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In a human in-vitro fertilization (IVF) programme, the effect of co- culture of embryos with human fibroblasts was evaluated with respect to pregnancy rate and embryo development. Patients were included in the study after giving informed written consent. The IVF treatments were randomly assigned by stratification of both age (<36 versus > or =36 years) and previous IVF attempts (yes versus no). After fertilization was established, the zygotes were transferred to a 4-well dish with or without fibroblasts and cultured for 2 days. On the third day after ovum pick-up (OPU), cell number and quality [5 (good) to 1 (poor)] of the embryos were scored and a maximum of three embryos was transferred. Supernumerary embryos of good quality were cryopreserved. The design of this study was a group sequential trial with the objective of detecting differences between pregnancy rates following IVF with conventional incubation or incubation in co-culture with fibroblasts. This design included one evaluation at half-way data collection. In the study, 148 patients had an OPU, of whom 77 were allocated to the co-culture group. There was no statistically significant difference in pregnancy rate, cell number and embryo quality between the two groups. The ongoing pregnancy rate per embryo transfer was 27% in co-culture and 30% in the conventional culture group. The implantation rates per transferred embryo were 17 and 18% respectively. Using a multivariate logistic regression model for the probability of ongoing pregnancies, the odds ratio of co-culture, adjusted for age and previous IVF attempts, was not statistically significant. In conclusion, co-culture with human fibroblasts does not contribute to an improvement of embryo quality nor to a higher pregnancy rate after IVF in an unselected group of patients.   相似文献   
The latest remarkable technological advances in assisted reproduction, which enable cryopreservation of spermatozoa, embryos and ovarian tissue, raise difficult and debatable legal, social, ethical and moral issues concerning the right to posthumous reproduction. Furthermore, reports on the attitudes of the general public and of centres licensed for infertility treatment in the United Kingdom found that the majority of women and centres support the idea of posthumous reproduction. In this paper we review the data published on this issue, and after considering the various aspects, we conclude that each case should be discussed and authorized by a multidisciplinary committee that includes physicians, clergy, psychiatrists, psychologists, sociologists and other appropriate parties. In our opinion, the main principles that should guide this committee would allow posthumous reproduction in the context of marriage when a prior consent exists. For unmarried persons, post-mortem donation of gametes should be done only anonymously, if they are in agreement with existing laws concerning infertility treatments in every country and after appropriate consent and proper counselling. Moreover, any case which involves consanguinity or a possibility of incest should be forbidden, both for ethical and genetic reasons. In a case of pre-existing siblings, they should be consulted and their informed consent should be granted in advance so as to avoid legal problems in the inheritance of property.   相似文献   
Summary The authors report the results of a series of dissections and anatomic sections of the fronto-basal region of the brain and of the anterior cranial fossa in human cadavers. The constant presence of an arachnoidal cistern above the olfactory nerve was verified. The arachnoid separates from the pial membrane and forms a bridge with the ventral part of the olfactory bulb and tract, from the lateral edge of the olfactory sulcus to the medial edge of the gyrus rectus. The cistern is wide in its anterior portion, between the gyrus rectus and the olfactory bulb, and is reduced to a virtual slit in its posterior portion where the tract is lodged in the olfactory sulcus. The olfactory nerve can be separated without damaging fronto-basal arachnoidial adhesions over several centimeters. Dissection of this region after intravascular injection of colored media shows the constant presence of an artery destined to the olfactory bulb and tract. It originates either from the lateral surface of the anterior cerebral a. (segment A2), or from the medial fronto-basal a., and consistently provides terminal branches in front of the olfactory trigone in the medial olfactory sulcus. At their ventral extremity, the olfactory structures are therefore vascularised independently for several centimeters, from the lower face of the frontal lobe. The independent vascularisation of the olfactory nerve, the tenuous and easily detachable adhesions, and the actual presence of a true arachnoidal cistern all contribute to enabling surgical techniques which conserve olfactory function during anterior approaches.
