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Objective To retrospectively analyze the therapeutic results of patients with initially di-agnosed metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Methods From January 1995 to December 1998, 46 NPC patients with distant metastases were treated in Fujian provincial cancer hospital. Among these pa-tients, 43 were single site metastasis and 3 were multiple sites metastases;The site of metastasis were 19 pa-tients in the liver, 11 in the bone, 7 in the lung, 1 in the brain, 6 in mediastinal nodes and 6 in axillary lymph nodes. All patients received standard radiotherapy to the primary site and cervical node region with a median dose of 72 Gy. Forty-one patients (89%) received 1-5 cycles chemotherapy (cisplatin and 5-flu-orouracil), and 23 (50%) received palliative irradiation to the metastatic site. Results The median surviv-al time was 20 months. The 1-, 2-, 3-year and 5-year overall survival rates were 66%, 47%, 30% and 19%, respectively. Irradiation to the metastatic sites and KPS were the significant prognostic factors. Pa-tients with palliative irradiation to the metastatic site had longer survival than those without (39 months vs. 13 months, X2=8.63, P=0.012). Patients with good performance status (KPS≥80) had better outcomes thanthose with poor performance status (26 months vs. 12 months, X2= 3.95, P=0.035) . Conclusions Active therapy may prolong the survival of patients with initially diagnosed metastatic NPC, especially for those who have good performance status. Under systematic chemotherapy, radiotherapy to the primary site and supportive care, the palliative irradiation to the metastatic site may also yield a good result.  相似文献   
Objective To retrospectively analyze the therapeutic results of patients with initially di-agnosed metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Methods From January 1995 to December 1998, 46 NPC patients with distant metastases were treated in Fujian provincial cancer hospital. Among these pa-tients, 43 were single site metastasis and 3 were multiple sites metastases;The site of metastasis were 19 pa-tients in the liver, 11 in the bone, 7 in the lung, 1 in the brain, 6 in mediastinal nodes and 6 in axillary lymph nodes. All patients received standard radiotherapy to the primary site and cervical node region with a median dose of 72 Gy. Forty-one patients (89%) received 1-5 cycles chemotherapy (cisplatin and 5-flu-orouracil), and 23 (50%) received palliative irradiation to the metastatic site. Results The median surviv-al time was 20 months. The 1-, 2-, 3-year and 5-year overall survival rates were 66%, 47%, 30% and 19%, respectively. Irradiation to the metastatic sites and KPS were the significant prognostic factors. Pa-tients with palliative irradiation to the metastatic site had longer survival than those without (39 months vs. 13 months, X2=8.63, P=0.012). Patients with good performance status (KPS≥80) had better outcomes thanthose with poor performance status (26 months vs. 12 months, X2= 3.95, P=0.035) . Conclusions Active therapy may prolong the survival of patients with initially diagnosed metastatic NPC, especially for those who have good performance status. Under systematic chemotherapy, radiotherapy to the primary site and supportive care, the palliative irradiation to the metastatic site may also yield a good result.  相似文献   
