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Acart和cart对犬或兔由戊巴比妥所致的急性衰竭心脏均有明显的正性变力,血管扩张和负性变速作用。在心衰犬,静注acart或cart后,再给stro-k均可使其诱发心律失常及致死量明显提高(p<0.05),安全范围增大。当acart或cart与stro-k以较小剂量合用于心衰兔时,二者产生协同强心作用。而且,acart不论单用,或与stro-k合用,其强心作用均比cart强。  相似文献   
实验表明4′-甲基立可定具有增加家免冠脉血流量和小白鼠心肌营养性血流量的作用,但对家兔心肌收缩力和心率无明显影响。通过对家兔实验性心肌梗塞疗效的观察,证明4′-甲基立可定可改善结扎冠脉后引起的心电图变化,表现为∑ST明显降低,NST和TO显著减少,NBT染色法也证明用药后梗塞心肌的重量明显减轻。与立可定进行对比研究指出,二者作用基本相似,唯后者增加心肌营养性血流的作用不够明显。  相似文献   
4′-甲基-7-(2-羟基-3-异丙胺基丙氧基)-黄酮盐酸盐(SIPI-549)对大鼠和家兔实验性血栓形成有剂量(或浓度)依赖性的抑制作用。ⅳ7.5~20.0 mg/kg,使大鼠颈动—静脉旁路血栓湿重减轻。家兔半体内试验(ⅳSIPI-549 10 mg/kg),可使Chandler管中的雪暴现象出现时间和血栓形成时间延长,血栓湿重和干重减轻。家兔体外实验与半体内试验的结果基本一致。  相似文献   
肉毒碱(carnitine,简称cart)有明显的正性肌力作用,能对抗某些原因引起的心律失常,与毒K合用尚能使毒K引起心律失常的剂量明显增加。因而提示了cart治疗心衰的可能性。乙酰肉毒碱(acetylcarnitine,简称acart)是cart的乙酰化物,文献报道其正性肌力作用比cart强。为了比较acart和cart的强心作用及了解acart和毒K间的相互作用,  相似文献   
SIPI-549 is a new cOmpound. In Langendorff's isolated rabbit heart, SIPI-549 significantly increased coronary blood flow (p<0.01), but did not change themyocardium contractibility and heart rate. A study of the uptake of ~(86)Rb by the mouse heart showed a significant increase of nutritional blood flow in the SIPI-549 treated group (p<0.05). On intact dogs, SIPI-549 also showed a significant increase of coronary blood flow (p<.05) and decrease of coronary resistance (p<0.01), but no change of cardiac output and blood presure was observed.In the model of myocardial infarction by high level double-ligation of the anterior descending branch of the left coronary in rabbits, iv SIPI-549 (4.1 mg/kg) significantly reduced the ΣST, NST and NO The size of infarct myocardium was significantly reduced (p<0.05) 24 h after ligation of the coronary artery Similar results were found in the propranolol (1 mg/kg) group. However, no obvious difference between the two groups was observed.  相似文献   
Acart和cart对犬或兔由戊巴比妥所致的急性衰竭心脏均有明显的正性变力,血管扩张和负性变速作用。在心衰犬,静注acart或cart后,再给stro-k均可使其诱发心律失常及致死量明显提高(p<0.05),安全范围增大。当acart或cart与stro-k以较小剂量合用于心衰兔时,二者产生协同强心作用。而且,acart不论单用,或与stro-k合用,其强心作用均比cart强。  相似文献   
<正> 环磷酸腺苷(Cyclic adenosine—3′、5′—monophosphate)简称cAMP,是已被证实和公认的第二信使物质之一,它参与体内多种生理功能和物质代谢过程。近年来cAMP的测定已成为基础医学研究中比较集中的观察指标之一。在临床医学方面对许多疾病(内分泌功能紊乱、肿瘤以及心血管疾病等)的病理探索和诊断治疗都有重要的参考价值。cAMP的测定方法很多,本实验采用中国科学院原子能研究所生产的cAMP测定药箱,以竞争性蛋白结合法测定了我院动物室饲养的健康小白鼠和家兔血浆内cAMP的正常值。竞争性结合蛋白法测定cAMP是利用依  相似文献   
Experiments on Langendorff's guinea pig heart showed that, when 0.1M acart (acetylcarnitine) or cart (carnitine) was given at 1 ml/min for 5 min, both prevented heart failure from hypoxia. The beneficial effects of acart were more powerful than those of cart.In isolated rabbit right atria, when acart or cart (0.05 ml of 0.04 M) was followed by strophanthin K (3.75 μg), acart+strophanthin K increased significantly contraction amplitude, but cart+strophanthin K didnot. Acart or cart (0.1 ml of 0.04 M)were found to significantly shorten the duration of rhythm disorder-induced by strophanthin K (50 μg). The duration of rhythm-disorder in the former (1.17±0.44 min) was significantly shorter than that in the latter (2.67±0.33 min).LD50 of acart and cart in mice were 1228 mg/kg and 974 mg/kg, respectively.It is concluded that acart was more effective and less toxic than cart in the treatment of heart failure.  相似文献   
4′-甲基-7-(2-羟基-3-异丙胺基丙氧基)-黄酮盐酸盐(SIPI-549)对大鼠和家兔实验性血栓形成有剂量(或浓度)依赖性的抑制作用。ⅳ7.5~20.0 mg/kg,使大鼠颈动—静脉旁路血栓湿重减轻。家兔半体内试验(ⅳSIPI-549 10 mg/kg),可使Chandler管中的雪暴现象出现时间和血栓形成时间延长,血栓湿重和干重减轻。家兔体外实验与半体内试验的结果基本一致。  相似文献   
4′-甲基-7-(2-羟基-3-异丙胺基-丙氧基)-黄酮盐酸盐(代号SIPI-549),是在4′-甲基立可定的基础上,由上海医药工业研究院合成的新化合物。本室已经证明SIPI-549具有明显的抗心律失常作用,且治疗指数较高。本文主要报道其对冠脉血流和实验性心肌梗塞的作用。药品和试剂  相似文献   
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