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Migration inhibitory factor (MIF) responds to tissue damage and regulates inflammatory and immunological processes. To elucidate the function of MIF in cutaneous wound healing, we analyzed MIF knockout (KO) mice. After the excision of wounds from the dorsal skin of MIF KO and wild-type (WT) mice, healing was significantly delayed in MIF KO mice compared to WT mice. Lipopolysaccharide treatment significantly increased [(3)H]thymidine uptake in WT mouse fibroblasts compared to MIF KO mouse fibroblasts. Furthermore, there was a significant reduction in fibroblast and keratinocyte migration observed in MIF KO mice after 1-oleoyl-2-lysophosphatidic acid treatment. We subsequently examined whether MIF-impregnated gelatin slow-release microbeads could accelerate skin wound healing. Injection of more than 1.5 microg/500 microl of MIF-impregnated gelatin microbeads around a wound edge accelerated wound healing compared to a single MIF injection without the use of microbeads. MIF-impregnated gelatin microbeads also accelerated skin wound healing in C57BL/6 mice and diabetic db/db mice. Furthermore, incorporating MIF-impregnated gelatin microbeads into an artificial dermis implanted into MIF KO mice accelerated procollagen production and capillary formation. These findings suggest that MIF is crucial in accelerating cutaneous wound healing and that MIF-impregnated gelatin microbeads represent a promising treatment to facilitate skin wound healing.  相似文献   
酚妥拉明与多巴胺伍用治疗慢性肺心病心力衰竭   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:总结酚妥拉明与多巴胺伍用治疗慢性肺心病心力衰竭的疗效。方法:30例肺心病顽固性心衰患者,均在抗感染、吸氧、利尿、强心等综合治疗后,心衰无好转时加用酚妥拉明与多巴胺静脉滴注,每日一次,连用7至10天。用药前后记录血压、心率、尿量。结果:一疗程后心率明显减慢,尿量明显增加与治疗前相比有非常显著差异(P<0.01)。血压与治疗前无明显差异(P>0.05)。总有效率达86.6%(显效46.6%,有效40%)。结论:酚妥拉明与多巴胺伍用治疗慢性肺心病顽固性心衰,疗效确切,副作用少,在临床上有一定的使用价值。  相似文献   
本文讨论了以分层法进行中药药效评价时权重设立的问题,主要由以下几部分组成:1.建立递阶层次结构;2.构造两两比较判断矩阵;3.计算单一准则下元素的相对权重;4.计算各层元素的组合权重。由于中药作用具有多途径、多靶点的特性,因此评价过程中权重的设立就占有重要位置。它直接影响对被评价对象药效作用的评判。全面解决中药作用多途径、多靶点药效学评价的数学方法,客观量化的评价中药的综合药效,是中药现代化进程中一个值得研讨的命题。  相似文献   
中小城市男男性接触者安全套使用状况分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
田小兵  吉渝南 《中国公共卫生》2006,22(11):1316-1317
目的 了解中小城市男男性接触者(MSM)安全套使用情况及影响因素。方法 用方便抽样法和雪球抽样法选取对象,用《同志心理与行为问卷》进行调查。结果 在调查147名MSM中,与不同类别性伴发生性行为时,每次均使用安全套者低于8%,从不使用者超过60%,付费与不付费性伴间安全套使用率有明显差异;艾滋病预防知识掌握程度和对人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染的风险意识高低会影响安全套的使用;年龄、性别、文化程度、婚姻状况、心理压力、艾滋病传播知识等因素与安全套使用率无关;不使用安全套最主要的原因是自己不喜欢使用,其次为性伴不同意使用。结论 在中小城市的MSM中开展艾滋病干预势在必行。  相似文献   
〔目的〕了解新公布卫生检疫行业标准的总体情况,以便更好地执行标准。〔方法〕对部分卫生检疫行业标准进行归类比较以及在实际使用标准过程中发现的问题进行综合评价。〔结果〕发现存在着标准名称的命名未尽规范、格式不统一、内容重复、个别条款过于理论化、标准之间衔接不足、对同一术语或定义的表述有差异等问题。〔结论〕应加强对卫生检疫行业标准的起草和评审工作的管理,及时对存在问题的标准进行修订,以充分发挥标准的作用。  相似文献   
[目的]探讨通过对卫生检疫法律法规的修订,进一步规范、完善卫生检疫工作与有关部门的协作关系,以保证口岸卫生检疫措施得到有效落实,确保国境口岸的卫生安全。[方法]从卫生检疫工作出发,根据当前卫生检疫机关与有关部门在实际工作中的协作情况,分析协作过程中存在的问题并提出建议。[结果]《中华人民共和国国境卫生检疫法》及其实施细则在规定与有关部门协作的内容中,存在着个别条款不完善、某些协作环节未做出规定以及在实际工作中难于执行的情况。[结论]口岸卫生检疫工作外部协作机制的建立,应从法律上予以保障和规范。  相似文献   
