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Objective To assess the radiological characteristics and therapeutic strategies of intracranial aneurysms in children. Methods From our dedicated neurovascular databank of patients, we reviewed 23 consecutive children who had 24 intracranial aneurysms. There were 14 boys and 9 girls with a mean age of 9.09 years ( range 1 - 14 years ). Results Intracranial aneurysms in children ≤ 14 years constituted 1.3% of all intracranial aneurysms. Internal Carotid artery (ICA) and middle cerebral artery (MCA) were the most frequent sites for aneurysms. About 58.3% of the aneurysms were complex, including dissecting, pseudoaneurysm, giant and fusiform aneurysm. 1/3 of all aneurysms were located in posterior circulation. Only 1 case had multiple aneurysms in this case series. Almost half of all cases presented with subarachnoid hemorrhage and others presented with mass effect. 14 cases underwent endovascular treatment. 4 patients received microsurgical therapy. 5 cases did not receive microsurgical or endovascular therapy, 2 of them whose aneurysms spontaneously thrombosed during follow up. One boy with left vertebral artery giant aneurysm died after endovascular therapy owing to gradual thrombosis in basilar artery. Another child had poor outcome because of rerupture of aneurysm before operation. Whereas the majority had a favorable outcome. Conclusions Intracranial aneurysms in children had many clinical and radiological characteristics different from those in adults : ( 1 ) remarkable male predominance; ( 2 ) ICA and MCA were the most common sites for aneurysms; (3) high incidence of large, traumatic, infectious, dissecting and fusiform aneurysms. (4)For pediatric intracranial aneurysms, both microsurgical approaches and endovascular treatment were effective. Endovaacular therapy was the best choice for complex aneurysms.  相似文献   
孔今城  胡宏慧 《上海医学》1997,20(10):586-588,F004
肠道非肿块型溃疡性T细胞淋巴瘤比较罕见,与肠型恶性组织细胞增生症易发生混淆,且其症状复杂多样不易确立诊断[1]。我们曾遇2例,均经6个月反复各项检查仍难确诊,后因肠穿孔作肠殷切除,经病理检查及免疫组化酶标记后,才明确诊断为肠道非肿块型溃疡性T细胞淋巴瘤,现报道如下。病史摘要倒1,男,15岁。不规则周期性发热6个月,38~39C为多,间隙正常3~4天后发热再起,最高可达40.5C伴咽痛及颈浅淋巴结肿大如黄豆。发热时白细胞总数及分类记数正常,各种抗生素治疗未能控制体温,消炎痛栓剂可暂时降低温度。其它各项检查均未提供诊断…  相似文献   
难治性肝炎并不是病名,是指病毒性肝炎中的难治性病例,其中包括重症肝炎和慢性肝炎。最近人们把属于自身免疫性变化引起的免疫性肝炎(包括狼疮型肝炎)及原发性肝硬变也列入难治性肝炎中进行研究。下面重点介绍重症肝炎和慢性肝炎。病毒性肝炎的流行病学及病程病毒性肝炎中,除甲型肝炎病毒(HAV)引起的甲型肝炎和乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)引起的乙型肝炎之外,还有非甲非乙型肝炎。遗憾的是,引起非甲非乙型肝炎的病毒,至今尚未发现,但有的同甲型肝炎一样足经口感染,也有的同乙型肝炎一样通过血液传染。前者在印度、尼泊尔等国家已有流行的报道,所幸日本尚无发病的报道。日本的非甲非乙型肝炎属后者,占散发性急性肝炎的约半数,占输血后肝炎的95%。由于在日本并没有施行病毒性肝炎申报制,所以  相似文献   
患女,31岁。因进行性吞咽、呼吸困难7天于1994年11月13日急诊入院。患1991年在我院行二尖瓣置换术,术后长期口服华法林3mg/d.凝血酶原时间(PT)控制在20s左右。此次就诊前20天,朱遵医嘱,自服华法林7.5mg/d,5天后双侧大退、臀部及双上肢出现瘀点、瘀斑,13天后颈部肿胀并逐渐加重,当地医院给予抗感染治疗无效。且出现吞咽、呼吸困难进行性加重并有腹部疼痛而转我院。体检:神志清,急性病容,呼吸急促,颈部肿胀周径达49cm,气管触摸不清,心肺听诊未见异常。腹平软,脐周轻度压痛,全身多处瘀斑,触痛明显。  相似文献   
胸腰段椎间盘突出症罕见,约占椎间盘突出的0.6%~4%。随着CT及MRI的应用,其发病率有增加的趋势。因其发病率低,报道较少。但由于病变位于脊髓圆椎段,其发病较下腰段椎间盘突出有很大的特殊性,故有必要结合我院近年收治的21例对其作一回顾性分析。1 临床资料  相似文献   
胃癌发生远处股骨及全身广泛皮肤转移者较少见。现将我们所见一例报告如下。男,35岁。上腹痛不适,进食后脐周胀痛,持续不退3月余入院。近月来右下肢、膝关节上方痛,肿胀不退,以夜间较明显。膝关节不能倬屈,活动障碍。胃纳差,体重减轻。15年前有溃疡病史。1977年在某院钡餐检查诊断为胃溃疡。1982年起上腹疼痛,服药不见好转,反渐加重,厌食,乏力,体重减轻明显。胃镜检查诊断为胃窦部溃疡。同年10月因胃溃疡穿孔在某院行胃修补术,并取胃粘膜病理检查,报告  相似文献   
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