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中医治则治法是气功按摩的指南,对老年病的治疗亦是如此,但有如下几点在气功按摩临床时需加以考虑: 1、对老年病的治疗特别细心谨慎。从问诊切脉采集病史开始,直至气功按摩操作的全过程,原则上对老年人应持保护、支持,容纳的态度接触患者,因为老年人有程度不同的记忆减退,常常难以完整地叙述过去病史,再加各种原因引起的老年期痴呆,老年性耳聋或语言不清、精神障碍等给采集病史带来困难,应多问其家属,注意了解过去的病历。  相似文献   
该文全面检索Web of Science和中国知网(CNKI)关于中药远志的相关文献,经手动筛选最终纳入中文文献1 207篇、英文文献263篇,采用Excel对远志研究年发文量绘制折线图,利用CiteSpace 6.1.R3文献计量学工具绘制远志研究的作者、机构、关键词共现、关键词聚类及关键词突现知识图谱。结果显示,远志研究的中、英文文献发文量均呈线性增长,且目前的研究热度不断攀升;王建、LIU X分别为中、英文发文量最多的作者;山西中医药大学和中国医学科学院分别为中、英文发文量最多的机构,且英文文献形成了以中国医学科学院为首的核心发文机构;中、英文关键词分析显示远志研究的热点集中在品种选育、药材质量标准、有效化学成分提取及鉴定、方剂配伍、中药炮制、临床用药规律、药理作用机制等方面,其中远志及其含有远志的相关临床制剂有效成分对脑神经保护作用、受体通路调节、抗焦虑、改善阿尔茨海默病的作用机制,数据挖掘及临床用药规律是其前沿方向。该研究为今后远志研究的选题和前沿识别具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate the effect of haploidentical lymphocyte infusion on refractory and relapse acute leukemia. Methods The haploidentical donor lymphocyte infusion was used to treat for relapse acute myeloid leukemia 3 patients (M2 2 eases, M4 lcase), one relapse acute lymphocyte leukemia from April 2006 to October 2007. Four cases who had accepted secondly regimens were ineffective,after relapse. Collecting donor lymphocytes, parents children as donor supply in 3 cases, mother as donor supply one case. Before donor lymphocyte infusion patients received chemotherapy of different regimens. Donor haploidentical iymphocytes irradiated by 6-8 Gy radial were infused when patients white cell count was at the lowest after the chemotherapy. The average of infusion cells was 2.3 (1.4-3.1)×108/kg. Results One patient acquired complete remission and two patients were effective in three relapse acute myeloid leukemia. It was ineffective in relapse acute lymphocyte leukemia. No transfusion related graft versus host disease was observed. One patient has had herpes zoster virus infection. Conclusion Haploidentical donor lymphocyte infusion with chemotherapy are effective for refractory and relapse in acute myeloid leukemia, but the infused cell quantity and irradiated dosage must be further discussed.  相似文献   
Objective To evaluate the effect of haploidentical lymphocyte infusion on refractory and relapse acute leukemia. Methods The haploidentical donor lymphocyte infusion was used to treat for relapse acute myeloid leukemia 3 patients (M2 2 eases, M4 lcase), one relapse acute lymphocyte leukemia from April 2006 to October 2007. Four cases who had accepted secondly regimens were ineffective,after relapse. Collecting donor lymphocytes, parents children as donor supply in 3 cases, mother as donor supply one case. Before donor lymphocyte infusion patients received chemotherapy of different regimens. Donor haploidentical iymphocytes irradiated by 6-8 Gy radial were infused when patients white cell count was at the lowest after the chemotherapy. The average of infusion cells was 2.3 (1.4-3.1)×108/kg. Results One patient acquired complete remission and two patients were effective in three relapse acute myeloid leukemia. It was ineffective in relapse acute lymphocyte leukemia. No transfusion related graft versus host disease was observed. One patient has had herpes zoster virus infection. Conclusion Haploidentical donor lymphocyte infusion with chemotherapy are effective for refractory and relapse in acute myeloid leukemia, but the infused cell quantity and irradiated dosage must be further discussed.  相似文献   