Vascularisation du nerf olfactif. Rapports méningés et applications chirurgicales
Résumé Les auteurs rapportent les résultats d'une série de dissections et de coupes de la région fronto-basale de l'encéphale et de la fosse crânienne antérieure sur sujets cadavériques. La présence constante d'une citerne arachnoïdienne au dessus du n. olfactif a été vérifiée. L'arachnoïde se sépare du feuillet pial et passe en pont à la partie ventrale du bulbe et du tractus olfactifs, du bord latéral du sillon olfactif au bord médial du gyrus rectus. La citerne est large dans sa portion antérieure, entre le gyrus rectus et le bulbe olfactif, se réduit à une fente virtuelle postérieure lorsque le tractus se loge dans le sillon olfactif. Le n. olfactif peut être séparé sans dommage des adhérences arachnoïdiennes fronto-basales sur quelques centimètres. La dissection de cette région, après injection intravasculaire de masses colorées montre, de façon originale, la présence constante d'une artère destinée au tractus et au bulbe olfactifs. Elle naît soit de la face latérale de l'a. cérébrale antérieure (segment A2), soit de l'a. fronto-basale médiale, pour donner ses branches terminales toujours en avant du trigone olfactif dans le sillon orbitaire médial. Sur quelques centimètres à leur extrémité ventrale, les structures olfactives ont donc une vascularisation indépendante de la face inférieure du lobe frontal. L'indépendance vasculaire du n. olfactif, des adhérences ténues, facilement détachables, et la réalité vérifiée d'une véritable citerne arachnoïdienne permettent d'imaginer des techniques conservatrices de la fonction olfactive utilisées dans plusieurs indications de la chirurgie de la fosse crânienne antérieure.
Modified muscle use can result in muscle inflammation that is triggered by unidentified events. In the present investigation, we tested whether the activation of the complement system is a component of muscle inflammation that results from changes in muscle loading. Modified rat hindlimb muscle loading was achieved by removing weight-bearing from the hindlimbs for 10 days followed by reloading through normal ambulation. Experimental animals were injected with the recombinant, soluble complement receptor sCR1 to inhibit complement activation. Assays for complement C4 or factor B in sera showed that sCR1 produced large reductions in the capacity for activation of the complement system through both the classical and alternative pathways. Analysis of complement C4 concentration in serum in untreated animals showed that the classical pathway was activated during the first 2 hours of reloading. Analysis of factor B concentration in untreated animals showed activation of the alternative pathway at 6 hours of reloading. Administration of sCR1 significantly attenuated the invasion of neutrophils (-49%) and ED1(+) macrophages (-52%) that occurred in nontreated animals after 6 hours of reloading. The presence of sCR1 also reduced significantly the degree of edema by 22% as compared to untreated animals. Together, these data show that increased muscle loading activated the complement system which then briefly contributes to the early recruitment of inflammatory cells during modified muscle loading.  相似文献   
Summary The development of the layer of connective tissue between ventricular epicardium and myocardium was studied during chick morphogenesis using electron microscopy, light microscopy and immunohistochemical techniques. This layer, called the subepicardium, increases rapidly in volume from embryonic day 6 to 11 (E6–E11) during mesenchymal cell invasion. Fibrous, matrix components are initially apparent at E11 to E16, and as fibrous connective tissue structures accumulate, subepicardial volume decreases. Antibody labeling shows that fibronectin is an early, prominent constituent of the subepicardium, and by E8, the subepicardium is the cardiac site most enriched in fibronectin. Collagen type III is present in circumferentially-oriented fibers at E8. During subsequent cardiac growth, collagen type III fibers become broadly distributed in the subepicardium, with some fibers appearing to attach myocardium to epicardium. Collagen type I fibers are not apparent until E10. At E12 collagen type I fibers are distributed circumferentially around the heart in bundles crimped into waves of low amplitude. Other collagen type I fibers are oriented radially in the subepicardium. During late cardiac morphogenesis and in fully-differentiated hearts, fibronectin and collagen types I and III are more concentrated in the subepicardium than within the myocardium. These observations suggest that the composition and organization of the subepicardial connective tissue may make important contributions to cardiac mechanics from the latter half of embryonic development through adulthood.  相似文献   
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