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Patients with acute (2,569) and chronic (957) leukemia diagnosedat 19 institutes took part in the study on the "MultidisciplinaryTreatment of Leukemia" between 1971 and 1985 and were investigatedretrospectively. By dividing the 15 years into three five-yearperiods, we were able to compare patient ratios in the differentperiods. The proportions of acute to chronic leukemia casesshowed no obvious change; however, the proportions of casesdiagnosed as acute lymphocytic leukemia in acute leukemia showeda significant increase. The main chemotherapeutic drugs usedduring the three time periods were cytarabine or its analogues,the anthracyclines, 6-mercaputopurine and prednisolone, againstacute myelogenous leukemia, and the vinca alkaloids, prednisoloneand the anthracyclines against acute lymphocytic leukemia. Therate of complete remission from acute myelogenous leukemia mademarked progress, from 45.1% during 1971–1975 to 62.3%during 1981–1985, but that of acute lymphocytic leukemiashowed no significant progress, being 65% during 1971–1975and 69.7% during 1981–1985. The durations of remission,however, and the survival times for patients with acute lymphocyticleukemia, as well as for those with acute myelogenous leukemia,became significantly longer over the three periods. Median survivaltimes from chronic myelocytic leukemia were 37–40 mo inall three periods, showing no progress. There was a better prognosisin cases of chronic myelocytic leukemia with, than without,Philadelphia chromosome. Except for a low incidence of chroniclymphocytic leukemia in Japan, adult leukemia patients' characteristicsand prognoses seem to be almost the same in Japan as in theU.S.A. and Europe.  相似文献   
A 66-year-old man with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) showed marked thrombocytosis (110.7 x 10(4)/microl). Bone marrow (BM) aspirates demonstrated an increase of mature megakaryocytes (MgK). The serum thrombopoietin (TPO) level was increased to about 100-fold that of the normal level in the terminal stage. However, the platelet count gradually decreased to 13.5 x 10(4)/microl. The autopsy specimen revealed normoplastic BM with decreased MgK, mainly consisting of the immature type, and it was negative for tumor cells. Liver specimen showed markedly fatty metamorphosis. Immunohistochemical staining of TPO demonstrated that hepatocytes were weakly stained and HCC cells strongly stained, suggesting TPO-producing HCC.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to assess the quality of oral health record-keeping in public oral health care in relation to dentists' characteristics. A random computerized selection of 239 subjects, born in 1966-71 and clinically examined during 1994 in an administrative unit of the public oral health service in southern Finland, included 4-5 cases per dentist, the number of dentists being 50. Data concerning actual clinical examinations and treatment courses carried out in public dental clinics came from original oral health records. Criteria for assessment of oral health record entries were based on Finnish health legislation and detailed instructions of health authorities. The results showed that each patient's identity was available in 90% of documents. Recordings concerning continuity of comprehensive care were infrequent; a questionnaire concerning each patient's up-to-date health history was in only 26% of the oral health records. Notes concerning each patient's bite and function of the temporomandibular joint were in 37% of the records, notes about oral soft tissues were in 11%, and the check-up interval was recorded in 21%. Recording of indices on periodontal and dental status varied greatly; the community periodontal index of treatment need was found in 93% and the index of incipient lesions in 16% of the records. Female dentists and dentists younger than 37 years tended to record more information. Dentists should be encouraged to better utilize the options offered by oral health records for individual treatment schemes.  相似文献   
Objective. To associate self-assessed oral health and treatment need with clinically determined findings. Materials and methods. As part of the Finnish nationwide comprehensive Health 2000 Survey, the present cross-sectional study included dentate participants aged 30–64 years who self-assessed their oral health and treatment need in an interview and who underwent a clinical oral health examination (n = 4385). Self-assessed oral health and treatment need were used as subjective indicators. Clinically determined dental and periodontal status described objective dental and periodontal health and treatment need. The evaluation of relationships between subjective and objective findings was based on two-by-two tables and multivariate analyses. Results. The better the self-assessed oral health, the better the objective dental and periodontal health. Those reporting need for treatment more often had the objective need in terms of dental or periodontal treatment, also when controlling for background factors. Of the subjective indicators, good self-assessed oral health best reflected the absence of clinically determined dental or periodontal treatment need. Those who reported a need for treatment were mainly adults with an objective dental and periodontal treatment need. Conclusions. Self-assessed good oral health is a fairly good estimate for the absence of clinically determined dental and periodontal treatment need. As implication for practice, self-assessed data could be used for screening purposes for oral health service planning and for priority allocation in large adult populations.  相似文献   
