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We analysed the effect of ethanol on basal cytosolic-free calciumconcentration ([Ca2+]1) in cultured rat myocytes. Ethanol causeda dose-dependent decrease of the resting [Ca2+]1). Removal ofethanol was followed by a transitory increase of [Ca2+]1 abovethe basal level. In cells chronically exposed to ethanol, [Ca2+]1normalized to the previous level.  相似文献   
Due la the limitations of standard epidemiological methods, indirect indicators have often been used to describe the characteristics of drug abusing populations and to assess prevalence trends in illegal drug use. In Barcelona (Spain), a study of emergency room (ER) attendance was carried out to describe the population of opiate/cocaine consumers across the whole city who use this service. Three thousand four hundred and five consumers of opiates and/or cocaine, aged 15-44 years, who attended ERs during 1989, were identified. They accounted for 6807 episodes in the hospitals surveyed. Their mean age was 26 years, men (73%) being 1 year older than women (25.2 years). The drug of abuse was specified in the clinical records of 60% of individuals, heroin being the most frequently specified (56%). The main reason for attendance was 'other medical condition'(OMC) (55% of episodes), followed by withdrawal (34%) and overdoses (6%). Seventy-one percent of individuals were residents of Barcelona city, yielding a rate of 3.2 opiate/cocaine consumers attending ERs per thousand Barcelona residents aged 15-44. The geographical distribution of the rates in the city showed a very large difference between districts, the most deprived ones having a higher rate of consumers attending ERs. ER data can provide valuable insights into the nature and dimensions of drug abuse problems.  相似文献   
Class I alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) phenotypes have been studiedby starch gel electrophoresis and activity analysis in livertissue obtained at necropsy from 61 non-alcoholic subjects withnormal liver (controls), and in biopsies from 60 chronic alcoholicswith liver disease and from 24 subjects with non-alcoholic liverdisease. Twenty-three per cent of controls exhibited the ADH22–1phenotype, which represents the highest frequency for atypicalADH found in a Caucasian population. Both alcoholic and non-alcoholicpatients with liver disease showed a lower frequency of theatypical phenotype (6.6% and 8.8%, respectively). No differencesin the ADH2 locus were detected among groups of patients withdifferent severity of alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver disease.Theallele frequencies of the ADH3 locus for the controls (ADH31= 0.63, ADH32 = 0.37) are common to those of other Caucasianpopulations. Similar ADH3 allele frequencies were observed inpatients with alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver disease. Discrepanciesbetween the various phenotyping and genotyping studies now knownfor several populations suggest that local differences may existin the distribution of the ADH polymorphism in even geographicallyclose regions, and that the effect of ADH polymorphism on vulnerabilitytowards alcohol may not be identical in different populations.  相似文献   
Atrial Fibrillation Classification. Use of different classifications for atrial fibrillation reflects the complexity of the arrhythmia and the difficulty in grouping its different aspects. Current classifications are based on clinical presentation, etiology, substrates, mechanisms, etc. From the clinical point of view, the most relevant probably should be one directed at classifying patients in terms of therapeutic options. In this article, a review of known classifications is given, together with an attempt at a new classification based on the possibility of offering a nonpharmacologic treatment to patients.  相似文献   
Different synthetic strategies have been attempted for the synthesis of a glycosylpeptide resulting from the covalent bonding of a sugar residue to the C-terminal carboxyl group of an enkephalin related pentapeptide. The final structure is: Tyr-d -Met-Gly-Phe-Pro [N15-β-d -glucopyranosyl] amide. The in vitro potency on the GPI test of this analogue was IC50= 64.0 nm . However, its antinociceptive activity by tail immersion tests, after intraperitoneal administration, was 2000 and 200 times higher than morphine in rats and mice, respectively.  相似文献   
The possibility that an asynchronous increase in the ventricularmonophasic action potential duration is the basis of the quinidine-inducedtorsade de pointes, has led us to study the electrophysiologicaleffects of increasing doses of intravenous quinidine. We measuredthe monophasic action potential duration and the ventriculareffective refractory period at several right ventricular myocardialsites in the anaesthetized dog.Our results showed that quinidineinduces a dose-dependent prolongation in ventricular effectiverefractory period and in ventricular monophasic action potentialduration. These increases were uniform throughout the rightventricle. No variations in repolarization or in refractorinesswere observed between the four ventricular sites studied.Theresults suggest that quinidine does not have a direct effecton dispersion of repolarization, and that mechanisms other thanits direct electrophysiological action are involved in the developmentof torsade de pointes.  相似文献   
The synthesis of the hexapeptide [Glu6]SP6-11 and its glycosylated analogue at the Glu6γ-carboxyl position by solution procedures according to several strategies is discussed. The biological activity of SP, [GIu6]SP6-11 (VI) and [Glu(β-d -Glcp)6]SP6-11 (VIII) have been determined and compared to SP by the GPI and RVD assays. The introduction of a β-d -glucopyranosyl moiety at the sixth position of the [Glu6]SP6-11 did not affect to a great extent the in vitro activity pattern of the parent hexapeptide.  相似文献   
Radiofrequeucy ablation of the atrioventricular conduction system (ACS) has become an estoblished theTapy for patients with drug refroctory atrial fibrillation. We observed eight patients with hemodynamic deterioration ofteT radiofrequency oblotion of the otTioventTicular conduction system. As we found hemodynamic deterioration related to worsening mitral regurgitation, we compared the clinical history, eiectrophysiologicai, ond echocardiographic dato from the patients with hemodynamic deteriorotion and worsening mitral regurgitation (group 1) to those without hemodynamic deterioration and stable mitral regurgitation after the procedure (group 2). Eight out of 108 patients (7.4%) undergoing ablation of the ACS deteriorated hemodynamically with acute pulmonary edema in three and congestive heart failure in five patients occurring at a mean of 3 and 8 weeks, respectively, after the procedure. Three of these patients were referred for mitral valve surgery. Two patients underwent ablation using a left-sided approach. A right-sided approach was used in five patients. In one patient, a left- and right-sided approach was used. Compared to group 2 patients, group 1 patients had significantly higher left ventricular end-diastolic diameters (64 ± 6 mm vs 56 ± 9 mm) at baseline despite similar fractional shortening (32%± Il% vs 34%± 13%), left ventricular end-systolic diameters (43 ± 9 mm vs36 ± 7 mm) and degree of mitral regurgitation (1.4 ± 1.1 vs 1.4 ±0.7) on echocardiographic analysis. Thus, hemodynamic deterioration together with progression of mitral regurgitation is a potential complication of ablation of the ACS (up to 7.4%). Patients with high left ventricular end-diastolic diameters ond moderate mitral regurgitation at baseline seem prone to this complication.  相似文献   
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