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Background and Aim: Although pretreatment with a sedative drug is effective in relieving pain during esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), such drugs can cause significant side‐effects. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of slow‐wave photic stimulation on discomfort and/or pain felt during EGD. Methods: Forty consecutive patients (25 men and 15 women) who underwent diagnostic EGD in our hospital were included in the study. Twenty patients received photic stimulation for 25 min, and underwent electroencephalographic recording, in addition to the usual premedications. Twenty control patients received the same treatment but without photic stimulation. All patients evaluated the discomfort/pain felt during endoscopy against a five‐grade scale in comparison with what they had experienced in their previous examination. Results: Patients with an improved discomfort/pain score were 18/20 and 3/20 in the treated and control groups, respectively. Overall comparison of pain scores between both groups was significant (P < 0.0001). The proportion of slow‐wave activity recorded in patients’ electroencephalograms significantly increased in the treated group compared to control values (36.6 ± 6.8% vs 29.1 ± 3.4%, P < 0.001). There was a close correlation between the degree of discomfort/pain felt during endoscopy and the proportion of slow‐wave activity (P < 0.001). Conclusion: Slow‐wave photic stimulation shows promise as a treatment for relieving the discomfort and/or pain felt by patients undergoing EGD.  相似文献   
A female infant with nesidioblastosis who showed mild clinical symptoms is reported. In this patient, insulin levels and insulin to glucose ratios (IRI/G) were often normal. Regular milk feedings supplemented with continuous glucose infusion (0.7-2 mg/kg per min) or oral glucose feedings (4.5 mg/kg per min) prevented hypoglycemia. As leucine-sensitivity was diagnosed at 2 months of age, she was started on diazoxide. This was, however, ineffective, and adverse effects appeared. Subtotal pancreatectomy (95%) was therefore attempted at 5 months of age, and persistent normoglycemia as well as normal growth and development followed up to 3 years after the operation. The pancreas showed characteristic signs of nesidioblastosis. The above clinical observation suggests that a patient with nesidioblastosis whose blood glucose level is easily controllable may develop an unexpected episode of hypoglycemia in the presence of a leucine sensitivity. In such a patient, diazoxide or, when it is of no avail, surgical intervention should promptly be instituted to prevent possible neurologic sequelae induced by hypoglycemia.  相似文献   
Abstract Relationships between urinary levels of α1-microglobulin (α1M) and ulinastatin (UT) in patients with dementia were investigated. There were no significant differences in α1M and UT levels and α1M: UT ratios among three groups: age-matched control subjects, patients with either Alzheimer-type senile dementia (ATD) or vascular dementia (VD). Although a positive correlation was established between α1M and UT levels in these groups, the regression of the demented patients differed significantly from that of controls ( P <0.05). A tendency towards a negative correlation between α1M: UT ratios and the levels of severity or duration of the disease was displayed in the ATD group, whereas a tendency toward a positive correlation between α1M: UT ratios and the levels of severity was observed in the VD group. These results suggest that changes in the relationships between urinary levels of α1M and UT may provide a useful biochemical index for diagnoses of ATD and VD.  相似文献   
Dynamic mutation loci: allele distributions in different populations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To assess the relative contributions of trans -acting factors (replication and repair functions) and cis -acting elements (repeat and flanking DNA composition) to the mechanism of trinucleotide repeat sequence mutation we have analysed the distribution of copy number polymorphisms at 12 loci associated with dynamic mutations in 15 populations of different ethnic origins. Genome wide instability of repeats in a particular population would be evidence of trans -acting factor instigation of the mutation process, whereas instability at a particular locus (perhaps even in several populations) would be evidence that the composition of the particular locus was the most significant factor contributing to mutation. The FRA16A locus is highly polymorphic in only the European population. Some other loci exhibit distinct distributions of alleles between different populations. Therefore sequences in the vicinity of the repeat - the cis component of a particular locus - appear(s) to be more important in the mutation mechanism than sporadic genome-wide instability induced by trans -acting factors such as the DNA mismatch repair enzymes.  相似文献   
Pharmacokinetk Analysis of Increased Toxicity of 2-sec-ButylphenylMethylcarbamate (BPMC) by Fenitrothion Pretreatment in Mice.TSUDA, S., MIYAOKA, T., IWASAKI, M., AND SHIRASU, Y. (1984).Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. 4, 724–730. The potentiating effectof O,O-dimethyl O-(3-methyl-4-nitrophenyl) phosphorothioate(fenitrothion) on the toxicity of 2-sec-butylphenyl methylcarbamate(BPMC) in male mice was analyzed pharmacokinetically. The animalspretreated by dietary administration of 1000 ppm fenitrothionfor 1 week (4.4% of the po LD50 daily) did not show toxic symptomsexcept for a slight decrease in body weight In the fenitrothion-pretreatedmice, toxicity of fenitrothion was not changed but a fivefoldpotentiation was observed in po and ip acute lethality and athreefold potentiation of iv lethality of BPMC. Toxic signsafter BPMC administration were similar regardless of fenitrothionpretreatment or of route of administration. Fenitrothion pretreatmentfollowed by BPMC administration (20 mg/kg po or 8 mg/kg iv,approximate LD5 in the pretreated mice) significantly increasedthe plasma BPMC concentration and the total area under the plasmaconcentration versus time curve (AUG0-. The pretreatment increasedthe oral AUC0-, more greatly than the iv AUC0-, (for po, 6.3-fold;for iv, 2.0-fold). The oral systemic availability of BPMC (fractionreaching systemic circulation) was increased by fenitrothiontreatment to 3.3-fold. These results suggest that a major causeof the potentiation may be the increase in amount of BPMC inthe systemic circulation.  相似文献   
