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Background and Aims:  Increased numbers and enhanced functions of peripheral neutrophils have been observed in obstructive jaundice. However, the effects of obstructive jaundice on the bone marrow, that is neutrophil production and acquisition of neutrophil chemotactic activity, have been poorly understood. In the present study, differentials of bone marrow cells and chemotactic activity of bone marrow neutrophils were evaluated in bile duct-obstructed rats.
Methods:  Male Wistar rats underwent either bile duct obstruction for 10 days or bile duct obstruction for 4 days followed by 6 days' internal biliary drainage. Differentials of peripheral blood and bone marrow cells were sequentially determined. Chemotactic activity of peripheral and bone marrow neutrophils was evaluated with a modified Boyden method using interleukin-8 (recombinant rat Gro-β) as a chemoattractant.
Results:  Numbers of peripheral neutrophils significantly increased after bile duct obstruction. Significant increases in the myeloid/erythroid (M/E) ratio of bone marrow cells were observed after bile duct obstruction. The neutrophil proliferative pool (promyelocytes and myelocytes) increased initially, followed by an increased neutrophil storage pool (metamyelocytes, bands, and segmented neutrophils). The M/E ratio as well as the neutrophil proliferative and storage pools normalized after internal biliary drainage. Chemotactic activity was enhanced in both peripheral and bone marrow neutrophils after bile duct obstruction, and enhanced chemotaxis was alleviated with internal biliary drainage.
Conclusion:  The present results strongly suggest the principal role of the bone marrow in increasing the number of neutrophils and their chemotactic activity during obstructive jaundice.  相似文献   
Abstract: To clarify the morphologic differences between hepatitis C virus (HCVI-negative autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) and HCV-positive AIH, peritoneoscopic findings were studied. Among twenty three patients with AIH according to the Japanese criteria (1992), 15 were HCV-negative and 8 were HCV-positive. The terms grooved depression, coarse depression, coarse elevation, coarse undulation, and round-shaped reddish marking (RM) were used in this study to evaluate the peritoneoscopic findings. Grooved depressions, coarse depressions, coarse elevations, coarse undulations and round-shaped RMs were all common findings (53%, 87%, 73%, 80%, and 80%, respectively) in HCV-negative AIH patients, but they were less common (13%, 25%, 13%, 13%, and 0%, respectively) in HCV-positive AIH patients. This study revealed that HCV-negative AIH patients had different peritoneoscopic findings from HCV-positive AIH patients. Thus HCV-negative AIH may be typical AIH, and HCV-positive AIH may essentially be a subset of type C chronic hepatitis.  相似文献   
The healthy gastric epithelium will not allow easy permeation of a disaccharide-sized molecule such as sucrose. However, during gastric damage, intact sucrose can pass the gastric epithelium and ultimately appear in the urine. We examined the relationship between total urinary sucrose excretion and various diseases. We used 149 patients (105 had upper gastrointestinal disease, 12 had gastric cancer and 32 were normal). Subjects were given a solution containing 100g sucrose in 450 c.c. water. All urine was collected for 7.5 h. The urinary sucrose concentration was determined by anion exchange high-performance liquid chromatography. Total urinary sucrose excretion was significantly higher in patients with gastric ulcer and those with gastric cancer than in endoscopically normal controls. In the 34 patients with gastric ulcer, the total sucrose excretion was closely correlated with ulcer size. Ulcer location did not affect urinary sucrose excretion. A strong correlation was also observed between sucrose excretion and lesion size in the 12 patients with gastric cancer. The sucrose permeability test may be a relatively sensitive method to detect gastric disease.  相似文献   
AIM: Reconstructive laparoscopic procedures have been recognized as a less invasive treatment than conventional open procedures. However, although the laparoscopic pyeloplasty has also been accepted as useful, few findings have been reported relevant to the retroperitoneal approach. To elucidate its effectiveness and safety, laparoscopic surgery via the retroperitoneal approach was examined in our institution. Furthermore, the importance of laparoscopic observation for ureteropelvic junction and urine passage ureteropelvic junction without indwelling ureteral stent. METHODS: Between July 1998 and December 2004, 13 men and 15 women underwent laparoscopic retroperitoneal surgery for ureteropelvic junction obstruction. The mean patient age was 33.6 years (range: 