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The purposes of this study were to examine how hospital patients' backgrounds and clinical illness are related to their perceptions of the individualized care they receive and to test the sensitivity of the Individualized Care Scale (ICS). Cross-sectional explorative survey data were obtained using questionnaires completed by 861 (response rate = 88%) predischarge hospital patients from six hospitals in Southern Finland in 2004. Self-administered questionnaires included the ICS as well as the 15D, a measure of health-related quality of life, and gathered information about the patients' backgrounds. Based on association tests, younger age, poorer state of health, and higher level of education were associated with more critical perceptions of individualized care. Using simultaneous regression analysis and presenting the results from stronger to weaker, we found age to be the strongest predictor of patients' positive perceptions of the individualized care they received. This was followed by health-related quality of life (HRQoL) as measured by the 15D, vocational education, and type of admission. The ICS was found to be a valid tool for the measurement of individualized care in hospitals. The self-reported patient data from this survey suggest that some patient characteristics are associated with the patients' perceptions about the individualized care they receive. There is now a need to consider how these characteristics can be taken into account in nursing care delivery to increase individualized care for hospital patients. The results also support use of the ICS in the measurement of individualized care in hospitals.  相似文献   
Detailed characteristics of adolescent suicides (aged 13–19 years) with adjustment disorders (AD) (N=11) or no psychiatric diagnosis (N=3) in a nationwide adolescent suicide population (N=53) from Finland are presented. The data were collected in a psychological autopsy study of all suicides in Finland (N=1397) during a 12-month period in 1987–1988. Data collection included thorough interviews with the victims' family members and professionals, and information from official records. All the suicides with AD or no diagnosis were males. Most of these victims used highly lethal suicide methods. Previous psychiatric treatment and previous suicide attempts were rare. They were seldom under the influence of alcohol when committing suicide. The process leading to suicide seemed to be of relatively short duration. According to informant reports, withdrawn or narcissistic individual characteristics predominated in many cases. Psychosocial stressors preceding suicide often involved interpersonal losses or conflicts. Talking of suicidal intentions prior to the act was common, indicating the need to take seriously all adolescents' expressions of intended suicide, even in the absence of explicit psychopathology.
Zusammenfassung Es werden detaiilierte Beschreibungen von Selbst-morden im Jugendalter, verbunden mit Anpassungsstörungen (N=11) oder keiner psychiatrischen Diagnose (N=3) vorgestellt. Diese stammten aus der Gesamtheit aller jugendlichen Selbstmörder (N=53) aus Finnland. Die Daten wurden in einer psychologischen Obduktionsstudie aller Selbstmörder Finnlands (N=1397) während eines einjährigen Zeitraumes zwischen 1987 und 1988 gesammelt. Die Datenerhebung umfaßte ausgiebige Interviews mit den Familienmitgliedern, beteiligten Fachkräften und Informationen von offizieller Seite. Die Selbstmörder mit Anpassungstörungen oder keiner Diagnose waren alle männlich. Die meisten dieser Opfer benützten sehr letale Suizidmethoden. Vorangegangene psychiatrische Behandlungen und Selbstmordversuche waren selten. Sie standen nur selten unter dem Enfluß von Alkohol, als der Selbstmord vollzogen wurde. Der Prozeß, der zu dem Suizid führte, schien von relativ kurzer Dauer zu sein. Entsprechend den Angaben der Informanden prädominierten in vielen Fällen zurückgezogene oder narzißtische Persönlichkeitsmerkmale. Psychosoziale Stressoren, die dem Suizid vorangingen, umfaßten interpersonelle Verluste oder Konflikte. Häufig wurde über die Suizidabsichten vor der Tat gesprochen. Dies verdeutlicht die Notwendigkeit, alle Suizidäußerungen von Jugendlichen ernstzunehmen, selbst dann, wenn eine explizite Psychopathologie fehlt.

