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A total of 594 flat colorectal polyps, removed at endoscopy, were histologically classified into non-neoplastic (n=49) and neoplastic (n=545) polyps. Non-neoplastic polyps were subdivided into metaplastic (n=45) and hyperplastic (n=4), whereas neoplastic polyps were subdivided into adenomas (n=481), intramucosal carcinomas (n=28) and invasive adenocarcinomas (n=36). Several adenoma phenotypes were discerned: tubular (n=375), serrated (n=59), villous (n=39), mixed (n=7) and fenestrated (n=1). Intramucosal carcinomas were subdivided into tubular (n=26) and serrated (n=2), and invasive adenocarcinomas into tubular (n=32), serrated (n=3) and fenestrated (n=1). The microscopic characteristics of each histologic phenotype described in this communication are defined and illustrated.  相似文献   
Two flat adenomas and a flat mucosal carcinoma of the colon were reported in patients with synchronous and metachronous colonic carcinomas. These lesions were almost flat and were not detected by preoperative endoscopic examinations. Colonoscopists should be aware of the presence of flat adenomas, which can be easily missed, and recognize them as lesions that play an important role in the "adenoma-carcinoma sequence."  相似文献   
Angiogenesis inhibitors are receiving increased attention as cancer therapeutics, but little is known of the cellular effects of these inhibitors on tumor vessels. We sought to determine whether two agents, AG013736 and VEGF-Trap, that inhibit vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signaling, merely stop angiogenesis or cause regression of existing tumor vessels. Here, we report that treatment with these inhibitors caused robust and early changes in endothelial cells, pericytes, and basement membrane of vessels in spontaneous islet-cell tumors of RIP-Tag2 transgenic mice and in subcutaneously implanted Lewis lung carcinomas. Strikingly, within 24 hours, endothelial fenestrations in RIP-Tag2 tumors disappeared, vascular sprouting was suppressed, and patency and blood flow ceased in some vessels. By 7 days, vascular density decreased more than 70%, and VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3 expression was reduced in surviving endothelial cells. Vessels in Lewis lung tumors, which lacked endothelial fenestrations, showed less regression. In both tumors, pericytes did not degenerate to the same extent as endothelial cells, and those on surviving tumor vessels acquired a more normal phenotype. Vascular basement membrane persisted after endothelial cells degenerated, providing a ghost-like record of pretreatment vessel number and location and a potential scaffold for vessel regrowth. The potent anti-vascular action observed is evidence that VEGF signaling inhibitors do more than stop angiogenesis. Early loss of endothelial fenestrations in RIP-Tag2 tumors is a clue that vessel phenotype may be predictive of exceptional sensitivity to these inhibitors.  相似文献   
Claudins are integral membrane proteins at tight junctions (TJs) and form TJ strands. In the present study, we found that claudin‐7 was localized along the entire lateral membranes of epididymal epithelium, including the apical junctional region throughout the epididymis, but claudin‐8 was restricted to the apical junctional region. This finding raises the possibility that aberrant TJ strands may be formed on lateral membranes. Thus, we focused on examining whether TJ strands exist on lateral membranes of epididymal epithelium. Freeze‐fracture electron microscopy showed that aberrant TJ strands were observed in only a few principal cells in all segments of the epididymis except for the initial segment, indicating that the occurrence of aberrant strands is very rare. Aberrant TJ strands were smooth and not subdivided into individual particles in the protoplasmic face, and complementary grooves in the extracellular face were almost free of particles. Aberrant TJ strands in the distal caput and corpus epididymis were accompanied by many vesicle‐like structures but those in the proximal caput and cauda epididymis were not. These results suggest that most of claudin‐7 in lateral membranes may exist in a nonpolymerized form and may play some different roles other than the formation of TJ strands, for example, in the formation of a pool of claudin proteins or in the reinforcement of cell adhesion. Anat Rec, 1431‐1438, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
A 63-year-old man was referred to our department for treatment of intermittent claudication in the right lower limb. The preoperative angiogram showed severe stenosis extending from the terminal aorta to the bilateral common femoral arteries, with occlusion of the right superficial femoral artery and the left popliteal artery. He underwent aortobifemoral bypass with thromboendarterectomy of the left common femoral artery, and right graft-popliteal artery bypass. The patient had an uneventful postoperative course; however, 14 days after the operation, a pulsatile mass suddenly appeared in the left groin. Emergency surgery revealed disruption of the left distal anastomosis of the aortobifemoral bypass and therefore, revision, in the form of graft-profunda femoris artery interposition with graft-superficial femoral artery bypass, was performed. Microscopic examination showed colonies of bacteria in the host artery adventitia adjacent to the anastomosis. Culture of the discharge from the right groin operative scar revealed methicillin-resistantStaphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The discharge resolved following the intravenous administration of vancomycin and the local application of vancomycin ointment. There were no operative complications other than the MRSA infection, and the patient was discharged 20 days after revision surgery. In the 14 months since the revision, all grafts have remained patent and there have been no further symptoms of graft infection.  相似文献   
