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肿瘤学   1篇
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我们进行了子宫内膜增生期、子宫内膜增生和子宫内膜腺癌与五种凝集素的亲合组化研究。刀豆素和麦胚素与宫内膜腺细胞腔缘结合的强度,刀豆素与腺细胞胞浆及细胞基底部结合的阳性率和强度,随子宫内膜腺体增生程度的增高而升高,其中以腺癌最甚。麦胚素和蓖麻素与腺癌细胞基底部结合减弱,但腺癌细胞团块周缘着色明显。凝集素组化特性为判断子宫内膜腺体增生和癌变提供了新的指标。  相似文献   
The binding capacity of 5 lectins in endemetrial proliferation, hyperplasia and adenocarcinoma were studied histochemicaily. The staining density of ConA and WGA bound to intercellular and basal protion, the positive reaction and the density of both agglutinins to luminal borders were increased with the proliferative degree of endometrial glandular cells from proliferation to neoplasm, with the most significant binding in adenocarcinomaHowever, WGA and RCA binding to basal portion of malignant cells was weak, but stronger in the outer edge of tumor mass. The authors suggest that lectin binding capacity provides a new probe to judge the proliferative degree and malignant transformation of endometrial glandular cells.  相似文献   
本文介绍卵黄囊癌18例的临床病理分析结果。病人的年龄为9~64岁,其中9~18岁9例(50%),入院前病程1周至2年,肿瘤最大直径8~29cm。镜下观察,单纯卵黄囊癌13例,合并种子细胞瘤3例,合并胚胎性癌、囊性畸胎瘤各1例。8例术后随诊,其中6例1~6个月死亡;1例晚期病人,肿瘤切除后加联合化疗,术后15个月死亡;另1例,肿瘤切除加放疗,随诊4.5年,健在。  相似文献   
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