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Background: Research suggests environmental contaminants can impact metabolic health; however, high costs prohibit in vivo screening of putative metabolic disruptors. High-throughput screening programs, such as ToxCast, hold promise to reduce testing gaps and prioritize higher-order (in vivo) testing.Objectives: We sought to a) examine the concordance of in vitro testing in 3T3-L1 cells to a targeted literature review for 38 semivolatile environmental chemicals, and b) assess the predictive utility of various expert models using ToxCast data against the set of 38 reference chemicals.Methods: Using a set of 38 chemicals with previously published results in 3T3-L1 cells, we performed a metabolism-targeted literature review to determine consensus activity determinations. To assess ToxCast predictive utility, we used two published ToxPi models: a) the 8-Slice model published by Janesick et al. (2016) and b) the 5-Slice model published by Auerbach et al. (2016). We examined the performance of the two models against the Janesick in vitro results and our own 38-chemical reference set. We further evaluated the predictive performance of various modifications to these models using cytotoxicity filtering approaches and validated our best-performing model with new chemical testing in 3T3-L1 cells.Results: The literature review revealed relevant publications for 30 out of the 38 chemicals (the remaining 8 chemicals were only examined in our previous 3T3-L1 testing). We observed a balanced accuracy (average of sensitivity and specificity) of 0.86 comparing our previous in vitro results to the literature-derived calls. ToxPi models provided balanced accuracies ranging from 0.55 to 0.88, depending on the model specifications and reference set. Validation chemical testing correctly predicted 29 of 30 chemicals as per 3T3-L1 testing, suggesting good adipogenic prediction performance for our best adapted model.Discussion: Using the most recent ToxCast data and an updated ToxPi model, we found ToxCast performed similarly to that of our own 3T3-L1 testing in predicting consensus calls. Furthermore, we provide the full ranked list of largely untested chemicals with ToxPi scores that predict adipogenic activity and that require further investigation. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP6779  相似文献   
Although membrane sphingomyelin (SPH) serves as the precursor for many signaling molecules, its presence in large amounts, and its specific localization in the outer monolayer of the plasma membrane suggest that it may have a cytoprotective function. We propose that SPH helps maintain the integrity of the plasma membrane by protecting phosphatidylcholine (PC) against oxidative damage and phospholipase degradation. Since it contains mostly saturated longchain hydrocarbon groups, we postulate that SPH impedes the lateral propagation of the lipid peroxides by decreasing membrane fluidity, while also acting as an 'insulating' molecule. By virtue of its structural similarity to PC, it acts as a competitive inhibitor of the phospholipases, which may otherwise hydrolyze PC excessively. Because phospholipase reaction is the rate-limiting step in eicosanoid synthesis, SPH may serve as an endogenous anti-inflammatory molecule.  相似文献   
Injection of amniotic fluid stem cells ameliorates the acute phase of acute tubular necrosis in animals by promoting proliferation of injured tubular cells and decreasing apoptosis, but whether these stem cells could be of benefit in CKD is unknown. Here, we used a mouse model of Alport syndrome, Col4a5(-/-) mice, to determine whether amniotic fluid stem cells could modify the course of progressive renal fibrosis. Intracardiac administration of amniotic fluid stem cells before the onset of proteinuria delayed interstitial fibrosis and progression of glomerular sclerosis, prolonged animal survival, and ameliorated the decline in kidney function. Treated animals exhibited decreased recruitment and activation of M1-type macrophages and a higher proportion of M2-type macrophages, which promote tissue remodeling. Amniotic fluid stem cells did not differentiate into podocyte-like cells and did not stimulate production of the collagen IVa5 needed for normal formation and function of the glomerular basement membrane. Instead, the mechanism of renal protection was probably the paracrine/endocrine modulation of both profibrotic cytokine expression and recruitment of macrophages to the interstitial space. Furthermore, injected mice retained a normal number of podocytes and had better integrity of the glomerular basement membrane compared with untreated Col4a5(-/-) mice. Inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system by amniotic fluid stem cells may contribute to these beneficial effects. In conclusion, treatment with amniotic fluid stem cells may be beneficial in kidney diseases characterized by progressive renal fibrosis.  相似文献   