Résumé Les caractéristiques détaillées de suicides d'adolescents (âgés de 13 à 19 ans) avec troubles avec l'adaptation (AD) (N=11) ou l'absence de diagnostic psychiatrique (N=3) sur une population de suicides d'adolescents s'étendant sur l'ensemble du pays (N=53), la Finlande sont présentées. Les faits ont été collectés dans le cadre d'une étude d'autopsie psychologique de tous les suicides en Finlande (N=1397) pendant une période de 12 mois 1987–1988. Le recueil des faits incluait des interviews avec les membres de la famille des victimes et les professionels ainsi que les informations provenant de documents officiels. Tous les suicides avec un trouble de l'adaptation ou sans diagnostic étaient masculins. La plupart de ces victimes utilisait des méthodes hautement mortelles. Les traitements psychiatriques précédents et les tentatives précédentes de suicides étaient rares. Ils étaient rarement sous l'influence de l'alcool quand ils ont commis les suicides. Le processus conduisant au suicide semblait être de durée relativement brève. Selon les rapports d'information, une attitude de retrait ou des caractéristiques individuelles de retrait prédominaient dans la majorité des cas. Les facteurs de stress psycho-sociaux précédent le suicide impliquaient souvent des pertes inter-personnelles ou des conflits. Parler du désir du suicide devant le passage à l'acte était habituel indiquant la nécessité de prendre au sérieux tous les adolescents exprimant le désir de suicide, même en l'absence d'une psychopathologie explicite.
A new type of swab (Cellswab; Cellomeda, Turku, Finland), utilizing a highly absorbent cellulose viscose sponge material, was compared to some traditional swabs. The survival of 14 aerobic and 10 anaerobic and microaerophilic bacterial species in the Cellswab, two commercial swab transport systems (Copan, Brescia, Italy, and Orion Diagnostica, Espoo, Finland), and one Dacron swab (Technical Service Consultants Ltd. [TSC], Heywood, United Kingdom) was evaluated. Bacteria were suspended in broth, into which the swabs were dipped. The Cellswab absorbed 1.3 times more fluid and released 3.5 times more fluid upon plating than the other swabs. Aerobic bacteria were stored in dry tubes, the others in transport medium, at 4 degrees C and room temperature (RT), for up to 14 days. Swab samples were transferred to plates at 0, 1, 2, 4, 7, and 14 days. For 10 strains the Cellswab yielded > or =10% of the original CFU for longer than all the other swabs. In the clinical study, the ability of the Cellswab to detect beta-hemolytic streptococci from throat samples (n = 995) was compared to that of the TSC Dacron swab. The swabs performed equally, both when their samples were transferred to plates immediately and after storage for 1 day at 4 degrees C or RT. The changes in normal microbiota after storage were also similar. The Cellswab was found to perform at least as well as ordinary swabs. It was better at storing fastidious strains, and at keeping bacteria viable for long storage times; it might well be a useful replacement or complement to ordinary swabs.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Depression and burnout are common health problems in working populations today. They appear to be interrelated, and the need for their differential diagnosis has been highlighted in many reviews. We analysed the overlap of job-related burnout and depressive disorders, i.e., major depressive disorder, dysthymia, and minor depressive disorder. METHODS: We used the population-based 'Health 2000 Study' in Finland. Our nationally representative sample comprised 3276 employees aged 30-64 years. Burnout was assessed with the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey. Diagnoses of depressive disorders were based on the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. RESULTS: Burnout and depressive disorders were clearly related. The risk of depressive disorders, especially major depressive disorder (12-month prevalence), was greater when burnout was severe. Half of the participants with severe burnout had some depressive disorder. Those with a current major depressive episode suffered from serious burnout more often than those who had suffered a major depressive episode earlier. LIMITATIONS: This study was cross-sectional. CONCLUSIONS: The concepts of burnout and depression complement each other and cover partly overlapping phenomena. Depressive disorders are related to job-related burnout, particularly when it is severe. A current major depressive episode is likely to be associated with the experience of burnout. When encountering working patients, it is recommended to assess both the occurrence of burnout and of depressive disorders.  相似文献   
