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Objective To study the pulmonary functions of pediatric ALI/ARDS(acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome) survivors. Method A prospective cohort study of all survivors of ALI/ARDS in the PICU of Beijing Children's Hospital was performed. Patients were divided into three groups(0-3 years of age,3 ~ 7 years of age, and over 7 years of age) and followed up three months after diagnosis. Results There were 36 survivors in total of 44 ALl patients, three patients lost follow-up, 12 died and 21 survived. Five survivors refused to participate in the study because of asymptomatic, and one was unable to participate because of lymphoma com-bined with sepsis. A total of 15 children completed the whole survey (11 patients were less than 3 years old, andfour were over 7 years of age). Twelve patients had no discomfort in their respiratory tracts. Three months after be-ing enrolled, the pulmonary functions of all children improved, especially in terms of tidal volume and respiratory compliance (P<0.05). Conclusions The abnormal respiratory symptoms and signs in most children disap-peared three months after discharge. Most survivors still have pulmonary dysfunction at 3 monthes after discharge, but better than discharge.  相似文献   
Objective To study the pulmonary functions of pediatric ALI/ARDS(acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome) survivors. Method A prospective cohort study of all survivors of ALI/ARDS in the PICU of Beijing Children's Hospital was performed. Patients were divided into three groups(0-3 years of age,3 ~ 7 years of age, and over 7 years of age) and followed up three months after diagnosis. Results There were 36 survivors in total of 44 ALl patients, three patients lost follow-up, 12 died and 21 survived. Five survivors refused to participate in the study because of asymptomatic, and one was unable to participate because of lymphoma com-bined with sepsis. A total of 15 children completed the whole survey (11 patients were less than 3 years old, andfour were over 7 years of age). Twelve patients had no discomfort in their respiratory tracts. Three months after be-ing enrolled, the pulmonary functions of all children improved, especially in terms of tidal volume and respiratory compliance (P<0.05). Conclusions The abnormal respiratory symptoms and signs in most children disap-peared three months after discharge. Most survivors still have pulmonary dysfunction at 3 monthes after discharge, but better than discharge.  相似文献   
Objective To study the pulmonary functions of pediatric ALI/ARDS(acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome) survivors. Method A prospective cohort study of all survivors of ALI/ARDS in the PICU of Beijing Children's Hospital was performed. Patients were divided into three groups(0-3 years of age,3 ~ 7 years of age, and over 7 years of age) and followed up three months after diagnosis. Results There were 36 survivors in total of 44 ALl patients, three patients lost follow-up, 12 died and 21 survived. Five survivors refused to participate in the study because of asymptomatic, and one was unable to participate because of lymphoma com-bined with sepsis. A total of 15 children completed the whole survey (11 patients were less than 3 years old, andfour were over 7 years of age). Twelve patients had no discomfort in their respiratory tracts. Three months after be-ing enrolled, the pulmonary functions of all children improved, especially in terms of tidal volume and respiratory compliance (P<0.05). Conclusions The abnormal respiratory symptoms and signs in most children disap-peared three months after discharge. Most survivors still have pulmonary dysfunction at 3 monthes after discharge, but better than discharge.  相似文献   