13-70 years). Methods of repair were determined by intraoperative findings for the relationship between the ureteropelvic junction and surrounding vessels. An indwelling ureteral stent was removed before initiating laparoscopic operation to observe the relationship between ureteropelvic junction and aberrant vessels more precisely. RESULTS: An aberrant renal vessel was found in 13 patients (46%). Dismembered pyeloplasty was carried out in 21 patients, Y-V plasty in five patients and Hellstrom technique in two patients. Ureteral transposition was not required in dismembered pyeloplasty cases. All patients achieved retroperitoneoscopic pyeloplasty without open conversion. The mean operative time was 272 min (range: 155-490 min). The mean estimated blood loss was 44 mL (range: 10-200 mL). No major complications were observed during the intraoperative period, but urinary tract infection occurred in two patients in the postoperative period. In all patients except one, obstruction was improved or resolved. CONCLUSIONS: Laparoscopic retroperitoneal surgery is not only able to repair ureteropelvic junction obstruction, but can also be done safety and less invasively. We believe that laparoscopic observation without indwelling stent will contribute to a more appropriate choice of pyeloplasty.  相似文献   
It has been well known that there is a high incidence of congenital malformations in newborns from diabetic mothers when the mothers' diabetes control before and during pregnancy is poor. We treated 438 pregnant diabetics who bore 443 children between February 1964 and June 1992. Among these children, there were 51 cases (11.5%) with congenital malformations, 21 cases with major anomalies (4.7%) and 30 cases with minor anomalies (6.8%). The type of malformations are not related to special organs; heart malformations and cleft lips are relatively frequent compared to other types of malformations. The mechanism of the congenital malformations in newborns from diabetic mothers remains unclear. However, clinically and experimentally it has been found to be due to fuel-mediated teratogenesis. Since October 1978, HbAi has been used as an index of diabetic control and the relationship between congenital malformations and the mother's diabetes control has been observed. 1) There is no difference in the incidence of malformations in children from IDDM and NIDDM mothers. However, there are more severe malformations in the children from IDDM mothers compared to those from NIDDM mothers. 2) Mothers who bore children with major malformations had all made their first visit to our hospital after pregnancy. HbAi in the IDDM mothers who had children with malformations at the first visit was 11%. 3) In the NIDDM mothers, even if HbAi levels are near normal, children with major malformations were born and there was little relationship between congenital malformations and the mothers' diabetes control. These data suggest that there are two kinds of congenital malformations in children from diabetic mothers, fuel-mediated teratogenesis, and malformations as seen in children from non-diabetic mothers.  相似文献   
Effect of basic paced cycle length on sinus node effective refractoryperiod was studied in 22 patients with sick sinus syndrome.Sinus node effective refractory period was measured using threedifferent paced cycle lengths before and after pharmacologicautonomic blockade. Sinus node effective refractory period couldbe measured at one cycle length, at least, in 59% of the patientsbefore blockade, however, it could be measured at two or morecycle lengths in only 18% of patients because of the chaoticresponse of sinus node against premature stimuli. It could bemeasured after pharmacologic autonomic blockade in 68% of thepatients at two or more paced cycle lengths. On the other hand,the rest of the patients showed no measurable sinus node effectiverefractory period at any cycle length, for their sinus nodeeffective refractory periods were shorter than their right atrialeffective refractory periods. The comparison of sinus node effectiverefractory period at different paced cycle lengths was unsuccessfulbefore pharmacologic autonomic blockade, while the refractoryperiod was significantly prolonged as cycle length was shortenedafter blockade. We concluded that (1) sinus node effective refractoryperiod in humans is prolonged as paced cycle length decreases,(2) the autonomic reflex is the major disturbing factor in measuringsinus node effective refractory period, and pharmacologic autonomicblockade can be usefully employed to eliminate a chaotic sinusnodal response, (3) when sinus node effective refractory periodis shorter than right atrial effective refractory period, ashorter paced cycle length should be used for definite measurementof the former.  相似文献   
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