Lafora disease (LD) is a fatal and the most common form of adolescent-onset progressive epilepsy. Fulminant endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-associated depositions of starch-like long-stranded, poorly branched glycogen molecules [known as polyglucosans, which accumulate to form Lafora bodies (LBs)] are seen in neuronal perikarya and dendrites, liver, skeletal muscle and heart. The disease is caused by loss of function of the laforin dual-specificity phosphatase or the malin E3 ubiquitin ligase. Towards understanding the pathogenesis of polyglucosans in LD, we generated a transgenic mouse overexpressing inactivated laforin to trap normal laforin's unknown substrate. The trap was successful and LBs formed in liver, muscle, neuronal perikarya and dendrites. Using immunogold electron microscopy, we show that laforin is found in close proximity to the ER surrounding the polyglucosan accumulations. In neurons, it compartmentalizes to perikaryon and dendrites and not to axons. Importantly, it binds polyglucosans, establishing for the first time a direct association between the disease-defining storage product and disease protein. It preferentially binds polyglucosans over glycogen in vivo and starch over glycogen in vitro, suggesting that laforin's role begins after the appearance of polyglucosans and that the laforin pathway is involved in monitoring for and then preventing the formation of polyglucosans. In addition, we show that the laforin interacting protein, EPM2AIP1, also localizes on the polyglucosan masses, and we confirm laforin's intense binding to LBs in human LD biopsy material.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: We report data on 1-year prevalence and comorbidity of depression, related impairment, treatment need, and psychiatric treatment among young adults. METHODS: A sample of young urban adults (n=245) mean age 21.8 years was screened from a baseline population of 706 high-school students and given a semistructured clinical interview to evaluate 12-month prevalence of depression, psychosocial functioning according to DSM-IV GAF scale, need for psychiatric treatment, and use of mental health services. RESULTS: One in 10 young adults suffered from depression with associated psychosocial impairment, the female-to-male-ratio being approximately 2:1. Most depressive disorders were comorbid with other DSM-IV disorders, depression usually occurring secondary to other disorders. Comorbidity was related to impairment, treatment need, and treatment contacts. Less than half of the depressed young adults had ever contacted mental health services, and less than one-third reported treatment contacts during the index episode. Males were less likely than females to report previous treatment contacts or intention to refer to mental health services for their problems, but treatment contacts during the index episode were reported equally often by both sexes. CONCLUSIONS: A minority of the severely depressed young adults with associated impairment had sought treatment. Except for subjects with dysthymia, no gender difference emerged in treatment contact rates during the 12-month depression episode. Comorbidity showed important clinical implications by its relation to severity of depression and treatment contacts.  相似文献   
BackgroundIntestinal adaptation has been extensively studied experimentally, but very limited data is available on human subjects. In this study we assessed intestinal adaption in humans with short bowel syndrome (SBS).MethodsWe comparatively evaluated mucosal hyperplasia, inflammation, barrier function and nutrient transport using histology, immunohistochemistry and qPCR for selected 52 key genes in duodenal biopsies obtained from children with SBS after weaning off parenteral nutrition (n = 33), and matched controls without intestinal pathology (n = 12). Small bowel dilatation was assessed from contrast small bowel series.ResultsDuodenal mucosa of SBS children showed increased histologic inflammation of lamina propria (p = 0.033) and mucosal mRNA expression of tumor necrosis factor (p = 0.027), transforming growth factor (TGF)-β2 (p = 0.006) and caveolin-1 (CAV1; p = 0.001). Villus height, crypt depth, enterocyte proliferation, apoptosis and expression of proliferation and nutrient transport genes remained unchanged. Pathologic small bowel dilatation reduced crypt depth (p = 0.045) and downregulated mRNA expression of