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目的 :验证《伤寒论》所载方剂抗金黄色葡萄球菌感染的作用。 方法 :先进行ip金黄色葡萄球菌和不注射金葡菌的动物血清的抑菌作用比较研究,然后以19种《伤寒论》中所载之方剂给金葡菌腹腔感染小鼠模型ig,取血清观察其抑菌效果。 结论 :ip金葡菌使血清的抑菌能力降低,而19种伤寒方剂可以扭转这一过程。 结果 :《伤寒论》所载部分方剂在一定程度上可恢复机体抗金葡菌感染的能力。  相似文献   
目的:研究中药马钱子的功效归类。方法:建立中药药性特征数据库,构建能够完成中药药性特征和功效归类之间映射的人工免疫系统。结果:将马钱子的药性特征输入经人工免疫系统优化后的神经网络,其输出值提示,马钱子的归类偏向于活血化淤类药。结论:用人工免疫系统来辅助进行中药的功效归类,可以为某些中药的功效归类研究提供参考。  相似文献   
计算机辅助设计抗感染中药复方的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
缪珠雷  李玉虎  包寅  徐栋梁  张辉  王易 《中草药》2009,40(10):1602-1607
目的 验证利用基于人工免疫智能系统的计算机辅助设计抗感染中药新复方的可行性.方法 选取<伤寒论>中所载之经方作为中药复方训练样本,金黄色葡萄球菌腹腔感染实验动物模型ig给予各中药复方,取含药血清观察其抑菌效果,按抑菌力大小给以相应编码;将这些复方中各味中药的药性特征进行编码,输入一个神经网络,用人工免疫系统实现各神经元之间的连接权值优化,使之具备实现中药复方药性特征和抑菌力之间非线性映射的能力,提取出抗金黄色葡萄球菌感染的中药复方的组方规律;然后由计算机随机生成复方,由系统根据预测的抑菌能力取排名靠前者输出得到计算机设计的抗感染中药复方,进行动物实验验证.结果经过验证,计算机所设计的复方可以有效提高小鼠含药血清抗金黄色葡萄球菌的能力.结论初步证明,计算机可以用于辅助设计抗感染中药新复方.  相似文献   
Objective To study the feasibility of artificial immune system (AIS) in assistant designing of computer for new Chinese herbal compounds with anti-infectious function. Methods A group of Chinese herbal drug compounds from Treatise on Exogenous Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases[WTBZ] were selected as training samples. Serum was obtained from mice which were infected by Staphylococcus aureus and ig administrated with the various Chinese herbal compounds. The inhibition ability against S. aureus of the serum was tested and input into an artificial neural network (ANN) together with the characters of the every Chinese herb included in those compounds. The ANN was optimized using AIS so that it can predict the inhibitory ability against S. aureus of the Chinese herbal compounds according to the characters of Chinese herbs included in those compounds. After that the computer generated a number of Chinese herbal compounds randomly, calculated their inhibitory ability against S. aureus and output those among the top levels, so as to verify whether the predictions were correct or not. Results After verification, the Chinese herbal drug compounds designed by computer could significantly raise the serum′s inhibitory ability against S. aureus. Conclusion The computer can be an assistant for designing new Chinese herbal compounds with anti-infectious function.  相似文献   
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