol, P=0.004 between ondansetron and placebo, P=0.16 between droperidol and placebo). The proportion of patients given rescue medication was 34%, 28% and 49%, respectively (P=0.23 for ondansetron and droperidol, P=0.07 for ondansetron and placebo, P=0.007 for droperidol and placebo). During early recovery the patients treated with ondansetron were significantly more alert than after droperidol. Serious side–effects were not observed. Headache was significantly more common after ondansetron than after droperidol treatment. Conclusions : The efficacy of prophylactic ondansetron and droperidol in reducing postoperative nausea associated with laparoscopic surgery in female inpatients was similar, but ondansetron appeared to be slightly more efficient than droperidol in preventing vomiting. Ondansetron and droperidol were both significantly better than placebo in the prophylaxis of PONV.  相似文献   
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