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醋炔诺酮肟的抗着床作用及其毒性研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
醋炔诺酮肟对实验动物有明显的抗着床作用。小鼠、大鼠和家兔在妊娠第2天起,分别给予醋炔诺酮肟0.5、1和2毫克/公斤,每天一次,连续3天,均有显著的抗着床作用。大鼠在妊娠第2或3天一次给醋炔诺肟酮5或10毫克/公斤,亦有明显的抗着床作用。家兔4只,每日灌服醋炔诺酮肟10毫克/公斤(约为临床剂量500倍),连续3周,给药后肝功能升高,停药2周后恢复正常,血象和肾功能均无明显变化。犬3只,每日灌服醋炔诺酮肟1~2毫克/公斤(约为临床剂量50~100倍),连服14个月,无明显毒性。  相似文献   
96名健康育龄妇女,随机分为Cyclofem组(复方醋酸甲孕酮)和Mesigyna组(复方庚炔诺酮),连续用针9个月,观察两针剂对抗凝血酶Ⅲ及X因子的影响,并以口服片Ortho-Novum1/35作对照。结果表明,Cyclofem组,AT血活性变化不明显,其含量则呈现升高趋势.对X因子无明显影响。Mesigyna组,ATⅢ活性略有下降.而其含量则无明显变化,同时,X因子明显下降(降低4.2%到10.7%).在OC组,ATⅢ活性稍有下降,但不显著,其含量的基础值高于用什组(P<0.05),服药期间呈下降趋势,X因子则显著增加(16.8%到23.5%)。认为商种避孕针剂对ATⅢ的影响均无重要的临床意义。  相似文献   
Effect of Combined Norethisterone Enantate 50mg Monthly Injectable ContraceptiveonCarbohydrateMetabolismSunDan-li(孙丹利);ShengK...  相似文献   
苏州荠苧的抗菌作用和毒性的初步观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 苏州荠苧(Mosla Soochouensis Mat-suda)为唇形科一年生草本植物,《浙江民间常用草药》记载,有解毒、消炎、利尿、镇痛等作用,可用于治疗扁桃体炎,感冒等。我们在中草药抗菌作用筛选试验中,证实苏州荠苧为一广谱抗菌药,并对其毒性作了初步观察。同时把易于与之混淆的疏花荠苧、华荠苧、粗齿荠苧的抗菌作用进行了比较,现将结果报导于下。  相似文献   
醋炔诺酮肟避孕片对子宫内膜组织学和阴道细胞学的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报告了38例服醋炔诺酮肟避孕片(其中26例服探亲片、12例服事后片)和3例不服药的健康妇女的子宫内膜活检结果及11名服酮肟探亲片妇女12个周期的阴道细胞学观察结果。所有服药妇女的子宫内膜发育均受不同程度抑制,对在周期早期开始服药者内膜的抑制作用较后期服药者明显。表明药物干扰了内膜的发育和分泌,这可能是该药避孕作用的主要机理。阴道细胞学检查表明,服药后阴道细胞因保持较低的雌激素影响而缺乏正常的周期变化,提示在周期的早期开始服药可能抑制排卵。  相似文献   
21名健康育龄妇女注射复方庚炔诺酮一年,在注射前及注射后的第1、3、6、12周期和停药后1或2个周期测定SGPT、γ-GT 的水平,并有20名妇女作为平行对照,比较研究该针剂对肝脏有无影响。结果表明使用复方庚炔诺酮针剂一年对血清SGPT、γ-GT 的水平,无明显影响。  相似文献   
Forty-six healthy women received Cyclofem (25mg medroxyprogesterone acetate with 5mg estradiol cypionate) and other forty-five women, as control, received oral contraceptive pill (Orttm-Novum 1/35, containing norethisterone enantate 1mg and estradiol valerate 35μg) for nine months. Blood samples were taken during the follicular and luteal phases of pre- treatment, and for Cyclofem group, immediately prior to the 3rd and 9th injections and 1 and 3 weeks after the 3rd and 9th injections; for Ortho-Novum group, blood samples were taken on the irst day of the 3rd and 9th pill cycles and 1 and 3 weeks later in both cycles. For both groups after at least 3 months nonhormonal method of contraception, blood sampling was repeated at follicular and luteal phases of a normal mentrual cycle. Coagulation and fibrinolysis parameter were detected including hemoglobin, platelet count, prothrombin time, APTT, fibrinogen, factor Ⅶ, factor Ⅹ, plasminogen, t-PAL AT Ⅲ(functional and immunological assays) and protein C. In the Cyclofem group, hemoglobin, platelet count, fibrinogen and factor Ⅹ were not changed. Factor Ⅶ significantly reduced. Prothrombin time and APTT showed minor changes. Plasminogen and protein C decreased while t-PAI aad AT Ⅲ increased. These changes showed a dynamic balance between coagulation and fibrinolysis. In Ortho-Novum 1/35 group, platelet count, factor Ⅹ and fibrinogen increased and prothrombin time and APTT accelerated. In fibrinolysis and anticoagutation system, plasminogen increased as well as protein C, but AT Ⅲ declined. Those changes showed a tendency of hyper-eoagutability state, fibrinolysis and anticoagulation were enhanced to a certain extent.The result of our study is that there are slight changes on coagulation and fibrinolysis in Cyclofem injectable contraceptive users.  相似文献   
Curcuma Aromatica in the form of decoc-tion administered intraperitoneally or subcuta-neously at the daily dosage of 5-10 g/kg for 2-3days to rabbits in various stages of gravidity,terminated it.The drug was less effective whenused orally.The LD_(50) of the herb in mice was33.7±3.1g/kg when administered in a single i.p.injection.The estrogenic and antiestrogenic activitiesof the herb were negligible.The significantchange observed was marked suppression of thedeciduoma.The termination of early gestationin mice was prevented by simultaneous injectionof progesterone and the herb,suggesting that thepregnancy-termination action of the herb wasprobably due to its antagonistic effect on endo-genous progesterone and the uterine contractioneffect.  相似文献   
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