Substance P containing nerve fibers in rectal mucosa of ulcerative colitis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The intestine is rich in peptidergic innervation, which modulates mucosal immune responses. Among neuropeptides, substance P (SubP) has received considerable attention for stimulatory effects on various immunocytes in inflammatory diseases. In our prior study, we demonstrated increased innervation of SubP containing nerve fibers (SubP fibers) in ulcerative colitis (UC) surgically resected colonic specimens. In the present study, we examined the alterations of SubP fibers among various subgroups of UC, divided according to clinicopathologic features. METHODS: Distribution of SubP fibers were examined immunohistochemically in the rectal biopsy specimens of UC. The UC group was further divided into subgroups according to six clinicopathologic parameters. The linear density of SubP fibers was measured by digitalized morphometry for quantitative analysis. RESULTS: Multivariate analysis revealed significant correlations between linear density of SubP fibers vs.activity of diseases and total dose of prednisolone. Linear density was significantly increased in active cases of UC (active UC, 22.6±1.6 μm/1,000 μm 2;vs.inactive UC, 12.2±0.8 μm/1,000 μm 2;P<0.01). Furthermore, the increase was pronounced in cases that showed persistent inflammation and, accordingly, needed a high dose or continuous administration of prednisolone. CONCLUSION: Alterations in SubP fibers appear to play an important role in the pathogenesis of UC.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: To clarify the relation between tumor-suppressor gene p53 expression and histologic grades of dysplasia in colorectal adenomas, we performed immunohistochemical analysis in a series of 59 colorectal polyps and 40 advanced carcinomas. METHODS: Adenomatous polyps were stained by hematoxylin and eosin and classified into mild, moderate, and severe dysplasia (intramucosal carcinoma), according to the World Health Organization's classification. RESULTS: p53 was positive in 7.1 percent (2/28) of mild, 29.4 percent (5/17) of moderate, and 62.5 percent (5/8) of severe dysplasia. In submucosal and advanced carcinomas, positivity rates were 75 percent (3/4) and 47.5 percent (19/40), respectively. Different staining patterns were found, according to grades of dysplasia. In the adenomas with mild or moderate dysplasia, a few focal crypts showed localized p53-positive staining. Adenomas with severe dysplasia had two different staining types. One was a focal staining type as shown in mild or moderate dysplasia; the other was a diffuse staining type, in which glands with mild or moderate dysplasia, surrounding severe dysplasia area, were also stained. Submucosal and advanced carcinomas showed a strong positive staining in cancer cells only. CONCLUSIONS: Overexpression of p53 protein in adenomas with mild or moderate dysplasia and existence of two types of expression in adenomas with severe dysplasia were observed. These facts suggested the possible existence of different pathways in the adenoma to carcinoma progression.  相似文献   
We present the autopsy case of an 82-year-old Japanese woman with a mucin-producing adenoma accompanied by pancreas divisum and a hepatic hilar carcinoma. She had suffered from a cholangiocellular carcinoma at the hepatic hilus for 2 months, which was treated with radiation and chemotherapy. She did not complain of any abdominal pain. Obstructive jaundice deteriorated despite percutaneous transhepatic bile duct drainage, and she died of hepatic insufficiency. At autopsy, a hepatic tumor was confirmed to have caused severe obstructive jaundice. Histological examinations showed moderately to poorly differentiated cholangiocellular adenocarcinoma with squamous metaplasia, probably due to radiation. A yellowish mucinous tumor was found in the head of the pancreas near the minor papilla. It consisted of multiple rice-sized cystic lesions with thin septa. Although it had no capsule, its margin was clear. Neither a wide opening of the major or minor papilla nor mucous drainage was observed. Gross examinations revealed unfused pancreatic ducts. The slightly dilated dorsal duct and a branch of the mildly dilatated ventral duct showed tumor involvement. Histological examinations showed mild atypia of the epithelia, and this pancreatic tumor was diagnosed as branch duct-type mucin-producing adenoma with postradiation dysplasia. The combination of a mucin-producing tumor and pancreas divisum is rare, and this is only the third reported case.  相似文献   
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