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Microdialysis has been used to determine the concentration of salicylic acid in skin tissue and plasma periodically for 4 h to evaluate the effect of ointment bases on topical and transdermal delivery of salicylic acid. The ointment bases examined were solbase (water-soluble), poloid and white petrolatum (oleaginous), hydrophilic poloid (water in oil (w/o) type emulsion lacking water) and absorptive ointment (w/o-type emulsion containing water). The ointments (0.1 g) containing 25 μmol salicylic acid were applied for 2 h to the surface of rat skin (1 cm2) with (intact) or without the stratum corneum. For intact skin, the extent of topical delivery from different ointments, evaluated by the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) of salicylic acid in the skin tissue (AUCskin), increased in the order solbase. white petrolatum, poloid, hydrophilic poloid. absorptive ointment. The ratio of AUCskin (topical delivery) to the AUC of salicylic acid in plasma (AUCplasma, transdermal delivery) varied remarkably among the different bases, the greatest ratio being observed for absorptive ointment. When the ointments were applied to skin surface without stratum corneum, AUCskin for solbase was much higher (about 45 times that for intact skin), whereas only a small (two-fold) increase was observed for poloid and hydrophilic poloid and the increase was negligible for white petrolatum and absorptive ointment. For skin without the stratum corneum, the ratio AUCskin/AUCplasma for the different ointments was comparable, although the magnitudes of AUCskin and AUCplasma still varied substantially. The variance of AUC values arises as a result of the different rates of release of salicylic acid from the bases. These results indicate that: the topical and transdermal delivery of salicylic acid in intact skin varies substantially among different ointment bases, and the greatest topical delivery is observed for absorptive ointment; use of absorptive ointment increases the retention of salicylic acid in the stratum corneum; and the stratum corneum functions strongly as a penetration barrier for solbase, moderately for poloid and hydrophilic poloid, and less for absorptive ointment and white petrolatum.  相似文献   
Kidney-specific delivery of p-nitroaniline, sulphamethoxazole and sulphamethizole after either intravenous administration of the L-γ-glutamyl or N-acetyl-L-γ-glutamyl derivatives or the parent drugs has been examined in a rat model. All L-γ-glutamyl derivatives were converted to the corresponding parent drugs within 60 min whereas the N-acetyl-L-γ-glutamyl derivatives were fairly stable in the systemic circulation after parenteral administration. Concentrations of p-nitroaniline and sulphamethoxazole 20 min after administration of the parent drugs were somewhat higher in the kidney than in the liver and lung. The concentration of sulphamethizole in the kidney was dramatically higher than those in the hepatic and pulmonary tissue. Kidney-specific delivery of the drugs of interest was evaluated by determining the tissue concentrations of the released parent drug and the total drug levels (i.e. drug levels after hydrolysis of all conjugate to the parent drug). For L-γ-glutamyl-p-nitroaniline released renal levels of p-nitroaniline and total p-nitroaniline concentrations were both higher than those obtained after p-nitroaniline dosing. Use of L-γ-glutamylsulphamethoxazole resulted in higher total sulphamethoxazole concentrations in the kidney, but did not lead to an increase in released (unconjugated) sulphamethoxazole levels. In contrast, no kidney-selective distribution was observed for L-γ-glutamylsulphamethizole. Markedly increased kidney distribution was observed for both N-acetyl-L-γ-glutamyl-p-nitroaniline and N-acetyl-L-γ-glutamylsulpha-methoxazole and the liver and lung concentrations were correspondingly reduced in comparison with parent drug dosing. Use of the N-acetyl-L-γ-glutamyl-p-nitroaniline conjugate increased the concentration of p-nitroaniline in the kidney to the same extent as did L-γ-glutamyl-p-nitroaniline. In conclusion, N-acetyl-L-γ-glutamyl derivatization of certain compounds seems to be useful for kidney-specific ***drug delivery and preliminary data suggests that lipophilic drugs are better substrates than hydrophilic compounds. Results related to the selectivity of tissue distribution of the derivatives and species differences are discussed.  相似文献   
NOGAMI, A., et al. : Enhancement of J–ST-Segment Elevation by the Glucose and Insulin Test in Brugada Syndrome. The effects of glucose and insulin on J–ST-segment elevation were evaluated in seven men   (mean age 45 ± 10 years)   with Brugada syndrome. Six patients had been reanimated from VF and one patient had experienced syncope. The effects of intravenous (1) pilsicainide 50 mg, (2) glucose 50 g, and (3) glucose 50 g plus regular insulin 10 IU on the precordial ECG leads were examined. Pilsicainide significantly enhanced J-ST elevation in all patients and induced VF in 1 patient. A significant accentuation of the abnormal J-ST configuration was observed in all patients at a mean of   51 ± 40   minutes after glucose and insulin infusion. Changes in blood glucose and serum potassium concentration were   111 ± 158 mg/dL   and   −0.30 ± 0.48 mEq/L   , respectively. These changes were not directly related to the ECG changes. Glucose infusion without insulin caused a subtle increase in J-ST elevation. In conclusion, the administration of glucose and insulin safely unmasked or accentuation the J–ST-segment elevation in Brugada syndrome. Blood glucose