Alveolar epithelial integrity is dependent upon the alveolar milieu, yet the milieu of the damaged alveolar epithelial cell type 2 (AEC2) has been little studied. Characterization of its components may offer the potential for ex vivo manipulation of stem cells to optimize their therapeutic potential. We examined the cytokine profile of AEC2 damage milieu, hypothesizing that it would promote endogenous epithelial repair while recruiting cells from other locations and instructing their engraftment and differentiation. Bronchoalveolar lavage and lung extract from hyperoxic rats represented AEC2 in vivo damage milieu, and medium from a scratch-damaged AEC2 monolayer represented in vitro damage. CINC-2 and ICAM, the major cytokines detected by proteomic cytokine array in AEC2 damage milieu, were chemoattractive to normoxic AECs and expedited in vitro wound healing, which was blocked by their respective neutralizing antibodies. The AEC2 damage milieu was also chemotactic for exogenous uncommitted human amniotic fluid stem cells (hAFSCs), increasing migration greater than 20-fold. hAFSCs attached within an in vitro AEC2 wound and expedited wound repair by contributing cytokines migration inhibitory factor and plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 to the AEC2 damage milieu, which promoted wound healing. The AEC2 damage milieu also promoted differentiation of a subpopulation of hAFSCs to express SPC, TTF-1, and ABCA3, phenotypic markers of distal alveolar epithelium. Thus, the microenvironment created by AEC2 damage not only promotes autocrine repair but also can attract uncommitted stem cells, which further augment healing through cytokine secretion and differentiation.  相似文献   
A rising number of patients with acute and chronic renal failure worldwide have created urgency for clinicians and investigators to search out alternative therapies other than chronic renal dialysis and/or organ transplantation. This review focuses on the recent achievements in this area, and discusses the various approaches in the development of bioengineering of renal tissue including recent discoveries in the field of regenerative medicine research and stem cells. A variety of stem cells, ranging from embryonic, bone marrow, endogenous, and amniotic fluid, have been investigated and may prove useful as novel alternatives for organ regeneration both in vitro and in vivo. Tissue engineering, developmental biology, and therapeutic cloning techniques have significantly contributed to our understanding of some of the molecular mechanisms involved in renal regeneration and have demonstrated that renal tissue can be generated de novo with similar physiologic functions as native tissue. Ultimately all of these emerging technologies may provide viable therapeutic options for regenerative medicine applications focused on the bioengineering of renal tissue for the future.  相似文献   
Plesiadapiforms are central to studies of the origin and evolution of primates and other euarchontan mammals (tree shrews and flying lemurs). We report results from a comprehensive cladistic analysis using cranial, postcranial, and dental evidence including data from recently discovered Paleocene plesiadapiform skeletons (Ignacius clarkforkensis sp. nov.; Dryomomys szalayi, gen. et sp. nov.), and the most plesiomorphic extant tree shrew, Ptilocercus lowii. Our results, based on the fossil record, unambiguously place plesiadapiforms with Euprimates and indicate that the divergence of Primates (sensu lato) from other euarchontans likely occurred before or just after the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary (65 Mya), notably later than logistical model and molecular estimates. Anatomical features associated with specialized pedal grasping (including a nail on the hallux) and a petrosal bulla likely evolved in the common ancestor of Plesiadapoidea and Euprimates (Euprimateformes) by 62 Mya in either Asia or North America. Our results are consistent with those from recent molecular analyses that group Dermoptera with Scandentia. We find no evidence to support the hypothesis that any plesiadapiforms were mitten-gliders or closely related to Dermoptera.  相似文献   
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