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目的探讨阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(obstructive sleep apnea—hyponea syndrome,OSAHS)对急性脑梗死患者糖代谢的影响。方法选择无糖尿病史的急性脑梗死患者106例,行多导睡眠图(PSG)和血糖检测,根据PSG结果分为OSAHS组(n=72)和非OSAHS组(n=32),比较2组发病后24h内的空腹及餐后2h血糖变化。结果OSAHS组空腹血糖为(5.62±0.86)mmol/L,餐后2h血糖为(14.19±3.98)mmol/L;非OSAHS组空腹血糖为(5.08±0.75)mmol/L,餐后2h血糖为(9.75±4.31)mmol/L。2组比较差异均有统计学意义(均P〈0.05)。结论OSAHS加重脑梗死急性期患者糖代谢紊乱,尤其对糖耐量影响更为明显,早期筛查并积极干预0SAHS可有助于纠正糖代谢紊乱,改善预后。  相似文献   
目的 研究脑动脉系统微栓子 (MES)的产生机制及其相关因素。方法 将 112例 MES监测的临床资料进行总结分析。结果 本组微栓子检出率为 33.93% ,且全部见于有明显脑卒中症状者 ;脑梗死 MES检出率为35 .87%且以原发性大面积梗死为主 ;MES阳性与病程有明显相关 ,病程 <72 h易检出微栓子 ,阳性率为 4 7.72 % ;颅内血管狭窄是微栓子产生的主要原因 ;颈动脉异常与正常组微栓子出现率无明显差异 ,但发现本组病例中微栓子出现以左侧为主 ,与颈动脉病变部位一致率为 5 5 .5 5 % ;确定微栓子来源于有病变的颅外颈动脉 2例 ,来源于有病变的颅内颈动脉系 5例 ,来源于同时伴有颅内外血管病变 12例 ,表明颅内外动脉同时伴有病变时微栓子检出率增高 ;MES的阳性率与血液成分无相关性 ,但在血液成分异常组中血粘度增高以及血小板聚集降低 MES阳性率明显增高。结论 脑动脉系统中监测到微栓子说明患者有活动的栓子来源 ,易发生或复发脑梗死 ,TCD能正确的监测、判断脑循环中微栓子 ,确定其发生率、性质、来源以及与疾病的联系  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the feature of the morphology changes in the upper airway in patients with acute cerebral infarction and to find a new method to prevent and cure cerebral infarction.Methods Sixty-six patients with cerebral infarction confirmed by brain MRI or CT scan(within 3 weeks of onset) were recruited.The patients were examined by upper airway MRI scan and polysomnography (PSG).Then the patients were divided into obstructive sleep apnea hypopnca syndrome(OSAHS)group and non-OSAHS group.In addition.16 patients showing OSAHS but without stroke history(OSAHS nonstroke group)were included in the study.The sagittal and horizontal lengths of the nasopharynx,palatopharynx,glossopharynx and hypopharynx were measured and their closs-sectional areas were calculated.The length,thickness and cross-sectional area of the palate were also measured.Statistic analysis of each data among the groups was performed using SPSS software.Results Among 66 cases with acute cerebral infarction,75.8 % (50/66)were diagnosed with OSAHS.The anteropesterior diameer,left and right diameters and smallest section area in upper airway were all smaller in the OSAHS group with acute cerebral infaretion than those in the non-OSAHS group and OSAHS non-stroke group.The narrowest segments in upper airway were nasopharynx and ompharynx.which are caused by shortened left and right diameters.The area of the soft palate in the OSAHS-stroke group was significant bigger((452.2±99.6)mm2)than that in non-OSAHS group((350.0±69.4)mm2,t:4.575,P<0.05).The lowest SO2 in OSAHS-stroke group(68.9 % ±10.5 % )was the lowest among three groups.The more severe the airway constriction was.the higher the apnea-hypopnea index(AHI)was and the lower the lowest SO2 was.Conclusion Patients withl stroke show higher incidence of OSAHS and present more severe multilevel upper airway constriction.Upper airway constriction may be the new target of early treatment for better prognosis of cerebral infarction.  相似文献   
目的 了解南昌、赣州两市中老年人睡眠障碍的现状.方法 对两市来参加2011年3月21日世界睡眠日活动,自认为有睡眠障碍的中老年人,行匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(PSQI)问卷调查.结果 共回收问卷208份,其中有效问卷172份.①所有受试者平均年龄(54.50±10.88)岁,PSQI平均为(14.06±3.04)分.受试者中87.8%睡眠质量差;61.6%每周不止一次超过60 min才能入睡;睡眠时间<6h的占94.7%;睡眠效率<75%的占85.4%;患者均存在不同程度的睡眠障碍;有时或经常有日间功能障碍的人占28.5%和37.2%.②女性睡眠质量、入睡时间、睡眠时间、睡眠效率及PSQI得分高于男性.③中年人除日间功能障碍评分,其余各项均低于老年人,尤其入睡时间、睡眠时间、睡眠效率及PSQI总分有显著性差异.④南昌市受试中老年人整体睡眠好于赣州市,但睡眠效率与年龄显著相关.结论 中老年人睡眠障碍发病率高,女性和老年人更严重,地区差异不明显.  相似文献   
