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Abstract— Concentrations of homochlorcyclizine enantiomers in blood, urine, and tissues of the liver, lung, kidney, brain, heart, spleen, intestine and stomach of rats after drug administration were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography on a chiral stationary phase. After intravenous administration (10 mg kg?1), homochlorcyclizine was rapidly distributed in many tissues, with the highest concentration in lung. No differences were found between enantiomers in blood concentrations. After oral administration (50 mg kg?1), the concentrations of the (+)-isomer in nearly all tissues were higher than those of the (–)-isomer. The AUC0-x values of the (+)- and (–)-isomers differed significantly. The absorption of racemic homochlorcyclizine from rat small intestine was not enantioselective. These results suggested that the different concentrations between enantiomers after oral administration were not caused by enantioselective absorption or distribution but rather by preferential first-pass metabolism of the (–)-isomer in the liver. The enantioselectivity of metabolism was also demonstrated by in-vitro experiments.  相似文献   
Accidental transmission of contagious pathogens, especially hepatitis C virus (HCV), by needlestick or other means as an occupational hazard for medical staff is of concern. We retrospectively analysed cases of work-related accidental injury with pathogens such as hepatitis B virus (HBV), HCV, syphilis and human immunode?ciency virus (HIV) reported to the centres for disease control at 15 hospitals (total 5776 beds) in the Gunma prefecture, Japan, from December 1990 to August 1993 (24.7 months). There were 416 such cases (16.8 cases/month), with an incidence of 0.2–3.5 accidents per month per hospital. Such accidents occurred in 297 (71.2%) nurses, 98 (23.5%) medical doctors, 13 (3%) laboratory technicians, four (1.0%) hospital maintenance workers, one (0.2%) assistant nurse, one secretary and two others. There were 323 (77.6%) injuries caused by needlestick, 42 (10.1%) from suture needles or surgical knife cuts, 17 (4.1%) from blood splatters from patients into the eyes or mouth, 10 (2.4%) from contact with injured skin and 24 (5.8%) simple skin contacts. Of the pathogens, 60.3% were HCV, 22.6% HBV, 5.8% syphilis, 0.7% HIV and 10.6% were of unknown origin. Four cases (1.6%) of HCV infection were found and treated with one or two courses of interferon therapy, and HCV was subsequently cleared. All four patients were cured with interferon therapy. None of the HBV-injured cases resulted in infection, possibly because of prophylaxis with HB immunoglobulin and HB vaccine. No HIV or syphilis infection was contracted. In summary, chronic HCV infection acquired as an occupational hazard can be cured by appropriate treatment, such as with interferon, after early detection of the infection.  相似文献   
A new oral sustained-release solid-dispersion preparation of cisplatin (cis-diamminedichloroplatinum(II); cisplatin) has been developed for administration to small experimental animals such as mice. This preparation was obtained by formulating cisplatin with the water-insoluble polymer ethylcellulose and with stearic acid in different ratios. In-vitro dissolution studies showed that cisplatin release characteristics were zero-order for the formulation cisplatin–ethylcellulose–stearic acid (1:10:5) and levels equilibrated 7 h after the start of the experiment. The availability of cisplatin from this preparation was evaluated both in rats and mice. The cisplatin preparation (20 mg kg?1) was administered orally to rats and the resulting curve of serum cisplatin levels against time was compared with that obtained after intravenous infusion (20 mg kg?1) to rats. By comparing the areas under serum concentration-time curves (AUCs), the bioavailability of cisplatin was estimated to be 31%. The mean residence time (MRT) of cisplatin solid dispersion was 6.13 ± 0.43 h, whereas the MRT of cisplatin administered by intravenous infusion was 3.89 ± 0.05 h. Serum cisplatin levels were maintained above 0.3 mg mL?1 (believed from our clinical studies to be the minimum effective concentration) for 24 h. The curve of serum cisplatin level against time suggested that cisplatin was released from the solid dispersion preparation in a sustained-release fashion. Similar levels were also maintained in mice for 24 h. The MRT of the cisplatin preparation was 10–16 h in mice, which is longer than that obtained after oral administration of the physical mixture. The serum free-cisplatin concentration was determined to be 0.10 mg mL?1 in mice serum in which the total cisplatin concentration was 0.30 mg mL?1. The free fraction of cisplatin in mice serum was the same as that in human patient serum. Pathological examination showed that this new sustained-release oral cisplatin preparation did not have any side effects on the gastrointestinal tract. These results suggest usefulness of this new solid-dispersion preparation for oral cisplatin therapy in lung cancer patients.  相似文献   
