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Although natural family planning (NFP) is a form of contraception without ostensible maternal risks (other than pregnancy), potential fetal risks could exist if aging gametes are involved in inadvertent fertilization. In the following report, we first review animal studies firmly establishing that aging sperm and aging oocytes (delayed fertilization) cause chromosomal abnormalities in mammals and other species. We next review human studies associating decreased coital frequency with trisomy and studies of NFP populations that generally show no increased frequency of anomalous offspring or spontaneous abortions. Our rationale for initiating an international cohort study is presented, along with the experimental design selected. Preliminary findings indicate that the experimental design chosen will indeed provide information allowing NFP safety to be assessed definitively.
Resumen Aunque la planificación familiar natural (PFN) es una forma de anticoncepción sin riesgos maternos ostensibles, (fuera del embarzo) podrían existir posibles riesgos fetales di gametos que están envejeciendo son inadvertidamente fertilizados. La primera revisión de estudios en animales establece firmemente que espermatozoides y oocytos en envejecimiento (fertilización tardía), causan anormalidades cromosómicas en mamíferos y otras especies. A continuación revisamos estudios en humanos que asocian la disminución de la frecuencia coital con trisomía, y estudios de poblaciones practicando PFN que generalmente no muestran aumento en la frecuencia de descendientes anormales o de abortos espontáneos. Presentamos nuestras razones para iniciar el estudio de una cohorte internactional ademas del diseño experimental elegido proveerá información alegando que la inocuidad de la PFN sea definitivamente valorada.

Resumé Bien que le planning familial naturel (PFN-NFP) soit une forme de contraception ne présentant pas de risques manifestes pour la mère (autres qu'une grossesse), il pourrait y avoir des risques potentiels pour le foetus si des gamètes âgés sont par inadvertance fécondés. Nous passons en revue tout d'abord des études effectuées sur des animaux, établissant fermement que le sperme veillissant et les oocytes vieillissants (fécondation retardée) provoquent des anomalies chromosomales chez les mammifères et d'autres espèces. Nous examinons ensuite des études sur des humains, qui associent diminution coitale et trisomie, et des études de populations pratiquant le PFN, qui ne révèlent généralement pas de fréquence accrue d'enfants anormaux ou d'avortements spontanés. Cette communication expose la raison pour laquelle nous avons entrepris une étude sur une cohorte internationale, ainsi que le concept d'expérimentation que nous avons choisi. Les constatations préliminaires indiquent que ce concept fournira véritablement des informations qui permettront d'évaluer de façon définitive la sécurité du PFN.
Lymphoid cells from mouse Peyer's patches and spleens were tested in a 2-h in vitro assay for their natural activity against the enteropathogenic bacteria Salmonella typhimurium, Salmonella enteritidis, Salmonella tel aviv, and Shigella sp. X16. The antibacterial activity expressed by normal cells was detected against all the bacterial strains tested with the exception of Peyer's patch lymphocytes against S. tel aviv and splenocytes against Shigella sp. X16. To determine whether the different expression of natural antibacterial activity might be due to lectin-like proteins interacting with the saccharidic moieties of the bacterial wall, 11 simple sugars were preincubated with the effector cells before the in vitro assays. We found that some of them could block the natural antibacterial activity as well as induce antibacterial activity when this was not spontaneously expressed. Interestingly, a different panel of sugars among those employed was observed to affect the antibacterial activities for each of the above-mentioned bacterial targets and each effector cell. However, the same panel of sugars was able to block or stimulate the lymphocyte activity when bacteria with the same somatic antigens as two substrains of S. typhimurium and one strain of Salmonella schottmuelleri were employed. To further investigate the interaction between effector cells and bacteria, effector cells or Shigella sp. X16 targets were treated with proteolytic, glycolytic, and lipolytic enzymes before the in vitro assays. Furthermore, EDTA was used to analyze the role of divalent cations in this experimental system. The results obtained suggest that lectin-like proteins playing a role in this interaction are present not only on lymphocytes but also on bacteria and that divalent cations are essential for the expression of in vitro antibacterial activity.  相似文献   
Passive injection of mice with preformed immune complexes (IC) made from cationized bovine serum albumin (BSA) and anti-native BSA antibody gave immune deposits along the glomerular capillary walls at predominantly subepithelial sites, while similar quantities of complexes made with native, anionized BSA did not deposit. Peripheral localization could be obtained also using low avidity antibody and a great excess of native BSA. Ultracentrifugation analysis showed that the size of IC in the animals given complexes containing cationized BSA was a little larger than 7 S, whereas those formed with the native or anionized BSA were around 19 S. The anti-native BSA antibody had a low avidity for cationized BSA in vitro, and thus all the IC which could deposit peripheral capillary walls were small and contained low avidity antibody. Chemical cationization of BSA alters the precipitability of the antibody and also the size and stability of the complexes formed. In an active model, injection of cationized BSA into mice preimmunized with cationized BSA caused localization of the BSA and its antibody in the peripheral capillary walls. Analysis of the circulating IC formed in this model also revealed low avidity of antibody and small-sized IC. From these results, it is clear that chemical cationization of antigen changes the characteristics of the antigen-antibody interaction, e.g. low precipitating efficiency and the formation of small-sized IC. Therefore, in addition to interaction of cationized IC with the polyanion layer of the glomerular basement membrane (GBM), the properties of antigen-antibody interaction play an important role in the deposition of IC along the peripheral capillary walls in a model of membranous glomerulonephritis.  相似文献   
