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面肌痉挛是指半侧面部肌肉不自主的阵发性抽搐,而无神经系统的其他阳性体征者,因其发病原因不明,所以又称之为原发性的面肌痉挛。临证之时,尚有继发性、癔病性等面肌痉挛,当仔细分辨。本篇主要谈有关原发性面瘫的治疗体会。 1、辨证论治,以脾为主 面肌痉挛多由眼轮匝肌起始。按五轮学说,眼睑为肉轮,归属于脾。脾胃虚弱,血不养筋,虚而动风,眼睑瞤动。又脾主思维,思虑过度,耗损脾胃,中土受损,生血不足;又肝木横逆,侵侮脾土,脾胃虚劳,聚湿成痰,肝风内动,风痰阻络,均可致本  相似文献   
隔药灸治疗桥本氏甲状腺炎临床观察   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
观察治疗桥本氏甲状腺炎103例,分为艾灸Ⅰ组35例,艾灸Ⅱ组36例,对照组32例。艾灸Ⅰ组采用隔附子饼灸,并在饼下加温阳中药粉末;艾灸Ⅱ组亦用隔附子饼灸,并在饼下加益气温阳和活血化瘀中药粉末。对照组以西药甲状腺片常规治疗。结果表明,艾灸Ⅱ组疗效明显优于艾灸Ⅰ组(P<0.01),对甲状腺局部情况的改善、血清甲状腺抗体结合率的降低及甲状腺功能的改善方面亦均优干艾灸Ⅰ组。艾灸Ⅰ组和艾灸Ⅱ组治疗后甲状腺抗体结合率均明显降低,对照组则无明显变化。  相似文献   
71 cases of Hashimoto's thyroiditis were treated by moxibustion and their immune functionand thyroid function were observed.It was found that moxibustion was able to reduce thethyroid amibodies in the peripheral blood of the patients with hypothyroidism and to recovertheir thyroid function.It was also found that moxibustion could lower the thyroid antibodysecretory levels and ADCC(antibody-dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity)activities ofthe lymphocytes,in addition,the action of moxibustion in reducing the secretion of thyroidantibodies was related to its action of regulating the proportions of T lymphocyte subsets.The results indicate that the treatment of Hashimoto's thyroiditis by moxihustion is probably accomplished through its effect in regulating the relationship among the T lymphocytesubsets.  相似文献   
从“所言节者,神气之所游行出入也,非皮肉筋骨也。”想起王瑞龄(上海市针灸经络研究所200030)穴位,是针灸学的重要组成之一,已为大家所共识,临证之时,辨证取穴,或经穴、或奇穴、或阿是穴,有时,穴虽异而效同,或穴虽同而效异。究其原因何在?笔者近日偶读...  相似文献   
103 cases of Hashimoto’s thyroiditiswere divided into moxibustion group 1(35cases)in which patients were treated byaconite—cake interposed moxibustion withthe Chinese medicine powder for warmingyang under the cakes,moxibustion group 2(36 cases)in which the medicine powder fortonifying qi,warming yang,eliminatingstasis and activating the blood was appliedbetween the cakes and the skin of the pa-tients, and a control group(32 cases)inwhich the patients were treated with  相似文献   
穴位,是针灸学的重要组成之一,已为大家所共识,临证之时,辨证取穴,或经穴、或奇穴、或阿是穴,有时,穴虽异而效同,或穴虽同而效异。究其原因何在?笔者近日偶读《灵枢·九针十二原》篇中有云:“所言节者,神气之所游行出入也,非皮肉筋骨也”。参照临证心得,颇有所悟。针灸取穴,其见效在于对“神气”的把握,穴位只是“调神”的受激点。从历代书籍的记载可知,穴位概念的产生,是在实践中逐渐总结发展而形成的。古人  相似文献   
采用艾灸治疗35例桥本氏甲状腺炎患者。结果发现:患者治疗前外周血ADCC 活性与甲状腺微粒体抗体结合率均明显高于正常,且两者之间有明显的相关性。经艾灸治疗后,两者都显著下降,并仍保持相关性。提示艾灸治疗桥本氏甲状腺炎很可能与其降低甲状腺微粒体抗体和 K 细胞活性的作用有关。  相似文献   
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