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Objective To investigate the role of inflammatory cytokines in the pathogenesis of chronic non-bacterial prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CAP/CPPS) patients. Methods The 38 cases with CAP/CPPS patients (18 cases of CAP and 20 cases of CPPS) and 20 cases of healthy controls were selected. The differential expressions of 40 kinds of inflammatory cytokines were detec-ted by antibody arrays in prostate fluid. Results The inflammatory cytokines which increased more than 1.5 times expression have been found. There were seven kinds in CAP including monocyte che-moattractant protein (MCP)-1, solution tumor necrosis factor receptor Ⅱ(s TNF R Ⅱ), platelet-de-rived growth faetor-BB (PDGF-BB), interleukin (IL)-β, IL-11、IL-6、MCP-2 and five kinds in CPPS groups including MCP-1、PDGF-BB、MCP-2、s TNF R Ⅱ、It-11 respectively, compared with healthy control group. The cluster analysis results showed that protein expression of Monocyte chemoattrac-tant protein 1 (MCP-1)and platelet-derived growth factor BB (PDGF-BB) were significantly increased in CAP (3.47 and 2.07 times) and CPPS (2.25 and 2.19 times) compared with healthy control group and were the final polymerization of inflammatory cytokines. The protein expression of interleukin 1 β (IL-1 β), MCP-1 and soluble tumor necrosis factor Ⅱ (s TNF R Ⅱ) in CAP group was increased more than 1.85,1.55,1.67 times compared with CPPS group. Conclusions Elevated expression of inflammatory cytokines may play an important role in the course of CAP/CPPS disease. The extent of the inflammatory response of CAP was higher than CPPS. The inflammatory factors of MCP-1 and PDGF-BB could serve as a novel diagnostic marker.  相似文献   
女性到了25岁这个年龄,皮肤的新陈代谢便开始走下坡路,特别是到了30岁以后,繁重的工作压力,不规律的生活习惯、不合理的饮食——稍不留心,就会被岁月提前做上记号:皮肤特别容易变得干燥、没有光泽,眼角、嘴角也会悄悄冒出小小的细纹。其实这也是女性身体中的雌激素在起变化。医学专家认为:雌激素对女人来讲非常重要,它是维系女人第二特征的重要因素。雌激素可以使女人的  相似文献   
儿童睡眠与健康文/龚秀英图/贾西林人的一生约有13的时间在睡眠中度过,足够的睡眠可使人恢复体力。人若不睡眠,神经细胞就会一直处于兴奋状态,使失去的物质得不到及时补偿,寿命就会因之而缩短。对儿童来说,睡眠更为重要,因为睡眠不仅与孩子的身体生长发育有关,...  相似文献   
在日常生活当中,常常有人告诉我们,什么食物和什么食物不能搭配吃,会损失营养,会有毒,或者会产生致癌物质,时常弄得人胆颤心惊,惴惴不安。果真如此吗?找几个常见的搭配禁忌,让我们听听专家怎么说。1、菠菜和豆腐不能一起吃禁忌的理论:菠菜中含有大量的草酸,而普通豆腐是用石膏或卤水点的,含有大量的钙,草酸与钙可结合形成不溶性的沉淀。  相似文献   
龚秀英 《健康》2013,(12):28-29
案例李大妈患上了糖尿病。听人说饭前先喝汤能控制食量,于是她特意买了本煲汤的食谱,每天不是玉米排骨汤就是黄豆猪蹄汤,饭前喝上两大碗,果然不想吃主食了。  相似文献   
人们一般吃水果都喜欢洗干净或去皮就吃,但有些水果煮熟吃比生吃效果更好。 [苹果——果胶遇热益处倍增] 苹果是人们常吃的水果,生吃口感脆爽,熟吃营养更好。将苹果连皮切成6~8瓣,放入冷水锅内煮,水开后将苹果取出,连皮吃,可防治嘴唇生热疮、牙龈发炎、舌裂等内热现象。每天一次,每次一个,连吃7~10个可愈。  相似文献   
保健科医生给自己的宝宝补钙吗?中医给自己的宝宝用抗生素吗?眼科医生会让自己的宝宝玩ipad吗?跟随我们一起来探秘医生妈妈的私家育儿秘籍吧。  相似文献   
饮食对于一个人何等的重要,每天大家必不可少的就是吃和睡,其中吃什么不吃什么,怎么吃,学问很多。如果一个人连吃都不懂,不仅少了很多乐趣,对身体恐陷也不会太好。  相似文献   
目的探讨肿瘤坏死因子—α(TNF-α)基因启动子-308位多态性与慢性非细菌性前列腺炎,慢性骨盆疼痛综合征中医证型的相关性。方法采用PCR-R FLP技术结合ELISA法。对115例CPPS患者和21例非CPPS健康人群前列腺液TNF-α水平及启动子-308位基因多态性进行检测。并对其与中医证型的相关性进行了分析。结果CPPS组TNF-α2等位基因型频率显著高于健康对照组,OR=6.286(95%CI1.471-26.850,P〈0.01)。中医证型中。湿热蕴阻证、湿热挟瘀证与TNF—α基因启动子308-2基因型相关。与气滞血瘀证及健康对照组比较差异显著(P〈0.05)。结论TNF-α2等位基因可能与CPPS的易感性相关,并可能是CPPS中医证型中湿热蕴阻证、湿热挟瘀证的易感基因。  相似文献   
Objective To investigate the role of inflammatory cytokines in the pathogenesis of chronic non-bacterial prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome (CAP/CPPS) patients. Methods The 38 cases with CAP/CPPS patients (18 cases of CAP and 20 cases of CPPS) and 20 cases of healthy controls were selected. The differential expressions of 40 kinds of inflammatory cytokines were detec-ted by antibody arrays in prostate fluid. Results The inflammatory cytokines which increased more than 1.5 times expression have been found. There were seven kinds in CAP including monocyte che-moattractant protein (MCP)-1, solution tumor necrosis factor receptor Ⅱ(s TNF R Ⅱ), platelet-de-rived growth faetor-BB (PDGF-BB), interleukin (IL)-β, IL-11、IL-6、MCP-2 and five kinds in CPPS groups including MCP-1、PDGF-BB、MCP-2、s TNF R Ⅱ、It-11 respectively, compared with healthy control group. The cluster analysis results showed that protein expression of Monocyte chemoattrac-tant protein 1 (MCP-1)and platelet-derived growth factor BB (PDGF-BB) were significantly increased in CAP (3.47 and 2.07 times) and CPPS (2.25 and 2.19 times) compared with healthy control group and were the final polymerization of inflammatory cytokines. The protein expression of interleukin 1 β (IL-1 β), MCP-1 and soluble tumor necrosis factor Ⅱ (s TNF R Ⅱ) in CAP group was increased more than 1.85,1.55,1.67 times compared with CPPS group. Conclusions Elevated expression of inflammatory cytokines may play an important role in the course of CAP/CPPS disease. The extent of the inflammatory response of CAP was higher than CPPS. The inflammatory factors of MCP-1 and PDGF-BB could serve as a novel diagnostic marker.  相似文献   
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