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Background: Large randomized trials show that in appropriately selected patients with left ventricular dysfunction, implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs) can improve overall survival at 2–5 years. Since direct implementation of the criteria used in the MADIT II and SCD-HeFT will lead to a marked rise in ICD implants, there is a growing fear that increased use of ICDs may cause a dramatic burden to health care systems. The ICD has traditionally been seen as an expensive form of treatment, which is difficult to accept at the first look. This is mainly due to the nonlinear character of the ICD investment, characterized by high initial expenditure, followed by a deferred pay-off in terms of clinical benefits. Cost-effectiveness analysis may help provide a different perspective on the problem of ICD cost, as may estimation of the daily cost of ICD treatment, assuming a time horizon of 5–7 years—a particularly interesting subject for further registry studies.
Methods and Results: Based on real expenditure data from 2002 to 2005, as recorded in the Search-MI Registry-Italian Sub-study of patients implanted on MADIT II indications, we estimated the daily costs associated with the device and leads. Over a 5–7 year time horizon, the average daily cost was estimated to be €4.60–€6.70. Translation of these figures into U.S. market conditions suggests a daily cost of around $7.90–$11.40.
Conclusions: These findings appear useful to help evaluate the affordability of ICD in comparison with other therapeutic options in a context of limited available economic resources.  相似文献   
Xenon is a more potent anesthetic than nitrous oxide, and gives more profound analgesia. This investigation was performed to assess the potential of xenon for becoming an anesthetic inspite of its high manufacturing cost. Seven ASA I—-II patients undergoing cholecystectomy (n = 4), hernia repair (n = 2), or mammoplasty (n=l) were studied. Denitrogenation by 15–20 min of oxygen breathing under propofol anesthesia was followed by fentanyl–supplemented xenon anesthesia administered via an automatic minimal flow system which held the oxygen concentration at 30%. Xenon anesthesia lasted 76–228 min and 8–14 1 of xenon (ATPD) was used, of which 5.6–8.1 1 was expended during the first 15 min. Anesthesia appeared to be satisfactory, and the patients woke up rapidly after xenon was discontinued. The automatic system made minimal flow xenon anesthesia easy to administer, but nitrogen accumulation is still a problem. Assuming a xenon price of 10 US $ per litre, the average cost for xenon was about 65 US $ for the first 15 min and then about 25 USS for each subsequent hour of anesthesia.  相似文献   
The ventilation and carbon dioxide elimination of each lung,and pulmonary arterial pressure, were studied in 17 patientsduring the carry phases of anaesthesia for pulmonary surgery.The patients were ventilated mechanically to moderate hypocapnia.Expired tidal volume and carbon dioxide elimination rate ofthe lung to be operated on, and of the other lung, were similarin the supine position. There was a significant (P<0.01)increase in ventilation and a decrease in end-tidal PCO2 ofthe upper lung after turning the patient on to the side. Simultaneously,the physiological deadspace fraction of tidal volume (VD/VT)increased from 42 to 45% (P<0.05). Mean pulmonary arterialpressure (MPAP) increased slightly as surgery on the chest wallcommenced. A concomitant increase of carbon dioxide eliminationfrom the upper lung occurred also, although the distributionof ventilation, between the lungs, was unchanged in comparisonwith the conditions during undisturbed anaesthesia. Individualchanges in MPAP (MPAP) and corresponding changes in VD/VT ((VD/VT))were negatively correlated (r=–0.68, P<0.01). The regressionequation was (VD/VT) (%) = 0.7–0.83 x MPAP (mm Hg). Itwas concluded that variations in pulmonary arterial pressureduring surgical stimulation may significantly affect the patternof carbon dioxide elimination in the lungs. However, there wasno evidence that these effects were important clinically  相似文献   
Alveolar Retention and Clearance of Insoluble Particles in RatsSimulated by a New Physiology-Oriented Compartmental KineticsModel. STOBER, W., MORROW, P. E., AND MORAWIETZ, G. (1990).Fundam Appl. Toxtcol. 15,329–349. A physiology-orientedcompartmental kinetics model of alveolar retention of inhaledinsoluble paniculate matter in rat lungs was proposed in a recentpaper, (W. Stober, P. E. Morrow, and M. D. Hoover, 1989, Fundam.Appl. Toxicol. 13, 823–843), and the retention patternsobtained with the model for a hypothetical set of input dataappeared to simulate phenomena which were observed in inhalationstudies with Fischer 344 rats. The present paper representsthe results of applying the new model for simulations of theactual experimental retention data of five different inhalationstudies with Fischer 344 rats exposed to three different materials.The experimental data showed that model adjustments had to bemade in order to account for clearance effects that appearedto be influenced by the age of the animals. After these adjustmentswere made and an appropriate set of values for the model parametersdescribing the respective exposure conditions was used, themodel was constrained to represent the empirical data of allof the studies by one unique set of parameter values. Changesin particular values of this set were considered to be acceptableonly if they reflected changes of relevant properties of theinhaled paniculate matter. The final simulations did not completelycomply with this self-imposed criterion. However, the degreeof compliance and the simulation quality achieved with a minimumof parameter variations seem to be unprecedented in retentionmodeling. The results of the study encourage attempts for furtherrefining the present model  相似文献   
目的:研究在弱激光作用下接受正畸力作用的牙齿的压力侧出现的生物学变化,为临床应用弱激光加速牙齿移动提供理论依据。方法:实验动物分2组,每组20只。A组动物接受正畸力,B组动物除接受正畸力之外,还接受弱激光照射。采用免疫组化检测层连蛋白的组间表达变化,采用原位杂交检测RANKL(receptor activator of NF-kB ligand)mRNA的组间表达变化。结果:免疫组化结果表明,新生血管活跃的高峰期出现在接受正畸力的第7d。与A组相比,接受弱激光照射的B组呈现层连蛋白的高表达。同样,与A组相比,原位杂交检测发现在接受弱激光照射的B组中,正畸牙压力侧呈现RANKL mRNA的高表达。结论:弱激光照射后能够促进正畸牙压力侧血管新生(呈现层连蛋白高表达),从而促进破骨细胞的分化激活。此外弱激光还能够促进破骨细胞活化因子RANKL的表达,增强正畸牙压力侧的破骨细胞的活性,加快骨改建。  相似文献   
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