周期性肢体运动(PLMS),最早称为睡眠肌阵挛、周期性腿动,其特点是短暂、反复、刻板性的睡眠中大踇趾伸直,足部背屈,有时累及膝部和髋部屈曲.这一现象常被误认为肌阵挛性癫痫,后来通过视频多导睡眠监测证实其有相似的3个屈曲反射和巴彬斯基征,并常合并不宁腿综合征(RLS)[1];因有部分病例可累及上肢,所以命名为周期性肢体运动.1 诊断标准和多导睡眠检测表现周期性肢体运动事件的诊断标准最初由Coleman提出,1993年美国睡眠医学学会(ASDA)基本沿用Coleman的方法,强调了其周期性而非肌阵挛发作.周期性肢体运动诊断包括:单次肢体运动事件和周期性肢体事件;睡眠期单次肢体运动事件持续时间必须在0.5 ~5s之间,肌电活动振幅必须大于25%;周期性肢体运动标准是指4个或4个以上的单次肢体运动事件连续出现,相邻两个单次肢体运动事件之间的间隔时间为5~ 90s[2].整晚每小时周期性肢体运动(PLMS)指数大于5则有临床意义[3].周期性肢体运动发生于睡眠非快速动眼(NREM)Ⅰ、Ⅱ期,NREM Ⅲ发生逐渐减少,而快速动眼期(REM)很少发生;周期性肢体运动主要存在于睡眠周期第一个周期,即刚入睡不久.然而有极个别病例报道PLMS可出现于REM期[4];另外有一部分PLMS发生于困倦期,患者实际未入睡,常抱怨周期性肢体抖动导致其无法入睡.PLMS视频多导睡眠监测特征:在抽动过程中肌电图主要表现为3种情况:一种是持续几百毫秒肌紧张性活动后可伴或不伴肌阵挛;另一种是出现单个肌阵挛后多伴随肌紧张活动;最后一种是在几个丛集性肌阵挛后可出现或不出现肌紧张活动.有时PLMS可以发生于一条腿或一侧肢体,还可以两侧交替出现.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the feature of the morphology changes in the upper airway in patients with acute cerebral infarction and to find a new method to prevent and cure cerebral infarction.Methods Sixty-six patients with cerebral infarction confirmed by brain MRI or CT scan(within 3 weeks of onset) were recruited.The patients were examined by upper airway MRI scan and polysomnography (PSG).Then the patients were divided into obstructive sleep apnea hypopnca syndrome(OSAHS)group and non-OSAHS group.In addition.16 patients showing OSAHS but without stroke history(OSAHS nonstroke group)were included in the study.The sagittal and horizontal lengths of the nasopharynx,palatopharynx,glossopharynx and hypopharynx were measured and their closs-sectional areas were calculated.The length,thickness and cross-sectional area of the palate were also measured.Statistic analysis of each data among the groups was performed using SPSS software.Results Among 66 cases with acute cerebral infarction,75.8 % (50/66)were diagnosed with OSAHS.The anteropesterior diameer,left and right diameters and smallest section area in upper airway were all smaller in the OSAHS group with acute cerebral infaretion than those in the non-OSAHS group and OSAHS non-stroke group.The narrowest segments in upper airway were nasopharynx and ompharynx.which are caused by shortened left and right diameters.The area of the soft palate in the OSAHS-stroke group was significant bigger((452.2±99.6)mm2)than that in non-OSAHS group((350.0±69.4)mm2,t:4.575,P<0.05).The lowest SO2 in OSAHS-stroke group(68.9 % ±10.5 % )was the lowest among three groups.The more severe the airway constriction was.the higher the apnea-hypopnea index(AHI)was and the lower the lowest SO2 was.Conclusion Patients withl stroke show higher incidence of OSAHS and present more severe multilevel upper airway constriction.Upper airway constriction may be the new target of early treatment for better prognosis of cerebral infarction.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the feature of the morphology changes in the upper airway in patients with acute cerebral infarction and to find a new method to prevent and cure cerebral infarction.Methods Sixty-six patients with cerebral infarction confirmed by brain MRI or CT scan(within 3 weeks of onset) were recruited.The patients were examined by upper airway MRI scan and polysomnography (PSG).Then the patients were divided into obstructive sleep apnea hypopnca syndrome(OSAHS)group and non-OSAHS group.In addition.16 patients showing OSAHS but without stroke history(OSAHS nonstroke group)were included in the study.The sagittal and horizontal lengths of the nasopharynx,palatopharynx,glossopharynx and hypopharynx were measured and their closs-sectional areas were calculated.The length,thickness and cross-sectional area of the palate were also