Intestinal brush-border membrane transport of monocarboxylic acids was investigated by using rabbit intestinal brush-border membrane vesicles (BBMVs) and isolated intestinal tissues mounted on Ussing-type chambers. [3H]Mevalonic acid uptake by BBMVs showed an overshoot phenomenon in the presence of an inwardly directed proton gradient, but not in the presence of an inwardly directed sodium gradient or an outwardly directed HCO3? or chloride gradient. Initial uptake of mevalonic acid was saturable in the presence of a proton gradient. Uptake of [3H]mevalonic acid was inhibited by various monocarboxylic acids, including acetic acid, benzoic acid, lactic acid, nicotinic acid, pravastatin, salicylic acid and valproic acid, but not by dicarboxylic acid or amino acids. Acetic acid, which is transported by both anion antiport and proton-coupled transport systems, induced serosal bicarbonate-dependent alkalinization in the mucosal-side bathing solution of rabbit jejunal tissues, when examined in Ussing-type chambers. Pravastatin, which is a structural analogue of mevalonic acid and is absorbed via proton-coupled transport like mevalonic acid, did not. The result demonstrates that acetic acid is transported by the bicarbonate-dependent anion antiport system, whereas pravastatin is not. So, it is suggested that monocarboxylic acids are transported by at least two independent transporters, namely, a proton-coupled transporter for most monocarboxylic acids, including mevalonic acid, pravastatin and acetic acid, and an anion antiporter for acetic acid, but not for mevalonic acid or pravastatin. Activation of anion antiporter can induce HCO3? secretion in intact intestine.  相似文献   
Sixty-six children with mixed connective tissue disease (MCTD) were analyzed by a nationwide prospective study. The diagnostic significance of Raynaud's phenomenon and positive anti-RNP antibody was confirmed, and additional symtoms including swelling of fingers, facial erythema, and polyarthralgia, and laboratory findings such as positive rheumatoid factor, hypergammaglobulinemia, and increased levels of myogenic enzymes, were variably positive. These clinical and laboratory characteristics of MCTD were critically different from those of systemic lupus erythematosus, indicating that MCTD is an independent entity of disease.  相似文献   
Background/Aim: The mechanism by which ischemia‐reperfusion (I/R)‐induced derangement of the hepatic microcirculation leads to tissue injury is not fully understood. We postulated that alterations to the hepatic microcirculation, including hemodynamic derangement and increased leukocyte‐endothelium interaction, play a role, and that glycyrrhizin exerts its hepatoprotective effects, in part, by reducing these microcirculatory changes. Materials and Methods: Wistar rats were subjected to 30–60 minutes segmental hepatic ischemia, followed by 120 minutes of reperfusion. Glycyrrhizin was administered prior to ischemia. Using intravital fluorescence microscopy, the administration of fluorescein isothiocyanate–conjugated erythrocytes allowed the measurement of erythrocyte‐velocity (RBCvel), lobular, and sinusoidal perfusion. Bleb formation was observed by electron microscopy. Blood and tissue were taken for the assessment of liver injury. Results: Glycyrrhizin reduced I/R‐induced liver injury (histology, liver enzymes) and reduced hepatocyte apoptosis (TUNEL, caspase‐3 activity). Glycyrrhizin inhibited hepatocyte bleb formation and reversed the I/R‐induced reductions in lobular perfusion and RBCvel. Leukocyte rolling and adherence in postsinusoidal venules and neutrophil infiltration were reduced by glycyrrhizin. I/R‐induced elevation in HMGB1 was prevented by glycyrrhizin. Conclusions: Early bleb formation with deranged microcirculatory flow and leukocyte‐endothelium interaction would appear to contribute to I/R‐induced hepatocellular injury. Glycyrrhizin exerts its hepatoprotective effect by preventing these changes, in addition to a direct cellular effect.  相似文献   
目的探讨Wolf运动功能量表(WMFT)评定脑卒中患者上肢运动功能的信度、效度及内郎一致性,同时进行因子分析。方法采用WMFT对22例脑卒中患者进行评定,同时测定作业时间。12例患者瘫痪侧上肢进行WMFT作业活动时,由检查者对其摄像,用于信度检验。进行WMFT评定的同一周内用简易上肢功能评定量表(STEF)再次评估患者上肢功能。结果检查者内及检查者间的功能评分平均值信度分别为0.96和0.93,作业时间中位数的信度均为0.99。WMFT功能评分的内部一致性很高,Cronbach’s α值为0.96。根据原始因子的特征值,提取2个特征值大于1的因子,第1个主因子与上肢近端功能有关,第2个主因子与手指功能有关。WMFT功能评分平均值及作业时间中位数均与STEF明显相关(分别为r=0.75,P〈0.001;r=0.73,P〈0.01)。结论WMFT具有较高的信度、效度及内部一致性,通过因子分析可将其作业活动分为3组。WMFT项目可能过多,删除部分项目能否仍保持WMFT较高的效度和信度有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
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