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胃癌严重地危害我国劳动人民的健康,为了研究其根治的办法,建立胃癌模型非常必要。本实验企图在较短的时间内在小鼠诱发与人体胃癌类似的腺胃癌瘤。材料和方法第一批实验采用体重20克左右的小白鼠21只,第二批实验采用体重18~22克雄性小白鼠82只,无菌手术在腺胃粘膜面穿挂含甲基胆蒽线结。首先打开腹腔取出胃,在腺胃前壁作一长约2毫米的切口,然后将缝针自切口进入胃腔,从幽门小弯侧粘膜面经肌层和浆膜穿出,在浆膜表面打结固定,使含甲基胆蒽线结紧贴于粘膜。顺序分别将腺  相似文献   
The development of lung nodules from intravenously injected Walker 256 (W256) tumor cells was the model system for metastases formation in this experiment. The influence and inhibitory mechanisms of a synthetic Paecnia rubra 801 (P801) on occurrence of lung metastases were investigated. The results showed that treatment with P801 alone or in combination with decoction of Huangqi (Astragalus root) can significantly reduce the number of lung nodules. The mechanisms responsible for decreased colonyforming potential in the rats treated with P801 were investigated. ADP-induced or W256 tumor cell-induced platelet aggregation was markedly inhibited by P801. It appears that inhibitory effect of P801 on occurrence of W256 tumor lung nodules is mainly due to reduced blood coagulability and inhibition of platelet activation by tumor cells.  相似文献   
Since the chemical structure of total glucosides from Cynanchum Auriculatum Royle (CA) is similar to that of the steroline of Marsdenia Condurago Reich, a compound which exhibits antitumor activity, research into the antitumor activity of CA was carried out. Its mechanism of action was studied in vivo with C 57BL/6 mice bearing Lewis lung carcinoma and in vitro, with two mouse tumor cell lines: S180 and EAC. CA inhibited to a certain extent the growth of subcutaneously inoculated Lewis lung carcinoma and its pulmonary metastasis, and augmented the antitumor effect of cyclophosphamide. It showed a killing effect on the EAC and S180 tumor cells of mice in vitro as well. It blocked the tumor cells of solid Lewis lung carcinoma from entering into the S stage from G1 and inhibited DNA synthesis of S180 and EAC tumor cells of mice in vitro. It also markedly increased the number of mononuclear Mφ of tumor bearing mice, stimulated the macrophagic activity of their intraperitoneal Mφ, raised the percentage of  相似文献   
安搏律定血药浓度监测及其临床用药探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
This paper reports the experimental results oftwo batches of 24 male Wistar rats.In each batch,13 rats were controls and 11 were given Radixet Rhizoma Rhei decoction in 200% concentration(1.5 ml twice a day for 4 days for the first batchand 2.5 ml mornings and 2.0 ml afternoons for 10days for the second batch).The controls were giventhe same amount of distilled water.Histologicalexaminations showed that the lymphoid organs ofthe experimental animals including thymus,spleen,mesenteric lymph nodes and Peyer's patches weremuch smaller than those of the controls,particularlythe thymus.The white pulp of the spleen wasatrophied to various degrees.On the other hand,the adrenal glands of the experimental rats werelarger than those of the control animals.No obviouschanges were seen in other organs.The resultsshowed that Radix et Rhizoma Rhei appeared tohave selective inhibitive effect on the immune organsin Wistar rats.  相似文献   
 为了进行根治胃癌的研究,在动物身上建立胃癌模型是很必要的。本实验企图在较短的时间内诱发与人体胃癌类似的腺胃的癌瘤。  相似文献   
面瘫即面种经麻痹,临床上分周围性和中枢性两种,一般以周围性面神经麻痹较为常见、临床治疗本病方法很多.我科自1987年以来,采用针刺加TDP照射治疗面瘫276例。疗效满意,现报告如下。临床资料本组276例.男108例、女,168例,最小年龄4岁,最大年龄G3岁,患病时间最长18个月,最短2天。治疗方法:患病三天以内者,先用TDP照射患例,每日一次.照射时间30分钟。待病情稳定加针刺。患病六天以上者,则针刺加TDP照射.每日一次,七天为一疗程。针刺均用毫针。常现消毒后,采取平刺或斜刺,得气后留外时间与照射时间相同,照射距离成人3…  相似文献   
赤芍801抗肿瘤作用的实验研究   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
本实验系观察党参与环磷酰胺配伍对瑞士小白鼠皮下移植的 Lewis 肺癌和其肺转移灶以及荷瘤小鼠存活时间的作用。结果表明它不仅使实验动物开始死亡时间推迟,平均存活时间延长,而且使动物半数死亡时间(LT_(50))和全部死亡时间均延长,日存活率也提高。对肿瘤体积和重量的抑制均有统计学意义,也明显减少肺转移灶,这些效果均优于单独使用环磷酰胺。  相似文献   
1亡阴某女,52岁.近年来常感烦热少寐,口渴.喜冷饮.乏力.少气.形体瘦弱.时值暑热.患者顶烈日外出,突然晕仆.被路人送回家中.家人邀笔者诊视,见患者昏不识人.身热灼手.气息奄奄,汗出如油.四肢厥冷.唇舌绛而干.齿燥,脉极细弱.此系厥证之亡阴,遂急予针刺人中、内关.用泻法;并取三棱针刺十宣放血;因患者家中无艾叶,遂点燃香烟在百会、气海两穴上方约1cm处灸之.6分钟后患者已能发出低微声音,肢端转暖,述头昏、心慌、乏力.遂令其家人取生脉液(每支10ml,含党参、麦冬、五味子)5支予口服.2小时后,患者汗出渐止,再予服5支.3小时后,仍述乏力少气.口渴心烦.予益气养阴增液之方调理月余,诸症缓解.  相似文献   
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