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Male rats and female rats in the proestrous and metestrous stages of estrus were tested to determine the effects of pyridostigmine bromide on locomotion rate and thigmotactic response using doses of 3.0, 10.0, and 30.0 mg/kg. Thirty minutes after administration of the pyridostigmine bromide the rats were videorecorded for 2 h in a 1 m2 open-field arena. The rats' activities were analyzed for the drug's effect on speed throughout the 2 h and during six 20-min segments. Also, the times that the rats were observed moving through the central 50% of the arena were determined. Locomotion rates decreased significantly, and thigmotaxses increased significantly in all groups of rats as a dose response to pyridostigmine bromide. Habituation occurred over 2 h for both responses, primarily during the first 40 min. Female rats were more affected than males, but metestrous and proestrous females did not differ significantly in their responses. At the 30 mg/kg the effect was persistent throughout the test period. Proestrous females dosed at 30 mg/kg had much higher pyridostigmine bromide serum levels than metestrous females and males.  相似文献   
Interactions of pyridostigmine bromide (PB), permethrin (PERM), and the insect repellent DEET (DEET) have been suggested as possible causes of Gulf War Syndrome (GWS) in humans. Open field locomotor studies have long been used in behavioral toxicology. Using male and female Sprague-Dawley rats, video-computer analyses, and the isobolographic method we have determined the effects on locomotor speed and thigmotaxis following repeated administration of single-, double-, or triple-drug or vehicle controls in an open field. The effects were measured 24 hours after 7 daily drug administrations. Single-drug administrations caused no significant effects. Double-drug administrations resulted in significant effects in the following cases: males given PB + DEET had a significantly slower locomotion rate; males given DEET + PERM had a significantly faster locomotion rate; females given PB + DEET had a significantly slower locomotion rate; and females given PB + PERM spent significantly more time in the center zone (less thigmotaxis). Triple-drug administration caused no significant effect. These results in comparison with behavioral studies in chickens and insects show certain similarities. The implications of the lasting effects on animal models are relevant to GWS in humans.  相似文献   
To test the hypothesis that chronic exposure to cocaine would alter drug elimination in pregnant and fetal sheep compared to a single exposure, we administered intravenous cocaine HCl to 8 pregnant sheep daily as a bolus, followed by a 2-h infusion beginning at gestational age 75 days. Eight additional animals received an equivalent volume of saline. Three days after maternal and fetal catheter placement on day 125, ewes in both groups received cocaine HCl, 2 mg/kg, as a bolus. Maternal and fetal plasma samples were serially obtained and analyzed for cocaine and benzoylecognine. Cocaine half-life in the ewes and fetuses exposed to cocaine was no different from that in animals exposed to saline. We conclude that cocaine is rapidly metabolized in pregnant sheep and that chronic administration does not alter drug clearance.  相似文献   
Purpose. The first objective was to study the in vitro myotoxicity of empty liposomes and to examine whether liposome size, charge and fluidity affect liposome myotoxicity. The second objective was to investigate the effect of liposomal encapsulation on the in vitro and in vivo myotoxicity of loxapine compared to the loxapine commercial preparation (Loxitane®). Methods. The in vitro myotoxicity of empty liposomes and loxapine liposomes was evaluated by the cumulative efflux of the cytosolic enzyme creatine kinase (CK) from the isolated rat extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle over a 2 hour period. In the in vivo studies, the area under plasma CK curve over 12 hours was used to evaluate muscle damage. Results. The in vitro myotoxicity for all empty liposomal formulations was not statistically different from negative controls (untreated control muscles and normal saline injected muscles). However, these empty liposomal formulations were significantly less myotoxic than the positive controls (muscles injected with phenytoin and muscle sliced in half). In vitro-in vivo studies showed that the liposomal encapsulation of loxapine resulted in significant (P < 0.05) reduction in myotoxicity (80% in vitro and 60% in vivo) compared to the commercially available formulation which contains propylene glycol (70% V/V) and polysor-bate 80 (5% W/V) prepared at equal concentration. Conclusions. Results indicate that empty liposomes do not induce myotoxicity. Furthermore, liposomal size, charge and fluidity do not affect myotoxicity. In addition, in vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated that liposomal encapsulation of loxapine can reduce myotoxicity compared to a formulation containing organic cosolvents.  相似文献   