Mouse peritoneal M phi and human blood monocytes were assayed for their antitumor activity in vitro with a cytolysis, a cytostasis and a cytotoxicity test performed in parallel. Both natural and stimulus-induced M phi antitumor capacities were assessed. Results indicate that natural cytolytic activity of unstimulated M phi is generally unable to restrict final tumor cell growth, since it is not coupled with cytostatic capacity. In contrast, exposure of M phi in vitro to either MAF or IFN-beta, besides augmenting M phi cytolytic capacity, induced a very significant cytostatic activity and thus efficiently restricted the survival of tumor cells.  相似文献   
The Simon effect has been previously shown to be asymmetric at both the behavioral and electrophysiological levels. The present investigation was aimed to clarify whether, during a Simon task, hemispheric asymmetry is also observed in the early phases of stimulus processing. In a group of healthy subjects performing the Simon task, we analyzed scalp potentials evoked by the first lateralized cue (left or right), instead of the classical readiness potential preceding the motor response. ERP results showed a significant left cortical activation to stimuli presented in the right visual field at the 140–160 ms time window. Instead, left stimuli elicited a significant activation of the right versus left hemisphere starting at the next 160–180 ms time interval. We linked this asymmetry to that observed in behavioral data: the Simon effect recorded with left stimuli is smaller than the Simon effect recorded with right stimuli. Results confirm the hypothesis that in right handed subjects, left hemisphere is specialized for motor response selection and is able to process right stimuli faster than the right hemisphere does for left stimuli.  相似文献   
Factor XIII (FXIII) deficiency is a very rare severe autosomal bleeding disorder with a frequency of 1:2,000,000 in the general population and only a few patients have been genetically characterized so far. We report a phenotype-genotype characterization of 10 unrelated Iranian patients. Two FXIII (transglutaminase) activity assays showed no FXIII activity, except a conserved residual activity in patients receiving prophylactic substitution treatment. FXIII antigen concentrations measured by two immunoassays were comparable. Genotype characterization identified four novel mutations (2 missense and 2 small deletions) and two previously reported missense mutations in the FXIII A subunit gene (F13A). Molecular modeling was carried out to reveal the structural consequences of the missense mutations, that caused the replacement of an arginine residue involved in the formation of structurally important extensive hydrogen-bonded network. The replacements [c.320G>A (p.Arg77His) in the beta-sandwich, c.868C>T (p.Arg260Cys), c.869G>A (p.Arg260His) and c.1236G>T (p.Arg382Ser) in the core domain] resulted in the loss or impairment of such H-bonded network. Energy decomposition analysis demonstrated that this situation leads to the instability and perhaps to the incorrect folding of the A subunit, that would explain the development of severe FXIII deficiency.  相似文献   
Background: Conflicting data have been reported about the associationbetween glutathione S-transferase (GST), a family of proteins implicated indetoxification of cytotoxic drugs in human ovarian in vitro models, andresponse to chemotherapy and prognosis in ovarian cancer patients. The aim ofthis study was to analyze the possible clinical role of GST activity in alarge series of primary ovarian cancer patients.Patients and methods: The study included a large series of primaryuntreated ovarian cancer patients who underwent cytoreductive surgery andchemotherapy and who were followed up in a single institution. GST activitylevels were assessed in tumor extracts by using a biochemical assay. A cut-offof 250 units of enzymatic activity was chosen according to the receiveroperating characteristics (ROC) curve.Results: GST activity levels were distributed in an asymmetrical manner(median: 266 units; range: 4–918 units) and did not seem to beassociated with stage, histopathological grading, ascites, or residual tumorafter surgery. Higher GST activity levels were found in patients who respondedto chemotherapy (median: 298 units, range: 50–691) than in those whoresponded only partially (median: 227 units, range: 19–747) or not atall to chemotherapy (median: 246 units, range: 4–811) (H = 7.02, P =0.029). Moreover, the percentage of cases with >250 units was significantlyhigher among complete responders (66%) than partial responders(37%) or non-responders (48%) (2 = 7.32;P = 0.025). When multivariate analysis, including clinico-pathologicalparameters and GST activity status as predictors of response to chemotherapy,was carried out, residual tumor, stage and GST status retained independentpredictive value. Patients with high GST activity had more favourableprognosis than those with low GST activity. The median PFS was 42 months forpatients with high GST activity compared to 17 months for those with low GSTactivity (P = 0.037). The median overall survival was 72 months forhigh-GST-activity and42 months for low-GST-activity patients (P = 0.043). Substantially similarresults were obtained in the subgroup of stage II–III–IV ovariancancer patients. Multivariate analysis including the clinico-pathologicalparameters and GST activity status was performed in stage III–IV ovariancancer patients: Stage IV disease, residual tumor >2 cm, the presence ofascites and low GST activity status retained independent negative prognosticroles.Conclusion: A direct association between high GST activity and a betterclinical outcome in terms of response to chemotherapy and survival has beenobserved in a large series of primary untreated ovarian cancer patients. Theseresults, which are contrary to the expectations raised by in vitro studies,emphasize the need for caution when translating in vitro-generated hypothesesto the clinical setting.  相似文献   
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