Fourteen patients with high-risk leukemia (six with relapsed AML, three with relapsed ALL, one with AML-M0, four with CML in myeloid blastic crisis) were treated with a combination chemotherapy of carboplatin (200–300 mg/m2/day) and cytosine arabinoside (100 mg/m2/day) by 24 h continuous infusion for 5–7 days. Five patients (35.7%) achieved complete remission including two patients complicated with myelofibrosis (one with AML-M0 and one with CML in myelo-megakaryocytic crisis). Thirteen patients had nausea and vomiting, five patients had severe, prolonged neutropenia for which it was necessary to administer granulocyte colony-stimulating factor and six patients had severe thrombocytopenia. We concluded that this regimen is effective for the treatment of high-risk leukemia.  相似文献   
Tec protein-tyrosine kinase (PTK) is the prototype of a new subfamily of non-receptor type PTKs, and is abundantly expressed in hematopoietic tissues. We have revealed that Tec is inducibly tyrosine-phosphorylated and activated by stimulation with a wide range of cytokines. To get more insight into the signaling mechanism through Tec, we have generated a constitutively active form of Tec PTK. Deletion of the Src homology (SH) 3 domain gave rise to a hyperphosphorylated and activated Tec kinase (TecΔSH3). The activity of TecΔSH3 was confirmed in 293 cells, as well as in cytokine-dependent hematopoietic cells (BA/F3). TecΔSH3 should be a useful tool to study the in vivo substrates of Tec PTK.  相似文献   
In order to study the role of CD34+ cells in hematological recovery following bone marrow transplantation (BMT), bone marrow cells stained with HPCA-1 (CD34) and MY-9 (CD33) monoclonal antibodies were analyzed by using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter on or about days 14 and 28, as well as at later times, following BMT in 6 recipients. Single cell cultures of CD34+ cells were also performed to evaluate their in vitro hematopoietic function. CD34+ cells were detectable in bone marrow cells on day 14. More than 80% of CD34+ cells co-expressed the CD33 antigen, and macrophage (Mac) colony-forming cells predominated among total colony-forming cells of CD34+ cells. In normal bone marrow cells, CD34+, CD33+ cells amounted to about 40% of CD34+ cells, and the incidences of erythroid bursts, granulocyte/macrophage (GM) colonies, and Mac colonies were similar to each other. After more than 10 weeks, CD34+, CD33 cells gradually recovered, as erythroid burst colony-forming cells increased following GM colony-forming cells. This phenomenon was well-correlated with the time course of peripheral blood cell recovery. CD34+, CD33+ cells as committed progenitors and CD34+, CD33 cells as multipotent stem cells have distinctive biological behaviors in BMT.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: Our aim was to evaluate the association between dental attendance and dental fear while considering the simultaneous effects of perceived oral health and treatment need, satisfaction with oral health services, age, gender, marital status, and attained level of education. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The two-stage stratified cluster sample (n=8028) represented Finnish adults aged 30 years and older. The response rate to this nationwide sample was 88%. Dental fear was measured with the question: "How afraid are you of visiting a dentist?" Multiple logistic regression analyses were used to determine the association between dental fear and dental attendance, including the following independent variables: perceived oral health, perceived treatment need, satisfaction with oral health services, age, gender, marital status, and attained level of education. RESULTS: Among all ages, except 30 to 34-year-olds, irregular attenders were more likely to be very afraid of visiting a dentist than regular attenders were. The association was stronger the older the age group. Only age modified the association between dental fear and attendance. Irregular dental attendance can be attributed to high dental fear (etiologic fraction among exposed) in 41% of cases. CONCLUSION: Reducing dental fear would increase the number of regular attenders, especially among older age groups. Individuals for whom oral health services have been provided regularly since childhood seem to continue to use these services regularly despite high dental fear.  相似文献   
In May 2000, a questionnaire-based survey was targeted at all Mongolian dentists practising in the capital city of Mongolia in May 2000 with the aim of evaluating attendance at and the self-perceived need for continuing education (CE) in relation to their background characteristics and to their attitude towards CE. The response rate was 98% (n = 245), with 38% of the dentists reporting a CE learning opportunity in at least one of the clinical disciplines of dentistry during the 2 years prior to the survey. A need for CE in at least one of the disciplines was perceived by 58%. A dentist's field of practice and attitude towards CE were the significant factors for attendance, whereas length of working experience, field of practice, holding a postgraduate degree, and having attended CE courses were significant factors for perceiving a need for CE, when controlling for all other variables in the logistic regression analyses (P < 0.05). There seems to be a need for an increased attendance at CE courses among the dentists and a need for preparing them to have a positive attitude towards CE. On the other hand, creating an organized CE system which produces courses for dental practitioners, based on their need, will be at present a challenge for the Mongolian dental profession.  相似文献   
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