(R)-麝香酮是天然麝香的主要药物活性成分,也是麝香香气的主要来源。开发(R)-麝香酮的合成方法对相关药物的开发具有重要意义,同时经济效益明显,因此相关研究一直以来都是药物化学研究的热点。本文按照构建手性碳的方法分类,对(R)-麝香酮的手性合成进行了综述,重点介绍了近十年来的研究进展。  相似文献   
本系统研究了近红外光谱技术与化学计量学理论相结合测定水溶液中葡萄糖浓度的方法。讨论了偏最小二乘法 (PLS)校正模型中光谱范围的优化选择 ,同时也讨论了仪器精度、测量方法与测量精度之间的传递函数 ,给出实现预期测量精度的必要条件。葡萄糖浓度的均方根预测误差 (RMSEP)为 4 .13mg/dL ,浓度测量值与参考值具有良好的相关性 (相关系数为 0 .998)。实验结果表明 :近红外光谱分析方法能够达到一定精度 (RMSEP <5mg/dL) ,具有进一步研究价值。  相似文献   
目的探究儿童肾移植术后生长趋势以及激素撤除对于生长曲线的影响。方法回顾性分析2013年5月至2021年3月于郑州大学第一附属医院肾移植科接受肾移植手术的儿童受者临床资料,术后采用他克莫司+霉酚酸+糖皮质激素(glucocorticoid,GC)三联免疫治疗方案,根据术后3个月内是否撤除激素分为撤激素组和未撤激素组,观察两组各时间段内生长发育变化情况,比较两组在撤除激素前后各时间段生长变化速率的差异。结果共214例患儿纳入研究,其中未撤激素组142例,撤激素组72例;两组术前身高年龄别评分(height for age Z-score,HAZ评分)分别为(-1.60±1.48)分和(-1.44±1.38)分,差异无统计学意义(P=0.539);术后1年时两组HAZ评分分别为(-0.95±1.31)分和(-0.51±1.10)分,差异具有统计学意义(P=0.046)。两组术前、术后3个月、术后6个月的HAZ评分差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。两组手术后前3个月、手术后3~6个月HAZ评分的变化速率差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),而手术后6~12个月的差异具有统计学意义(P=0.016)。结论慢性终末期肾病(end-stage renal disease,ESRD)患儿术前存在不同程度的发育迟缓,接受肾移植后患儿生长缺陷有所弥补,术后不同时间段身高发育速率有所不同,在术后追赶性生长的高峰期到来之前撤除激素对于儿童手术后远期发育有积极的影响。  相似文献   
目的:设计与合成7-羟基异黄酮阿魏酸酯衍生物。方法:从间苯二酚和对位取代苯乙酸开始,经多步反应,合成出目标化合物。结果:合成了7个7-羟基异黄酮阿魏酸酯衍生物,其结构经核磁共振氢谱、红外光谱、质谱确证。结论:所得到的7-羟基异黄酮阿魏酸酯衍生物均未见文献报道,可供进一步药理研究。  相似文献   
In the present study,67 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)were treated withimmunotherapy or immunochernotherapy.The results indicated that natural killer cell(NK)andantibody-dependent cytotoxicity cell(ADCC)activities and lymphocyte transformation rate(LTR)were significantly improved in vivo after treatment.The NK activity in tumor tissue,which showed aheavy immunosuppression,could also be enhanced and recovered to normal level after treatment withlymphokine mixture and 5-fluorouracil(5-FU).Immunity of host with postoperativeimmunochemotherapy was rapidly improved and recovery vate was high.The survival time in thesecases of unresectable tumors was obviously prolonged when a general immunotherapy was used.Immunochemotherapy can impr(?)ve immunity and inhibit selectively Ts cells as well as kill directly thetremor cells;therefore,it can play an important role in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinomaand in the prevention of its recurrence after operation.  相似文献   
目的:研究1-(5′-溴阿魏酰基)-4-苄基哌嗪盐酸盐类似物(BFP,L1~9)在体外清除羟自由基(.OH)的活性。方法:采用邻二氮菲-Fe2 氧化法测定BFP、阿魏酸(FA)、抗坏血酸(Vc)在体外对Fenton反应产生.OH的清除能力,计算表观清除率(CL)。结果:L5的最大.OH表观清除率(CLmax)最大,L8最小,L1、L3、L5、L7的CLmax都比FA、Vc大。结论:BFP苄基苯环上2-Cl、3-Cl、2-CH3、4-CH3、3-OCH3取代,可增强体外清除.OH活性;3-CH3取代,体外清除.OH活性基本不变;2-OCH3、4-OCH3取代,体外清除.OH活性降低。  相似文献   
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