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Previous research has shown that damage to the dorsal and median raphe nuclei of rats can impede the subsequent development of hypothalamic hyperphagia and obesity as well as impair the defense of established hypothalamic obesity in response to food deprivation. The present study sought to determine if raphe injury might alter the development of another form of obesity, namely that which occurs spontaneously in the Zucker fatty rat. Subjects were 20 obese females (fafa; mean weight of 200 g) and 20 lean littermate controls (FaFa females; mean weight of 150 g). Following 10 days of baseline intake and weight recordings, half of each group received radio-frequency heat lesions of the dorsal and median raphe nuclei while the other half received sham surgery. Except for a mild suppression of food intake and weight gain during the first few days after lesioning, raphe injury did not alter the hyperphagia or obesity shown by fatties over the 7 week ad lib feeding period studied. Additional 24-hr intake tests of varying sucrose and quinine solutions revealed reduced sucrose acceptance and enhanced quinine rejection by fatties much as has been seen in previous studies of hypothalamic obese rats. Terminal assays of forebrain monoamine levels confirmed that raphe lesions were effective in depleting serotonin (-71% compared to controls) without producing major changes in norepinephrine or dopamine (-14% and +2%, respectively). The inability of raphe lesions to mitigate this form of hyperphagia and obesity suggests that earlier observations of their attenuating effects on hypothalamic obesity were not due to non-specific impairments of behavioral or metabolic factors necessary to permit overeating and weight gain.  相似文献   
Sixteen per cent of the substantia nigra cell bodies normally labeled from the injection of a fluorescent retrograde tracer in the caudate-putamen complex could still be labeled by the same procedure after multiple intracisternal 6-hydroxydopamine treatments that depleted dopamine levels in the caudate-putamen complex to 1.0% of control. However, the demonstration of glyoxylic-acid-induced catecholamine histofluorescence in tissue from these lesioned rats revealed that many of the surviving retrogradely-labeled substantia nigra cell bodies still contained dopamine. The persistence of some dopamine in the substantia nigra of the lesioned animals was confirmed biochemically. Therefore, retrograde tracing in 6-hydroxydopamine lesioned rats overestimated the extent of the non-dopaminergic nigrostriatal tract.The simultaneous combination of retrograde fluorescent tracing and catecholamine histofluorescence in unlesioned animals revealed that only 5% or less of the substantia nigra cell bodies retrogradelylabeled from the caudate-putamen complex were without catecholamine fluorescence. These apparently non-dopaminergic nigrostriatal cells were located primarily in the ventral tegmental area, substantia nigra pars reticulata and extreme medial edge of the substantia nigra pars compacta.  相似文献   
Two experiments were performed to determine if bilateral parasagittal hypothalamic knife-cuts (KCs), which produce long-term overeating and obesity, after biochemical indices of brown adipose tissue (BAT) reactivity to thermogenic stimuli. In the first study, responses to environmental cold were tested. Four weeks after surgery, KC rats had gained 4-5 times more weight than controls and were obese (increased Lee Obesity Index and weight of gonadal white fat). Before being sacrificed, groups of KC and control rats were exposed to 4 degrees C for 21 hr or remained at 28 degrees C. Interscapular BAT weighed 300% more in KC rats, due largely to increased white fat content. Functional indices of BAT thermogenic capacity (protein content, DNA content, cytochrome oxidase activity and mitochondrial guanosine diphosphate (GDP) binding) were normal at 28 degrees C. Exposure to 4 degrees C produced greatly enhanced responses but these were equivalent for both groups. This suggested an intact capacity for non-shivering thermogenesis in obese KC rats. In the second study, the same BAT responses were examined in other rats fed a palatable "cafeteria" diet (CAFE). One week after surgery, KC and control rats were subdivided into groups that received chow alone or chow plus four different palatable foods daily. Before sacrificing 4-5 weeks later, KC rats had gained 3-4 times more weight than controls and were obese. Interscapular BAT weighed 200-300% more in KC rats. CAFE feeding produced larger increments in all variables for KC vs. control rats. Most importantly, GDP binding was reduced in both KC groups, and significantly more so after CAFE feeding.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Groups of young male Sprague-Dawley (albino) or Long-Evans (hooded) rats were fed the same semi-purified diets containing 20% (w/w) fat in the form of soybean oil vs. lard, or a reference diet of standard Purina Chow (4.5% mixed fats) for 21 days. Behavioral testing after this time revealed that albino rats fed the diet containing soybean oil had increased paw-lick latencies on a 58 degrees C hot plate compared to chow-fed rats. In addition, both strains fed the diet containing soybean oil were protected from hypothermia induced by placing animals in a 4 degrees C cold room for 60 min following systemic injection of 10-15 mg/kg d-amphetamine. Rats of both strains fed the lard diet displayed paw-lick latencies similar to those shown by rats fed chow and hypothermic changes intermediary to those shown by rats fed soybean oil vs. chow diets. Horizontal crossings as well as rearings in a 15 min test of open field activity were the same for all diet groups within strains. No substantial differences were observed in the number of calories consumed, amount of body weight gained or basal colonic temperatures across diet conditions. The results suggest that a soybean oil-based diet can alter physiological mechanisms which mediate these indices of pain perception and thermoregulation. More generally, they indicate that qualitative changes in dietary fat content may be capable of altering certain behavioral states.  相似文献   
