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Genetic factors related to the development of alcoholic liverand pancreatic diseases (ALD and APD) and of alcohol-inducedasthma were analyzed. The development of ALD is geneticallycontrolled and is directly associated with the polymorphismsof the genes of acetaldehyde (Ac-CHO) and ethanol-metabolizingenzymes, aldehyde dehydrogenase-2 (ALDH2) and cytochrome P4502E1.The development of ALD and APD may also be genetically linkedwith the induction of gamma-glutamyl transferase (GTT) by alcohol.Alcohol-induced asthma is related to the genotypes of ALDH2and is caused by rapid elevation of blood Ac-CHO. ALDH1 playsa very important role in the oxidation of Ac CHO in blood.  相似文献   
Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor is a potent activatorof mature granulocytes, and subsequently enhances superoxiderelease. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectsof granulocyte colony-stimulating factor upon murine coxsackievirusB3 myocarditis in relation to free radical-mediated cardiacdamage. Two-week-old, male, C3H/He mice were inoculated intraperitoneallywith coxsackievirus B3. Gramulocyte colony-stimulating factor20 µg.kg–1. day–1, polyethylene glycol-conjugatedsuperoxide dismutase (an enzyme catalyzing the conversion ofO2- to H2O2) 1 x 103 U.kg–1 day–1 and granulocytecolony-stimulating factor 20 µg. kg–1 day–1,plus polyethylene glycol-conjugated superoxide dismutase 1 x103 U.kg–1. day–1, were injected subcutaneouslydaily on days 0 to 14. Treated groups were compared to the infected,untreated group. The survival rate in the polyethylene glycol-conjugatedsuperoxide dismutase group was higher than that of the untreatedgroup on day 14, but on day 7, cardiac pathology was not significantlydifferent among the four groups. On day 14, the scores of cellularinfiltration, myocardial necrosis and calc were lower in thepolyethylene glycol-conjugated superoxide disnuitase group andin the granulocyte colony-stimulating factor plus polyethyleneglycol-conjugated superoxide dismutase group than in the untreatedgroup. The myocardial virus titres on days 7 and 14 did notd sign y among the four groups. The number of total white bloodcell and neutrophil counts were signifIcantly greater in thegranulo cyte colony-stimulating factor group than in the untreatedgroup on day 7. Taken altogether with the previous reports andpresent evidence that the administration of granulocyte colony-stimulatingfactor did not exacerbate coxsackievirus B3 myocarditis, itmay be that oxygen-free radicals appeared to be derived notfrom leukocytes but from other components in this experimentalmodel of myocarditis, whereas the myocardium was inflamed withleukocytes.  相似文献   
Although percutaneous transluminal balloon aortic valvuloplasty (PTAV) has been performed for congenital aortic stenosis in infants and children for several years, its efficacy and the associated aortic regurgitation (AR) have not been widely discussed. Percutaneous transluminal balloon aortic valvuloplasty using an Inoue balloon catheter was performed for congenital aortic stenosis in 12 patients (4–16 years old) in this study. The systolic aortic valve pressure gradient ranged from 42 to 111 mmHg before PTAV and became < 50 mmHg immediately after PTAV in 10 cases (83%). Eight of these 10 patients had no increase in the gradient during subsequent observation for a period of 9–40 months. Aortic regurgitation increased immediately after PTAV in nine cases (75%). It increased from grade 1 to grade 2 in eight cases and from grade 1 to grade 3 in one patient; no significant enlargement of the left ventricular end-diastolic diameter and no significant change in the left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP) or the cardiac index was observed during follow-up in these patients. There was a correlation between the diameter of the balloon and efficacy; an appropriate diameter was considered to be about 90% of the aortic annular diameter. Changes in the hemodynamic parameter after PTAV with an Inoue balloon were small in most patients and this procedure is considered to be a treatment that should be attempted prior to surgery for congenital aortic stenosis.  相似文献   
Summary  Blood flow in active skeletal muscles provides energy substrate, oxygen and reduction of excessive heat and metabolic by-products. Although cyclic jaw motions such as those during mastication and speech articulation are the primitive oro-facial functions, possible effects of the cyclic muscle contractions on the intramuscular haemodynamics of the jaw muscles remains scarcely known. We investigated the masseteric haemodynamics during and after gum-chewing. Ten healthy female adults participated in the study. Electromyography, kinetics of masseter muscle oxygenation, electrocardiogram and blood pressure were recorded simultaneously. The subjects were asked to perform gum-chewing and cyclic jaw motion without gum bolus (empty-chewing task). The haemodynamics parameters were compared between the two experimental conditions. During gum-chewing task, deoxygenated haemoglobin and sympathetic nerve activity increased, while tissue blood oxygen saturation decreased. Blood pressure and parasympathetic nerve activity did not change. The overall behaviour of haemodynamic parameters during empty-chewing task was similar to that observed during gum-chewing task. However, the latency periods from the end of chewing until significant changes in the haemodynamic parameters were notably shorter ( P  < 0·05) in gum-chewing task as compared with those associated with empty-chewing task. The duration of the changes was shorter with empty-chewing than with gum-chewing. Fluctuations in masseter muscle haemodynamics associated with chewing jaw movement differed depending on the level of muscle contraction during movement. The differences became statistically significant immediately after the commencement of chewing and after the cessation movement. During the chewing movement, automatic nerve activities increased in response to the level of muscle contraction during movement.  相似文献   