Objective To study the pulmonary functions of pediatric ALI/ARDS(acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome) survivors. Method A prospective cohort study of all survivors of ALI/ARDS in the PICU of Beijing Children's Hospital was performed. Patients were divided into three groups(0-3 years of age,3 ~ 7 years of age, and over 7 years of age) and followed up three months after diagnosis. Results There were 36 survivors in total of 44 ALl patients, three patients lost follow-up, 12 died and 21 survived. Five survivors refused to participate in the study because of asymptomatic, and one was unable to participate because of lymphoma com-bined with sepsis. A total of 15 children completed the whole survey (11 patients were less than 3 years old, andfour were over 7 years of age). Twelve patients had no discomfort in their respiratory tracts. Three months after be-ing enrolled, the pulmonary functions of all children improved, especially in terms of tidal volume and respiratory compliance (P<0.05). Conclusions The abnormal respiratory symptoms and signs in most children disap-peared three months after discharge. Most survivors still have pulmonary dysfunction at 3 monthes after discharge, but better than discharge.  相似文献   
烧伤患儿营养支持的目的是在烧伤后的炎症反应状态下提供代谢支持,并适应内外科治疗措施的需求,涉及多层面、多学科。烧伤导致的炎症反应常伴有代谢紊乱,对患儿进行营养评估,确定营养素的需求量常常非常困难。营养支持的实施应根据肠内或肠外营养安全性的评估谨慎选择营养支持的方式,并根据其严重程度及对治疗的反应确定营养素的供给量。  相似文献   
作为肠外营养的重要组成部分,脂肪乳剂具有避免必需脂肪酸缺乏和作为高密度能量来源的作用。选择脂肪乳剂非常复杂,主要是因为不同的脂肪乳剂由不同的脂肪酸构成,可通过不同途径改变机体的免疫反应。同时其生物化学特性不同,对炎症反应有明显影响。应依据患者的代谢状态选择脂肪酸的类型和脂肪乳剂的供给量。越来越多的证据提示,对处于高代谢状态的危重患者,应避免使用以大豆油为原料的标准脂肪乳剂,而选择含中链甘油三酯、橄榄油或鱼油的脂肪乳剂,以减少具有促进炎症反应和免疫抑制作用的ω-6多不饱和脂肪酸的比例。尽管目前证据尚不足以作出对某种脂肪乳剂的特殊推荐意见,但作为二十碳五烯酸和二十二碳六烯酸的来源,含鱼油的脂肪乳剂能更好地调节免疫反应,对减少危重患者住ICU时间有重要作用。  相似文献   
脓毒症是机体对感染反应失调而引起的危及生命的器官功能障碍。目前临床上尚无针对脓毒症炎性反应的确切对症治疗方法。血液净化治疗通过非特异性清除内毒素和(或)炎症介质而发挥免疫调理作用,显示出良好的应用前景。然而目前多数有关血液净化治疗脓毒症的研究结果并未显示其可以明显改善患者预后。该文就脓毒症血液净化免疫调节机制及不同血液净化方法利弊的研究进展进行介绍。  相似文献   
发热是儿童最常见症状,也是儿科门诊特别是急诊最常见的主诉,但在临床实践中,发热时如何使用解热镇痛药还存在一些问题,如发热儿童何时使用解热镇痛药,如何正确使用,在一些疾病或状态下如何使用,解热镇痛药的不良反应及处理等。为了规范解热镇痛药在发热患儿中的合理使用,国家呼吸系统疾病临床医学研究中心和中华医学会儿科学分会呼吸学组等学术机构组织相关专家撰写了本专家共识(解热镇痛药无效的发热,不在本文的范围内)。  相似文献   
贫血是危重症患儿常见表现, 红细胞(red blood cell, RBC)输注是儿科重症监护病房(pediatric intensive care unit, PICU)常用治疗手段, 在挽救患儿生命的同时, 也带来输血相关性严重危害。为促进危重症患儿合理输注RBC,降低输血相关的严重危害, 儿科重症监护输血和贫血专家倡议(transfusion and anemia expertise initiative, TAXI)专家组制订了危重症儿童RBC输注的专家共识。共识由12篇独立文章组成, 包括共识推荐意见汇总1篇, 涉及一般危重症、 呼吸衰竭、 非失血性休克、 非危及生命的出血或失血性休克、 急性脑损伤、 获得性/先天性心脏病、 血液系统和肿瘤性疾病、 体外膜氧合/心室辅助装置/肾脏替代支持治疗共9类特殊人群的RBC输注的专家共识8篇, RBC的选择和处理、 专家共识制订方法及共识应用的共识各1篇; 包括102项推荐意见, 其中57项为临床推荐意见(20项基于循证医学证据, 37项基于专家共识), 45项为对相关研究的推荐意见。该文仅介绍临床推荐意见。  相似文献   
儿童社区获得性铜绿假单胞菌脓毒症虽不常见,但常常致命。发热、腹泻、呼吸困难、呼吸急促是最常见的早期症状,皮肤坏疽性深脓疱是其特征性皮肤表现。合并休克、呼吸衰竭、多器官功能障碍和初始抗生素治疗不当是死亡的风险因素。早期诊断的关键是及早进行血培养和识别特征性皮疹。对可疑病例,初始抗生素治疗应覆盖铜绿假单胞菌。  相似文献   
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