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新概念武器及其医学问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王松俊 《人民军医》1997,40(9):507-508
新概念武器是指基本原理、构造和杀伤机制方面完全不同于传统概念的武器。从军事医学防护研究的角度,可将其分为三类;第一类主要用于杀伤人员,如次声武器;第二类既可杀伤人员又能破坏武器装备,如激光武器、微波武器、粒子束武器、不相干光源;第王类主要用于摧毁武器装备,对人员的杀伤因素基本类同于常规武器,如电磁炮、电热炮。1次声武器次声是指频率低于20HZ的声波,能引起心血管、呼吸、消化、中枢神经等多系统功能紊乱、走向障碍、情绪失常等。将次声的这些作用作为杀伤因素用于武器系统,称为次声武器。次声武器一种是通过炸弹…  相似文献   
生物恐怖及其防范对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于泱  王松俊 《人民军医》2003,46(7):422-424
生物威胁和生物恐怖由来已久 ,特别是 2 0世纪80年代以来 ,生物技术飞速发展 ,生物武器相关技术扩散加剧 ,生物武器正日益受到敌对势力和新型恐怖组织的普遍重视。新型恐怖主义正在寻求新的恐怖手段 ,如生物武器等 ,进行恐怖活动。近十几年来 ,生物武器裁军取得了明显进步 ,大规模使用生物武器的可能性减小 ,但非战场环境下使用的机会增大。美国的炭疽事件表明 ,生物恐怖已成为现实的威胁。因此 ,各国都在采取各种防范措施 ,以加强国家安全防御能力。1 生物恐怖1 1 恐怖组织选用生物武器进行恐怖活动的原因  (1)当今人口城市化和全球经…  相似文献   
在综合分析药物释放系统发展趋势、我国药物释放系统发展的实际水平及存在问题的基础上,提出我国药物释放系统发展的对策与建议。  相似文献   
利用互联网Medline数据库、清华全文数据库、欧洲专利数据库和中国知识产权局专利数据库,应用统计和情报分析的方法,对国内外近年来发表的有关药物释放系统(DDS)主题文献的论文进行文献数量、年代及研究内容的统计分析,同时对国内外药物制剂专利公布情况进行资料统计,对比分析国内外DDS的研究领域、研究重点变化及发展趋势,探讨我国未来DDS的研究重点与发展前景。  相似文献   
中风又名卒中,症见多端,变化迅速.轻者仅表现为单侧肢体麻木不仁,口眼歪斜或肢体活动障碍.重则突然昏扑,甚则在几个小时或几天内死亡.笔者应用中药相须配伍治疗中风,效果确切,介绍如下.  相似文献   
体外心肺复苏是难治性心脏骤停(CA)患者重要的治疗手段,能够改善心脏骤停患者的预后,近年来发展迅速, 然而国内外体外心肺复苏技术发展不均衡,大部分医疗机构仍处于起步阶段。体外心肺复苏技术需要多学科协作完 成。随着体外心肺复苏技术的发展,妊娠、创伤、主动脉夹层的CA患者使用体外心肺复苏技术也可能获得良好预 后。成人体外心肺复苏技术的应用前景广阔。  相似文献   
The novel coronavirus is a newly discovered pathogen in late December 2019, and its source is currently unknown, which can lead to asymptomatic infection, new coronavirus pneumonia or serious complications, such as acute respiratory failure. Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a new type of respiratory disease that is currently spreading all over the world and caused by this coronavirus. Its common symptoms are highly similar to those of other viruses, such as fever, cough and dyspnea. There is currently no vaccine or treatment for COVID-19. Everyone is susceptible to infection with this disease, and owing to the long-term use of immunosuppressants, the immunity of kidney transplant recipients is suppressed, and it is more likely to be infected with the disease. At present, its impact on kidney transplant recipients is unclear. This article reports the clinical features and therapeutic course of novel coronavirus infection in a patient after renal transplantation. A 37-year-old female patient who received a kidney transplant 6 months before was diagnosed with novel coronavirus pneumonia. The patient’s symptoms (such as fever, chills, dry cough, muscle aches), laboratory tests (such as decreased white blood cell count, elevated liver enzymes and D-dimer, positive viral nucleic acid test), and chest CT (multiple left lower lung plaque ground glass shadow) were similar to those of non-transplanted novel coronavirus pneumonia patients. In terms of treatment, because the immunity of kidney transplant recipients has been suppressed for a long time, it is a very common strategy to suspend the use of immunosuppressive agents. Therefore, the patient immediately discontinued the immunosuppressive agent after admission, so that she could restore immunity against infection in a short time. At the same time, the use of glucocorticoids was also very important. Its immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory effects played a large role in the treatment process.In addition, prophylactic antibiotics was needed, and nephrotoxic drugs should be used with caution. Finally, following discounting the use of immunosuppressant and a low-dose glucocorticoid-based treatment regimen, COVID-19 in this renal transplant recipient was successfully cured. The cure of this case was of great significance, and this adjuvant nonspecific antiviral therapy could provide a template for the treatment of other such patients.  相似文献   
通过分析美军健康管理思想的演变路径,探究军队健康管理思想的形成动因。在阐述军队健康管理的定义、任务和目标的基础上,强调了当前加强军队健康管理的现实意义。  相似文献   
目的探讨近红外线及高频超声对乳腺肿块的诊断价值。方法67例乳腺肿块经高频超声了解其形态、边界、内部回声,有无后方衰减及侧方声影,然后采用近红外线扫描观察,肿块周围浅表血管影的类型。结果良性肿块53例,恶性肿块14例。结论高频超声与近红外线扫描相结合对于鉴别乳腺肿块的良恶性具有极大的临床价值。  相似文献   
目的探讨基于时机理论的干预对首发脑卒中照顾者照顾负担的影响及变化规律。方法选取90例脑卒中照顾者,随机分成对照组44例和干预组46例,对照组接受神经内科常规护理与随访;干预组在常规护理与随访基础上,予以时机理论为指导的干预,并根据不同时间段制订个性化的知识、技能和情感指导计划。对比两组照顾者于不同阶段ZBI照顾负担得分变化。结果两组照顾者的照顾负担总分及各维度得分在时间效应、组间效应及二者交互作用,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论基于时机理论的干预可显著降低照顾者的照顾负担,出院后三个月内是实施干预的重要阶段,能快速有效地降低照顾者的照顾负担。  相似文献   
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