目的 通过分析MRI诊断的鼻咽癌资料,对鼻咽癌2008分期和'92分期进行比较研究.方法 回顾分析777例行鼻咽和颈部MRI扫描的无远处转移鼻咽癌初诊患者的临床及影像资料,分别根据鼻咽癌2008分期与'92分期标准重新分期,比较两种分期系统的病例分布、生存及预后情况.777例患者中513例常规放疗,264例调强放疗.结果 3年随访率为97.6%.两种分期中T分期、N分期和临床分期的病例分布相似(Kappa=0.93,P=0.000;Kappa=0.58,P=0.000;Kappa=0.74,P=0.000),T分期局部复发生存曲线和临床分期疾病相关生存曲线也比较一致.'92分期标准下N0与N1期无远处转移生存曲线相似(x2=1.94,P=0.164),N1与N2期的曲线接近有统计学意义(x2=3.83,P=0.051);2008分期标准下N0与N1a期曲线相交叉(x2=0.07,P=0.797),但N1b与N2、N2与N3期曲线均能较好拉开(x2=4.95,P=0.026;x2=6.74,P=0.009).预后分析结果显示常规放疗与调强放疗不是影响生存的因素(x2=3.60,P=0.058),2008分期将淋巴结侧数、分区、包膜外侵犯纳入N分期标准中是合理的(x2=6.59,P=0.010;x2=4.78,P=0.029;x2=9.32,P=0.002).结论 鼻咽癌2008分期的T分期简化是合理的,N分期可以更好的预测远处转移,咽后淋巴结在分期中的地位值得进一步探讨.  相似文献   
鼻咽癌后程三维适形放射治疗疗效观察   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
  目的 探讨鼻咽癌后程三维适形放射治疗(3DCRT)的疗效。方法 37例鼻咽癌患者入选适形组,行常规放射治疗(36 Gy)+后程3DCRT(34 ~38 Gy),原发灶总剂量70 ~ 74 Gy。同期配对法选择37例的常规放疗患者作为常规组。比较两组近期疗效和急性放射反应。结果 适形组完全缓解率达100 %,常规组86 %。适形组口腔黏膜炎、后组颅神经损伤较严重,但与常规组比较差异无统计学意义。两组5年生存率差异无统计学意义。结论 鼻咽癌的3DCRT近期治疗疗效较常规放射治疗理想。  相似文献   
背景与目的:调强放疗(intensity-modulated radiation therapy,IMRT)是最大限度提高肿瘤靶区照射剂量的同时明显减少周围正常组织的剂量的放疗技术,调强放疗联合化疗治疗局部晚期鼻咽癌取得了较好的疗效,如何在此基础上进一步提高疗效成为肿瘤学者共同关注的话题.鼻咽癌分期不同,疗效不同,同一分期各亚组间疗效有无差别,尚有待研究.通过回顾性分析临床Ⅲ期鼻咽癌各亚组间调强放疗联合化疗的疗效,探讨进一步提高疗效的方法.方法:对我院2003年1月-2006年6月期间收治的133例临床Ⅲ期鼻咽癌患者进行分析,根据AJCC 2002分期,其中T3N0 7例(5.3%),T3N1 39例(29.3%),T2N2 48例(36.1%),T3N2 39例(29.3%).所有患者均完成调强放疗,124例患者行诱导化疗,其中24例患者行同期化疗,33例患者行辅助化疗.结果:全组5年局部控制率、无远处转移生存率、无瘤生存率和总生存率分别为:90.9%、89.9%、82.5%和83.4%.T2、T3期患者5年局部控制率分别为93.1%、89.4%(x2=0.407,P=0.524),无远处转移生存率分别为91.2%、89.3%(x2=0.152,P=0.697),无瘤生存率分别为86.5%、80.0%(x2=0.899,P=0.343),总生存率分别为81.1%、84.7%(x2=0.311,P=0.577).N0-1、N2期患者5年局部控制率分别为91.1%、90.9%(x2=0.007,P=0.933),无远处转移生存率分别为97.8%、85.8% (x2=4.69,P=0.030),无瘤生存率分别为88.9%、79.2%(x2=1.746,P=0.183 6),总生存率分别为93.5%、78.1%(x2=5.052,P=0.025).辅助化疗对IMRT Ⅲ期鼻咽癌未能获益,但3、4级毒性不良反应明显增加(48% vs 27.6%,P<0.005).结论:对临床Ⅲ期鼻咽癌患者,IMRT联合化疗可以取得较好的疗效,N0-1期较N2期患者有较高的总生存率和无远处转移生存率,进一步提高IMRT Ⅲ期鼻咽癌疗效还需寻找更有效的化疗药物、靶向药物及更合理的联合治疗方案.  相似文献   
立体定向放射外科治疗脑转移瘤预后因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 评价立体定向放射外科(SRS)治疗脑转移瘤的效果及预后因素。方法回顾性分析1994-2002年在巴黎Tenon医院放疗科行SRS(X线刀)治疗的脑转移患者102例,包括单发者78例,多发者24例,102例患者共有转移灶131个,转移灶最大直径≤4cm。其中18位患者同时接受全脑放疗(WBRT),93例患者120个转移灶有影像学随访。计算患者的生存期及局控率,并对潜在预后因素分别进行单因素和多因素分析。结果总体局控率和1年局控率分别为91.7%和85.3%,102例患者的中位牛俘期为11个月。单因素分析表明只有转移灶体积是影响局控率的预后因素;KPS〉70、年龄≤60、无颅外其他器官转移以及SRS前行全脑照射是影响生存期的预后因素。多因素分析表明仅KPS评分为生存独立预后因素,结论SRS是脑转移的有效治疗方式,多种因素影响其预后。  相似文献   