Differences in the Mode of Lethality Produced through Intravenousand Oral Administration of Organophosphorus Insecticides inRats. TAKAHASHI, H., KOJIMA, T., IKEDA, T., TSUDA, S. and SHIRASU,Y. (1991). Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. 16, 459–468. This studywas undertaken to investigate the possibility that mechanismsother than cholinesterase (ChE) inhibition account for the acutetoxicity of organophosphorus insecticide. Both the PO type insecticide(direct ChE inhibitors: chlorfenvinphos and dichlorvos) andthe PS type insecticide (indirect ChE inhibitors: diazinon andfenthion) were employed. Rats treated with lethal doses of intravenousand oral PO type insecticides and oral PS type insecticidesexhibited typical signs of anti-ChE poisoning along with markedinhibition of brain and erythrocyte ChE activity. In contrast,rats given lethal doses of intravenous PS type insecticidesexhibited tonic convulsions and opisthotonos, with only slightinhibition of ChE activities. When PO type insecticides wereintravenously administered to anesthetized and conscious rats,animals exhibited typical anti-ChE poisoning signs in cardiorespiration:hypertension and apnea which were antagonized by atropine. Afteradministration of lethal doses of PO type insecticides, breathingdisappeared before the cessation of heart beats. Rats receivinglethal doses of intravenous PS type insecticides did not showhypertension, but exhibited transient cessation of breathingand heart beats. Breathing was observed after the disappearanceof heart beats. The electroencephalogram (EEG) was characterizedby spike and wave complexes. The EEG and cardiorespiratory changeswere not antagonized by atropine. It was concluded that lethalityfollowing intravenous PS type insecticides may be independentof ChE inhibition.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: In Asian countries, glycerol solution that contains fructose (5%) is often used for management of brain edema. However, glycerol and fructose may cause severe hypoglycemia and metabolic acidosis in patients with fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FBPase) deficiency, even under stable conditions. The aim of the present study was to determine whether glycerol solution was used for brain edema during acute metabolic decompensation of hypoglycemia and metabolic acidosis in patients with unrecognized FBPase deficiency in Japan and to examine a long-term prognosis of the patients who had this kind of severe metabolic decompensation with or without glycerol therapy. METHODS: A retrospective study of 20 children with FBPase deficiency was conducted, based on their medical records. RESULTS: Six of the 20 children were given glycerol solution for the presence or possibility of brain edema during acute metabolic decompensation of hypoglycemia and metabolic acidosis; two of the six patients administered with glycerol were given dialysis. In four patients treated with glycerol alone without dialysis, two had no brain edema before glycerol administration but it developed later after the administration. These four patients treated with glycerol alone died or developed severe neurological complications. Fourteen patients who were not treated with glycerol solution had no brain edema and showed good prognosis. CONCLUSIONS: Glycerol solution, which contains fructose in Asian countries including Japan, should not be used as an osmotic agent for treatment of brain edema in patients who have hypoglycemia and retention-type metabolic acidosis, until FBPase deficiency is ruled out by measuring blood concentration of lactate.  相似文献   
中药与日本汉方药原植物的差异比较及原因分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
依据 2000年版《中国药典》和第十四改《正日本药局方》收载植物类生药品种 ,列表比较了中药与日本汉方药原植物的差异 ,并对产生差异的现象和原因进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   
The flow diverter has been shown to be a safe and effective device for large cerebral aneurysms in the proximal internal carotid artery (ICA). Recently, its indication has been expanded to small- and medium-sized cerebral aneurysms in the distal segment of the ICA. In this study, we report a single-center, retrospective investigation of the safety and efficacy of the Pipeline Flex device to treat these aneurysms. Of the patients who underwent Pipeline implantation for small- and medium-sized ICA aneurysms (≤12 mm) at our hospital between July 2013 and October 2021, 102 patients with 104 aneurysms were included in this study. The mean age of the patients was 57.7 ± 12.1 years, and 94 (90.4%) were female. The mean aneurysmal dome diameter was 9.2 ± 2.3 mm, the mean neck diameter was 5.3 ± 1.6 mm, and the mean dome-to-neck ratio was 1.8 ± 0.5. Twenty-five patients (24.0%) had incorporated vessels from the aneurysm. Complete occlusion of the aneurysms was obtained in 96 patients (92.3%). There were no cases of parent artery stenosis or major stroke after the procedure. Absence of incorporated vessel from the aneurysm dome and adjunctive coil embolization are statistically significant factors indicating complete occlusion in multivariate analysis. The time to complete occlusion was determined earlier with the use of the Pipeline Shield (p = 0.0386) and with adjunctive coils (p = 0.0025). We showed that Pipeline implantation for small- and medium-sized aneurysms was safe and highly effective.  相似文献   
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