measured.Statistic analysis of each data among the groups was performed using SPSS software.Results Among 66 cases with acute cerebral infarction,75.8 % (50/66)were diagnosed with OSAHS.The anteropesterior diameer,left and right diameters and smallest section area in upper airway were all smaller in the OSAHS group with acute cerebral infaretion than those in the non-OSAHS group and OSAHS non-stroke group.The narrowest segments in upper airway were nasopharynx and ompharynx.which are caused by shortened left and right diameters.The area of the soft palate in the OSAHS-stroke group was significant bigger((452.2±99.6)mm2)than that in non-OSAHS group((350.0±69.4)mm2,t:4.575,P<0.05).The lowest SO2 in OSAHS-stroke group(68.9 % ±10.5 % )was the lowest among three groups.The more severe the airway constriction was.the higher the apnea-hypopnea index(AHI)was and the lower the lowest SO2 was.Conclusion Patients withl stroke show higher incidence of OSAHS and present more severe multilevel upper airway constriction.Upper airway constriction may be the new target of early treatment for better prognosis of cerebral infarction.  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the feature of the morphology changes in the upper airway in patients with acute cerebral infarction and to find a new method to prevent and cure cerebral infarction.Methods Sixty-six patients with cerebral infarction confirmed by brain MRI or CT scan(within 3 weeks of onset) were recruited.The patients were examined by upper airway MRI scan and polysomnography (PSG).Then the patients were divided into obstructive sleep apnea hypopnca syndrome(OSAHS)group and non-OSAHS group.In addition.16 patients showing OSAHS but without stroke history(OSAHS nonstroke group)were included in the study.The sagittal and horizontal lengths of the nasopharynx,palatopharynx,glossopharynx and hypopharynx were measured and their closs-sectional areas were calculated.The length,thickness and cross-sectional area of the palate were also measured.Statistic analysis of each data among the groups was performed using SPSS software.Results Among 66 cases with acute cerebral infarction,75.8 % (50/66)were diagnosed with OSAHS.The anteropesterior diameer,left and right diameters and smallest section area in upper airway were all smaller in the OSAHS group with acute cerebral infaretion than those in the non-OSAHS group and OSAHS non-stroke group.The narrowest segments in upper airway were nasopharynx and ompharynx.which are caused by shortened left and right diameters.The area of the soft palate in the OSAHS-stroke group was significant bigger((452.2±99.6)mm2)than that in non-OSAHS group((350.0±69.4)mm2,t:4.575,P<0.05).The lowest SO2 in OSAHS-stroke group(68.9 % ±10.5 % )was the lowest among three groups.The more severe the airway constriction was.the higher the apnea-hypopnea index(AHI)was and the lower the lowest SO2 was.Conclusion Patients withl stroke show higher incidence of OSAHS and present more severe multilevel upper airway constriction.Upper airway constriction may be the new target of early treatment for better prognosis of cerebral infarction.  相似文献   
目的探讨非痴呆型血管性认知障碍(VCI-ND)患者的睡眠结构,了解与正常人群之间睡眠结构的差异性。方法应用加拿大Harmonie生产的32导Stellate Harmonie视频多导睡眠监测系统,对20例VCI-ND患者的睡眠进行全夜监测,并与20名正常相同年龄范围人群对照。结果与对照组比较,VCI-ND患者组睡眠总时间减少,觉醒时间增加,第1阶段睡眠增加,第2阶段睡眠减少和第3阶段睡眠减少,快速动眼期(REM)缩短,睡眠效率下降。结论 PSG中的浅睡眠增多,慢波睡眠S3~4期及快速动眼期(REM)期减少可能是VCI-ND病人所具有的电生理学指标之一,但是否可作为VCI-ND患者的特异性诊断指标还需要大样本多中心性的随机对照研究。  相似文献   
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