After stratification for the extent of disease, previously untreatedpatients .with small cell lung cancer randomized to receivetherapy with the four-drug combination of cyclophosphamide,oncovin, nimustine hydrochloride (ACNU), and procarbazine (CONP)every four weeks (continuous regimen) or to receive CONP alternatingwith the three-drug combination of etoposide (VP-16), adriamycinand cisplatin (VAD) at four-week intervals (alternating regimen).Sixty-nine patients were entered in the study. Of 34 evaluablepatients receiving the continuous regimen, six (17.6%) achievedcomplete response (CR) and 16 (47.1%) achieved partial response(PR). Of 31 evaluable patients receiving the alternating regimen,10 (32.3%) achieved CR, and 16 (51.6%) achieved PR. There wasa tendency in favor of the alternating regimen in CR and overall response rates (0.05 < p < 0.1). There were no significantdifferences be tween the regimens in response duration or survival.The projected median survival times were 9.2 months and 9.4months for the continuous and alternating regimens, respectively.One patient receiving the continuous regimen and three receivingthe alternating regimen have been living for more than two years.The major toxicity was myelosuppression in both regimens. Onepatient died of hemorrhage due to thrombocytopenia during inductionwith CONP, and one patient died of cisplatin-induced renal failure.We conclude that alternating non-cross resistant chemotherapyleads to improved CR and response rates, but does not improvesurvival.  相似文献   
Six partially or fully edentulous rheumatoid patients participated in the study. By comparing the clinical symptoms and tomograms of the temporomandibular joints (TMJS) pre-prosthesis with those post-prosthesis, this report assesses whether dental treatment could provide positive help for TMJS in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Among the clinical symptoms of TMJ dysfunction, pain from the TMJ region and limitations of movement were improved in all the patients post-prosthesis. Tomographic evidence of desirable remodelling of the condylar heads was observed in two cases.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Marshall-Smith syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by accelerated skeletal maturation, bullet-shaped proximal and middle phalanges, dysmorphic facial features, and failure to thrive, and is often associated with mental retardation of variable degree. We describe an 8-month-old female with this syndrome, who has a hypoplastic corpus callosum and extreme upper airway obstruction requiring tracheostomy. Also, we review the previous reports of this syndrome since 1971 (Marshall et al., 1971).  相似文献   
A 2 year old girl was diagnosed as having erythroleukemia (EL; M6 according to the French-American-British classification). After one course of low-dose cytosine arabinoside (Ara-C), complete remission was obtained. After three courses of low-dose Ara-C for consolidation, allogeneic bone marrow transplantation was performed from HLA-identical sibling. The course of post-transplantation was uneventful. Two years after transplantation, she continues to have durable engraftment and remission. In children with EL, conventional chemotherapy appears to be inadequate for producing durable long-term disease-free survival. Bone marrow transplantation should be considered in children with EL, in cases where suitable donors are available.  相似文献   
It has been shown that moderate exercise suppresses parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion, while strenuous exercise is apt to induce continuous secretion, which has a negative effect on bone mineral densities (BMD). The present study investigated a typical response of PTH to brief exercise. The study group comprised six adolescent female basketball players whose BMD were within normal limits. Maximal anaerobic power by three-step cycling was loaded on each subject. The first blood sample was drawn 30 min prior to testing test, the second was immediately following, the third was 15 min after, and the fourth was 30 min after. The proportional change in plasma volume was -11.5% immediately following (P < 0.05), + 2.1% 15 min after, and + 5.5% at 30 min after exercise (P< < 0.05). The expected value was calculated on the assumption of no effect, except changes in plasma volume, by exercise. The measured values of PTH and calcium (Ca) immediately after exercise were lower than each of the expected values (P < 0.05 for both). At 15 min after, there was no significant difference between expected and measured values of PTH, Ca and magnesium (Mg), respectively. At 30 min after, the measured value of Ca and Mg was higher than each expected value (P < 0.05 for both). It was concluded that PTH secretion is suppressed transiently immediately after maximal anaerobic exercise and is then stimulated during the recovery time in normal BMD subjects.  相似文献   
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