all-trans retinoic acid (atRA), the oxidative metabolite of vitamin A, is essential for normal embryonic development. Also, high levels of atRA are teratogenic in many species and can effectively induce cleft palate in the mouse. Most cleft palate resulted from the failed fusion of secondary palate shelves, and maintenance of the normal cell proliferation is important in this process of shelf growth. To clarify the mechanism by which atRA causes cleft palate, we investigated the effect of atRA on proliferation activity and cell cycle distribution in mouse embryonic palatal mesenchymal (MEPM) cells. atRA inhibited the growth of MEPM cells by inducing apoptosis in a dose-dependent manner. atRA also caused a G1 block in the cell cycle with an increase in the proportion of cells in G0/G1 and a decrease in the proportion of cells in S phase, as determined by flow cytometry. We next investigated the effects of atRA on molecules that regulate the G1 to S phase transition. These studies demonstrated that atRA inhibited expression of cyclins D and E at the protein level. Furthermore, atRA treatment reduced phosphorylated Rb and decreased cdk2 and cdk4 kinase activity. These data suggest that atRA had antiproliferative activity by modulating G1/S cell cycle regulators and by inhibition of Rb phosphorylation in MEPM cells, which might account for the pathogenesis of cleft palate induced by retinoic acid.  相似文献   
以数学模型对中药药效进行综合评价的意义和思考   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
随着我国加入WTO,如何使中药在全世界得以推广使用,成为目前迫切需要解决的问题,不可否认,与西药相比,中药本身存在某些弱点(如:作用机理不明确、质量难控、量效关系复杂及在单个指标上药效强度不如西药等)应该为中药目前所面临的困镜负一定的责任,但是随着近几十年来的研究,我们也看到了中药在治疗疾病上的优势,这些优势也是西药在现阶段很难实现的,比如:具有丰富的多效性,表现出双各调节的作用。在某些药效中有不反弹不耐受的特点,副作用较弱,适合弱势群体等。因此,在正视中药的弱点的同时我们也应该看到它的优点,其中,如何对其药效进行科学的评价就是一个必须面对的重要问题。当前文献报道的中药药效评价方法主要是采用数学模型的方法对中药的多项药效参数进行综合评价,涉及的模型有最简单的加减乘除,也有矩阵法及模糊数学的应用,在评价参数的选择上同样也是多种多样。尽管这些评价方法所涉及的模型源于西医观点,其方法还不完善,但它们给予我们如何按中医观点中对中药药效进行科学的评价提供了很好的借鉴和探索的方向。  相似文献   
Novel carbon nanostructures, carbon nanobuds and nanoballs in situ grown on graphene, have been synthesized by the electrochemical method in this study. Pristine graphene (GR) sheets were potentiostatic treated with sulfuric acid and were oxidized at 1.4–2.0 V constant potentials to obtain numerous nanobuds and peeled nanoballs. Scanning electron microscopy was used to determine the morphology of electrochemically treated GR nanosheets. Fourier transform infrared, X-ray diffraction analysis, and Raman spectroscopy were used to characterize the structure of samples. The above results indicate that amounts of nanobuds were in situ grown on the surface of GR sheets at a constant potential of 1.4 V was added to the GR electrode. With the constant potential increasing, the nanobuds grew into the nanoballs, exfoliating from the surface of graphene sheets, whereas the peroxidation of graphene sheets occurred at a higher potential of 2.0 V, leading to the formation of a large amount of graphene oxide fragments. Therefore, the optimal processing parameter of the formation of carbon nanoballs was under the constant potential of 1.8 V for 500 s.

Novel carbon nanostructures, carbon nanobuds and nanoballs in situ grown on graphene, have been synthesized by the electrochemical method in this study.  相似文献   
星座药理学是一种基于细胞表型的高内涵药物筛选新方法,该方法主要根据关键信号蛋白、特定表型的细胞群,将多种药物在这些细胞上的作用情况整合成具有特定药理调节功能的药物组合和细胞星座,强调这些细胞之间能进行病理、生理功能上的有机组合与整体联系。基于不同分子靶点的药物组合,进行特定的药理调控,形成药理意义上的星座效应。星座药理学的运用可提高整体疗效、减少不良反应及药物的耐受性。星座药理学适合中药等复杂成分群在细胞水平进行活性筛选与功能评价,在中药新药研究方面具有较大的灵活性与创新活力,因而对于创新中药研究与开发具有积极的推动作用。  相似文献   
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