Elevations of brain gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) induced by inhibitors of GABA transaminase (GABA-T) are known to induce a number of functional effects including depression of food intake. The aim of the present study was to determine the brain GABA elevation threshold for changes in feeding and several other behaviours, in an effort to clarify whether feeding changes might be secondary to other functional deficits. To this end, various doses of the GABA-T inhibitors ethanolamine-o-sulfate (EOS) and gamma-vinyl GABA (GVG) were injected intracisternally and effects on whole brain GABA, food and water intake, open field activity, catalepsy indices, pain sensitivity, and core temperature were assessed 24 h later. Progressive increases in brain GABA levels were found to differentially affect the responses studied. At the low end of the continuum, significant decreases in feeding behaviour were associated with relatively modest increases in brain GABA (40-60%). At higher levels of GABA elevation (greater than 100%), changes in motoric functions and rectal temperature became apparent. At still higher levels (greater than 200% increases in brain GABA), significant antinociceptive effects were detected. These results support the notion that feeding decreases induced by low doses of GABA-T inhibitors may reflect a fairly specific effect on appetite mechanisms, but also indicate that with increasingly higher doses several other deficits are likely to contribute to the overall decrease in food intake.  相似文献   
Using pharmacological tools, a role for opioid receptors in the regulation of food intake has been documented. However, the involvement of specific receptor subtypes remains questionable, and little information is available regarding a role for opioid receptors in energy metabolism. Using adult male mice lacking the mu-opioid receptor (MOR) gene (MOR-/-), we show that the MOR is not essential for the maintenance of normal levels of ad libitum food intake but does modulate the efficiency of energy storage during high-fat diets through the regulation of energy partitioning. When fed a regular diet, MOR-/- mice displayed only subtle alterations in energy homeostasis, suggesting a relative overuse of fat as a fuel source in the fed state. When fed a high-fat diet, MOR-/- mice were resistant to obesity and impaired glucose tolerance, despite having similar energy intake to wild-type mice. This resistance to obesity was associated with a strong induction of the expression of key mitochondrial enzymes involved in fatty acid oxidation within skeletal muscle. This metabolic role of the MOR, which is consistent with the properties of a "thrifty gene," suggests that the MOR pathway is a potential target for pharmacological intervention in the treatment of obesity associated with the intake of fatty diets.  相似文献   
Magnetic resonance was used to demonstrate a double aortic arch in a patient initially noted to have a right aortic arch on chest radiography.  相似文献   
With one billion people overweight worldwide, the need to identify risk factors and treatments for obesity is urgent. The present study determined whether rats genetically prone to diet-induced obesity (DIO) show preexisting differences in meal microstructure and are sensitive to central anorectic effects of corticotropin-releasing factor type 2 (CRF2) receptor stimulation. Male, selectively bred DIO rats and their diet resistant (DR) counterparts ( n = 9/genotype) were weaned onto low-fat chow and compared as young adults for spontaneous or intracerebroventricular urocortin 2 administration-induced (0, 0.3, 1, 3 μg) differences in ingestion. DIO rats were hyperphagic selectively at the dark cycle onset, showing shorter latencies to initiate feeding, faster returns to eating following meal completion, and a lower satiety ratio than DR rats. At other times, DIO rats had briefer postmeal intervals, but ate smaller and briefer meals, resulting in normal intake. DIO rats also ate faster than DR rats. Urocortin 2 was less potent in DIO rats, ineffective at the 0.3 μg dose, but produced CRF2 antagonist-reversible anorexia at higher doses. Though heavier, chow-maintained DIO rats were proportionately as or more lean than DR rats. Thus, DIO rats showed signs of a preexisting, heritable deficit in the maintenance of postmeal satiety and a reduced sensitivity to anorectic CRF2 agonist stimulation. The meal patterns of DIO rats temporally resemble human 'snacking' behaviour, which predicts adult obesity. Because central CRF2 stimulation retains full anorectic efficacy at higher doses in the DIO model, manipulating this neuropeptidergic system might yield new therapeutic approaches for diet-induced obesity.  相似文献   
A classic feature of animals with lateral hypothalamic (LH) lesions is their regulation of body weight at sub-normal levels. The present studies were done to determine whether this is associated with enhanced thermogenic activity of their brown adipose tissue (BAT). Three groups of young chow-fed male Holtzman rats were formed: (1) animals receiving bilateral radiofrequency heat lesions of the dorsal LH and then permitted free access to chow (LH rats); (2) non-lesioned animals that were pair-fed (PF) to the lesioned rats during a 2 week post-operative recovery period (Phase 1); (3) non-lesioned, ad lib fed (NORM) controls. After Phase 1, each group was divided and permitted free access to chow alone or an additional selection of palatable, novel food items (a "cafeteria" diet) for 2-3 weeks (Phase 2) to stimulate diet-induced thermogenesis in BAT. Finally, half of each sub-group was exposed to 4 degrees C for 15 hr to stimulate nonshivering thermogenesis in BAT. During Phase 1 LHs and PFs ate 50% less than NORMs. This resulted in a weight deficit of 16% for LHs and 12% for PFs. After the additional period of feeding palatable foods (Phase 2) LHs collectively weighed 14% less than NORMs whereas previously PFs had a weight deficit of only 4%. They gained less weight than NORMs or PFs despite a similar energy intake. LHs had small deposits of gonadal white adipose tissue [both total amount and expressed per metabolic body mass (kg 0.75)]. The weight of interscapular BAT was less in the LHs but its concentration of protein (mg/g) was higher.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
A simplified assay is described for measurement of picogram amounts of serotonin (5-HT) by high pressure liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection (LCEC). The procedure involves pre-purification of brain 5-HT by adsorption on Amberlite CG-50. Serotonin is subsequently resolved and detected by LCEC on Zipax SCX resin. The present method gives working sensitivities of at least 100 pg, tissue recoveries of 95% and very low interassay variability (coefficientofvariation=3%). Determination of rat brain area 5-HT by this LCEC method is described and compared to other high sensitivity methods.  相似文献   
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