and insulin concentrations may be factors modulating the circadian or day-to-day ECG variations in this syndrome. (PACE 2003; 26[Pt. II]:332–337)  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Haemophilus influenzae is the major cause of otitis media and lower respiratory tract infection in childhood. In the presence of human milk, which contains numerous host defense factors, Haemophilus influenzae may be inhibited in attaching to and colonizing pharyngeal cells. We investigated the incidence of H. influenzae in the throats of 162 healthy infants with different feeding methods: 70 breast-fed, 49 mixed-fed and 43 formula-fed infants. METHODS AND RESULTS: Haemophilus influenzae was identified using standard microbiological procedures and the API NH system. The incidence of H. influenzae in breast-fed infants, mixed-fed infants and formula-fed infants was 0, 0 and 7.0% respectively. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that the colonization of H. influenzae in the throat was inhibited by the presence of breast milk.  相似文献   
This study analyzes the characteristics of traffic accidents involving children. It discusses why children with certain attributes and in specific situations are exposed to a higher traffic accident risk, in light of their ability to deal with traffic and their body characteristics. Finally, based on these results, it offers some conclusions and recommendations on ways of improving child safety in road traffic.  相似文献   
In order to determine whether the surface marker phenotypesof non-Hodgkin's lymphomas affect the prognosis, we have studiedthe differences in response rate and duration of survival betweenT- and B-cell lymphomas. Sixty-four patients who underwent first-linetherapy, including combination chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy,from February 1979 to August 1985 were evaluated. With the aidof standard immunological methods and monoclonal antibodiesrelated to T-cells and B-cells. 21 T-cell lymphomas and 21 B-celllyrnphomas were identified. In the other 22 cases phenotypeswere not determined mainly because of the inability to obtainfresh samples. The complete remission rate was 100% for B-celllymphomas and 52.3% for T-cell lymphomas. The median survivaltime for patients with lymphomas of Stage III and IV. excludingthose with low-grade histology, was nine months for T-cell lymphomasand 17 months for B-cell lymphomas. T-cell lymphomas were foundto have significantly poorer prognosis than B-cell lymphomas.One patient with B-cell lymphoma and six patients in an undeterminedphenotype group, who were treated with combination chemotherapy,have been alive more than three years without relapse and thesepatients are considered potentially cured. Our results suggestthat the surface marker phenotype study of lymphoma cells aswell as histological subtying is important in prognosis andthat more effective therapy is needed to improve the prognosisof T-cell lymphomas.  相似文献   
We assessed the post-natal thyroid function in eight infants of mothers with Graves' disease whose thyroid function at birth was suppressed by maternal ingestion of propylthiouracil during pregnancy. These mothers continued taking propylthiouracil after delivery and breast-fed exclusively (two mothers supplemented their breast milk with a small amount of baby food). The cord free T4 level was slightly but uniformly below the normal range in all eight infants, and the cord TSH level was above the normal in seven infants. The dose of propylthiouracil after delivery ranged from 50 to 300 mg daily, which was equal to, or higher than, that before delivery. All these abnormal values normalized in the infant after birth. Serum samples, from seven of the eight mothers, taken at delivery were examined for TSH receptor antibodies; all were positive. The antibody titre, however, was too low, and/or free T4 and TSH levels were examined too long after delivery, for the antibodies to be the cause of the restoration of the infants' thyroid function. These results assure the safety of breast-feeding for the infants of mothers with Graves' disease taking propylthiouracil.  相似文献   
Immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) gene rearrangements were amplified in transbronchial lung biopsy (TBLB) specimens taken from five patients with primary lymphoma of the lung in whom the diagnosis was established by surgical specimens. By histopathological analysis of TBLB specimens, only two of the five cases were diagnosed as lymphoma, the other three cases being classified as equivocal due mainly to low levels of cellular atypia and to artefactual distortion. All five TBLB specimens, as well as the subsequent surgical specimens, showed a sharp monoclonal band of IgH gene rearrangement on electrophoresis of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products. By contrast, three surgical biopsy specimens from cases of lymphoid interstitial pneumonia (LIP) showed smear polyclonal bands. No clonal rearrangements were detected in six non-neoplastic controls, including five cases of chronic bronchitis and one of sarcoidosis. The PCR products of three of the lymphoma cases were sequenced from both TBLB and surgical specimens. In all three cases, there was dominant expression of a particular rearrangement, assumed to be tumour-derived. In each case, the major clones derived from the TBLB and the surgical specimen were identical. In both lymphoma and LIP cases, more frequent usages of JH4 and JH6 were evident. The diagnosis of lymphoma can be confirmed on TBLB specimens by use of this technique.  相似文献   
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