interleukin (IL)-6 by three-fold (p = 0.008), while correlating negatively with IL6 (r = -0.609, p = 0.004). Loss of ileocecal valve (ICV) upregulated mRNA expression of toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), TGF-β1, CAV1, several apoptosis regulating genes, and mRNA expression of zonulin (p < 0.05 for all).ConclusionsDespite successful adaptation to enteral autonomy, duodenal mucosa of SBS children displayed histologic and molecular signs of abnormal inflammation and regulation of epithelial permeability, whereas no structural or molecular signs of adaptive hyperplasia or enhanced nutrient transport were observed. Excessive dilatation of the remaining small bowel paralleled impaired duodenal crypt homeostasis, while absence of ICV modified regulation of mucosal inflammation, regeneration and permeability.Level of evidenceII  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Suicide has been attributed to social and psychological factors but also to geophysical effects. Of the latter, changes in solar radiation and geomagnetic activities may contribute to the frequency and the seasonal pattern of suicides. METHODS: We studied with a population-based, nationwide analysis all the individuals who committed suicide (n=27,469) in Finland during the period of 1979 to 1999. The daily data on the number of suicides, and the mean and maximum levels of geomagnetic activity were compiled and modelled with Poisson regression using the number of inhabitants in each province as the denominator. Time series analysis of monthly numbers of suicides was carried out using a seasonal-trend decomposition procedure. RESULTS: There was a strong seasonal effect on suicide occurrence (P<0.00001), the risk of suicide being greatest in spring. The seasonal effect was most pronounced when the number of suicides was relatively low. High levels of solar radiation activity were associated with the increased risk of suicide (P=0.00001), but the effect of geomagnetic activity was weak. LIMITATIONS: No individual data on alcohol consumption or mental disorders were available. CONCLUSIONS: Suicide occurrence varies markedly by season and needs attention where prevention is concerned.  相似文献   
Background: We wanted to evaluate whether intracameral injection of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) is useful in managing traumatic hyphaema. Methods: Two eyes with total hyphaema after a severe penetrating injury were treated with a single intracameral injection of 25 g of tPA 5 and 14 days after the injury, respectively. Results: Most of the blood coagulum dissolved within 24 h, and in one of the two eyes the intraocular pressure decreased from 45 to 8 mmHg. The other eye was hypotonic. No re-bleeding or complications related to the use of tPA were noticed. Conclusion: The results in these two cases suggest that tPA is a useful adjunct in managing total hyphaema.  相似文献   
Objectives and Study Design: The advent of the rigid endonasal endoscope and the development of functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) technique have awakened interest in an endonasal endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy (EESC-DCR) in treating nasolacrimal obstruction. This prospective, randomized study compares EESC-DCR with traditional external dacryocystorhinostomy (EXT-DCR) for their success rates, surgical duration, and postoperative symptoms. Patients and Methods: Sixty-four cases in 60 patients with primary acquired nasolacrimal sac or duct obstruction were divided into two subgroups by symptoms (simple epiphora/ chronic dacryocystitis). These patients were randomized within both subgroups into two operation groups. Altogether 32 EESC-DCRs and 32 EXT-DCRs were performed. The final follow-up visit was at 1 year. The patency of the lacrimal passage was investigated by irrigation and patients were questioned about their symptoms. Results: The success rate at 1 year after surgery was 75% for EESC-DCR and 91% for EXT-DCR after primary surgery. The difference was not statistically significant (P = .18). The success rate after secondary surgery with a follow-up time of 1 year was 97% in both study groups. The average duration for EESC-DCR was 38 minutes, and 78 minutes for EXT-DCR, (P < .001). Conclusions: EXT-DCR, when compared with EESC-DCR, appears to give a higher, although not statistically significant, primary success rate, but the secondary success rates are equal, indicating that these two different DCR techniques are acceptable alternatives.  相似文献   
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