Medical, pharmaceutical, and industrial applications of immunoadsorption are frequently limited by the technologic problems of low affinity, inadequate capacity, hydrophobicity, and bioincompatibility. To overcome these difficulties we studied the use of star-burst configured polyethylene glycols (star-PEGs) with immunoreactive molecules covalently bound to the end of each of the multiple flexible arms. The optimum pH ranges were determined to maintain stability of the tresyl chloride modified star reagents, and the chemistry was designed for their subsequent linkage to the immunoadsorbent moiety. We then devised the chemical reactions using nitration or hydrazine activation to tether these 64-arm structures to polymer supports made of polysulfone or polymethylmethacrylate, respectively. Transmission, scanning, and atomic force microscopy confirmed the preservation of the star configuration, even after linkage to the luminal surface of hollow fiber devices. To establish that these modified devices also maintained immunoadsorption reactivity, we used a model having relevance for human autoimmune disease and demonstrated the clearance of antihistone antibodies by tethered histones. This novel approach to increasing the capacity of immunoadsorption benefits from the star configuration which provides a high density of ligand, improved hydrophilicity of the surface, spacing of reactive molecules away from the support structure, and possible optimization of epitope immunoreactivity by arm-to-arm interaction of the bound molecules.  相似文献   
The extracorporeal immunoadsorption of antibodies as part of the therapy for human autoimmune diseases has been limited by technology with inadequate and nonselective mass clearance or problems with bioincompatibility. To overcome these shortcomings, we designed a method utilizing star-configured polyethylene glycols (star-PEGs) having up to 63 free arms with immunoreactive (tresylate ester) end-groups for each arm immobilized to a polymer support substrate. The flexibility and length of the arms are thought to allow optimization of epitope presentation and to permit interaction with immunoligands on adjacent arms. To demonstrate efficacy we used an in vitro murine antibody model of human lupus nephritis, wherein we could study the kinetics and mass clearance of hybridoma derived antihistone antibodies from human plasma. Histones were covalently bound to the star-PEG end-groups and the kinetics of antibody adsorption were assessed using a surface plasmon resonance technique. The equilibrium constants of antihistone antibody binding to histone-star-PEGs that were linked to a support grid demonstrated high affinity with a KA of 3.56E + 07 and a KD of 2.81E - 08. The optimum reaction conditions were determined to accomplish the hydrophilization of polysulfone (PS; by an aqueous nitration method) and polymethylmethacrylate substrates (PMMA; by hydrazine), using sheet casts of both polymer substances. Hollow fiber devices of these polymers (commercial hemodialyzers) were modified so that histone-bound star-PEGs were linked to their intracapillary luminal surfaces, using a process which we have shown retains their immunoadsorption properties for antihistone antibodies. A closed loop recirculating model was constructed to measure mass clearance of antibodies from a reservoir. After optimizing conditions using extraction from saline solutions, the removal of antibody from human plasma by control and surface-modified devices was assessed over 4 h. There was no measurable antibody clearance by the control fibers over this time interval. The 2.1 m2 luminal surface area PMMA devices removed 5.0 +/- 1.1 mg, with a maximum of 7.0 mg. The 1.8 m2 PS device cleared 11.3 +/- 6.2 mg with a maximum of 17.5 mg. In summary, star-PEG immunoadsorption is a promising technique for the treatment of human autoimmune disease because it can achieve very high-mass clearance of autoantibodies using modified biocompatible hollow-fiber polymer devices.  相似文献   
For this study, we recruited women admitted to our labor and delivery service, enrolling all consenting patients with a history of prenatal cocaine use and the next admission with no recorded use. During the immediate postpartum period, experienced researchers conducted private, structured interviews to obtain details of prenatal cocaine use and to identify a priori exclusion criteria (other illicit drug use, high alcohol use and chronic illnesses and medications). Specific protocols were used to collect amniotic fluid, cord blood, infant urine, meconium and maternal hair. All specimens were analyzed blind with respect to exposure using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Of 115 subjects, 46 had one or more biologic specimens positive for cocaine metabolites and five admitted prenatal use, but had negative specimens. Of these 51 identified as users by any method, 38 admitted, 32 were positive for urine, 28 for hair and 25 for meconium. Of the 38 admitters, 87% had positive specimens; of the 77 denying use, 17% were positive. Urine was most frequently positive in identified users, 67% overall and 62% of users who denied. Hair was next, positive in 65% of all users and 50% of users who denied. Of the 13 subjects who denied use but were positive on at least one specimen, four were identified solely by urine, two only by hair and one only by meconium. Self-report identified five users with all negative specimens. Although no one method identified all users, the single method that maximally identified users was detailed history taken by experienced interviewers.  相似文献   
Purpose. The antinociceptive and immunosuppressive effects of codeine and codeine 6-glucuronide were determined in rats after intra-cerebroventricular administration. Methods. Codeine 6-glucuronide was synthesized using a modification of the Koenigs-Knorr reaction. A lipophilic intermediate formed during synthesis, methyl [codein-6-yl-2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl--D-glucopyranosid] uronate, was also tested. Morphine was used as a positive control to compare antinociceptive potencies of these compounds. Results. All compounds tested produced significant analgesic responses, as assessed by the tail flick model. Additionally, codeine 6-glucuronide showed significantly less immunosuppressive effects than codeine in vitro. Conclusions. We conclude that codeine 6-glucuronide and related compounds may have clinical benefit in the treatment of pain in immune compromised patients.  相似文献   
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