背景与目的:局部复发鼻咽癌再次放疗的方式很多,但常规放疗后良反应大,目前关于三维适形放疗(three dimensional conformal radiation therapy,3D-CRT)治疗复发鼻咽癌的报道较少,本研究旨在分析3D-CRT对140例局部复发鼻咽癌患者的疗效及其不良反应.方法:本院于1997年5月-2009年6月对140例经病理活检和(或)通过CT/MRI证实颅底病变或颅神经症状进展而确诊为局部复发的鼻咽癌患者采用3D-CRT治疗.患者中位复发时间为27.5个月(1~156个月),50.7%患者的复发为T3-4期,患者3D-CRT治疗的最小计划放疗剂量是GTV-P为DT 59.4 Gy/1.8~2 Gy(联合或不联合化疗).结果:复发后中位照射剂量是62 Gy (39~82 Gy);中位随访时间25.5个月(3~135个月),随访率100%.3、5年的总生存率(overall survival,OS),无瘤生存率(disease-free survival,DFS),局部控制率(locoregional recurrence-free survival,LRRFS)分别为44.53% vs 31%,42.82% vs 29.13%,44.19% vs 30.76%.48例患者(34.3%)出现中重度并发症,其中鼻咽溃疡13例(9.29%),颅神经损伤21例(15%),张口困难20例(14.3%),听力下降16例(11.4%).多因素分析显示年龄是独立的预后不良因素.结论:采用3D-CRT对局部复发鼻咽癌安全、有效,不良反应可以耐受.  相似文献   
不同化疗方案加放射治疗鼻咽癌的远期疗效   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
目的 探讨在鼻咽癌治疗中采用不同化疗方案配合常规放射治疗对肿瘤局部控制及远期生存的影响。方法 300例病理证实的鼻咽癌病例随机分为单纯放射治疗组114例,放射治疗+新辅助化疗组93例,放射治疗+同步化疗组93例。常规放射治疗:鼻咽原发灶DT70Gy,颈部预防照射DT50Gy,转移灶DT65~70Gy。新辅助化疗:氟尿嘧啶1000mg/d,3次/周,顺铂100mg/周,交替各用2周,同步化疗:顺铂20mg/d,2次/周,氟尿嘧啶500mg/d,2次/周,交替各用3周。结果 5年总生存率(OS)为57.1%,5年无瘤生存率(DFS)为52.9%,5年无远地转移生存率(DMF)为61.0%,5年局部区域无复发生存率(LRF)为83.3%;各治疗组间5年OS、DFS、DMF和LRF差异无显著性意义(X^2值分别为2.9  相似文献   
作者旨在研究GM-CSF放疗期间口腔粘膜局部给药的直接作用。17例病人进入研究组,其中口腔鳞癌9例,鼻咽癌4例,喉癌1例,腮腺癌3例。编号P1~17,外照射50~70Gy,5次/周,3例(P6,P12,P13)为术后放疗,3例(P2,P8,P15)放疗同时给予5-FU及DDP化疗。所有病人治疗前行牙齿预防性处理,治疗后每周检查口腔一次并摄片。口腔粘膜炎依据临床检查及功能进行分级。GM-CSF为标准冻干粉末400μg用1ml蒸馏水溶解后加入装有200ml  相似文献   
Objective To retrospectively analyze the therapeutic results of patients with initially di-agnosed metastatic nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Methods From January 1995 to December 1998, 46 NPC patients with distant metastases were treated in Fujian provincial cancer hospital. Among these pa-tients, 43 were single site metastasis and 3 were multiple sites metastases;The site of metastasis were 19 pa-tients in the liver, 11 in the bone, 7 in the lung, 1 in the brain, 6 in mediastinal nodes and 6 in axillary lymph nodes. All patients received standard radiotherapy to the primary site and cervical node region with a median dose of 72 Gy. Forty-one patients (89%) received 1-5 cycles chemotherapy (cisplatin and 5-flu-orouracil), and 23 (50%) received palliative irradiation to the metastatic site. Results The median surviv-al time was 20 months. The 1-, 2-, 3-year and 5-year overall survival rates were 66%, 47%, 30% and 19%, respectively. Irradiation to the metastatic sites and KPS were the significant prognostic factors. Pa-tients with palliative irradiation to the metastatic site had longer survival than those without (39 months vs. 13 months, X2=8.63, P=0.012). Patients with good performance status (KPS≥80) had better outcomes thanthose with poor performance status (26 months vs. 12 months, X2= 3.95, P=0.035) . Conclusions Active therapy may prolong the survival of patients with initially diagnosed metastatic NPC, especially for those who have good performance status. Under systematic chemotherapy, radiotherapy to the primary site and supportive care, the palliative irradiation to the metastatic site may also yield a good result.  相似文献   
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