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Positive influences of family members have been associated with a high probability of children’s daily breakfast consumption. Therefore, the aim of this study was to scrutinize the association of breakfast routines between mothers and their children. The baseline data of the Feel4Diabetes-study was obtained in 9760 children (49.05% boys)–mother pairs in six European countries. A parental self-reported questionnaire gauging the frequency of breakfast consumption and of breakfast´ foods and beverages consumption was used. Agreement in routines of mothers and their children’s breakfast consumption was analyzed in sex-specific crosstabs. The relationship of breakfast routine and food groups’ consumption between mothers and their children was assessed with analysis of covariance. The highest proportion of children who always consumed breakfast were those whose mothers always consumed it. Children consuming breakfast regularly had a higher intake of milk or unsweetened dairy products and all kind of cereal products (low fiber and whole-grain) than occasional breakfast consumers (p < 0.05). The strong similarity between mothers and children suggests a transfer of breakfast routine from mothers to their children, as a high proportion of children who usually consume breakfast were from mothers also consuming breakfast. All breakfast foods and beverages consumption frequencies were similar between children and their mothers.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of vitamin D3 supplementation on insulin secretion and insulin resistance. Ten females with type 2 diabetes being treated with oral hypoglycaemic agents and with normal serum and urine calcium levels were enrolled in the study. The study was conducted in March, when levels of vitamin D are lowest in our region. The level of plasma 25(OH)D was measured (normal range in winter 25-120 nmol/l). The first (FPIS) and second (SPIS) phases of insulin secretion were studied during IVGTT. Peripheral insulin resistance was measured. A group of 17 age- and BMI-matched females with normal glucose tolerance served as a control group. The diabetic patients were treated with cholecalciferol 1332 IU daily for one month. The mean plasma 25(OH)D level was 35.3 +/- 15.1 nmol/l at baseline, 70% of patients being vitamin D deficient. After one month of treatment with vitamin D3, the plasma 25(OH)D level increased by a mean of 75.8%; 70% of the patients achieved normal vitamin D levels. FPIS increased significantly by 34.3%, while the change in SPIS of 20.4% was not significant (p > 0.8). We found a significant correlation between the change in FPIS and the change in 25(OH)D level after vitamin D3 supplementation (p < 0.018). The results showed a decrease of 21.4% in insulin resistance after one month, but the change was not significant. Bearing in mind that the main defects in type 2 diabetes mellitus are reduced FPIS and insulin resistance, and the favourable effect vitamin D3 had on them, we suggest vitamin D3 deficiency may at least partly contribute to the impairment of insulin secretion and probably of insulin action. Our results suggest that vitamin D3 supplementation could be an element in the complex treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus during the winter.  相似文献   
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of metformin in very obese subjects with acanthosis nigricans. Five patients (two obese children, mean age 14.4 +/- 0.6 yr, mean BMI 35.2 +/- 1.9 kg/m2 and normal glucose tolerance, and three newly diagnosed obese type 2 diabetic patients, mean age 37.7 +/- 3.2 yr, mean BMI 37.7 +/- 2.9 kg/m2) were enrolled in the study Insulin secretion was measured during oral glucose tolerance (OGT) and intravenous glucose tolerance (IVGT) tests. Insulin resistance was assessed by the homoeostasis model assessment (HOMA) index. All the patients were treated with metformin at a mean daily dose of 2.23 +/- 0.45 g. Six months after initiation of therapy we found a significant reduction in AUC for insulin secretion during OGTT (p < 0.05), due to reduction in both basal and stimulated insulin secretion (p<0.05). Body weight was reduced by mean 4.7 +/- 1.9% and body fat mass by 8.95 +/- 3.7%. We have demonstrated a significant decrease of 36.3% in insulin resistance (p < 0.01). Our results demonstrate that metformin reduces hyperinsulinaemia, body weight and fat mass and improves insulin sensitivity in patients with insulin resistance and acanthosis nigricans.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of smoking on peripheral insulin effectiveness. METHODS: Seven healthy volunteers, nonsmokers, of mean age 39.6 +/- 7.1 Years and mean BMI 22.65 +/- 11.98 kg/m2, without family history of diabetes mellitus, with normal blood pressure participated in the study. All the parameters were studied twice - at baseline as well as after smoking (4 cigarettes per one hour). The study was performed in three days: at the first day we studied peripheral insulin effectiveness (M) in vivo by the artificial endocrine pancreas (Biostator), using the euglycaemic hyperinsulinaemic clamp technique, and insulin-receptor binding on circulating mononuclear blood cells; at the second day - the same parameters after one-hour smoking during the third hour of clamping; at the third day - plasma endothelin level, blood pressure and heart rate at baseline and after one-hour smoking. RESULTS: There was a significant decrease in glucose utilization during the second clamp test, when the volunteers smoked during the third hour as compared to the test at baseline (p=0.04). This was accompanied by a significant decrease in insulin receptor affinity (p=0.04). Systolic blood pressure and heart rate increased significantly after one-hour smoking (p=0.03 and p=0.001, respectively). Plasma endothelin level increased significantly after smoking (from 0.62 +/- 0.15 pg/ml to 2.05 +/- 1.67 pg/ml, p=0.03). CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrate that smoking decreases peripheral insulin sensitivity reducing insulin receptor affinity. We have confirmed that smoking increases plasma endothelin level, which probably by causing vasoconstriction and consequent tIssue hypoxaemia could decrease peripheral glucose utilization. We consider that smoking could also have a direct effect on insulin receptor affinity, thus leading to decreased peripheral insulin effectiveness.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND/AIMS: To improve the diagnostic potential of ultrasound in patients with perianal fistulas, by performing a combined perineal and endorectal Doppler sonography investigation before and after contrast enhancement with hydrogen peroxide. METHODOLOGY: Ten patients (9 male and 1 female) with perianal fistulas were tested. After contrast-free transperineal and endoanal sonography, hydrogen peroxide was injected in the fistulas and the ultrasound examinations were repeated. RESULTS: All fistulas were identified by conventional endoanal and transperineal sonography. The contrast application gave more detailed information about the location of the fistula in relation to the anal lumen and sphincters. The fistulas were distributed as follows: intersphincteric - in 5 patients, transsphincteric - in 2 and extrasphincteric complicated (with 1 or more secondary tracks) fistula - in 3 patients. The findings have been confirmed intraoperatively in 9 patients that underwent an operation. Hypervascularization of the wall was detected in 4 patients by means of Doppler investigation which also differentiated arterial blood flow in 3 cases and venous blood flow in one. CONCLUSIONS: The application of the contrast-enhanced endoanal and transperineal sonography offers a more detailed perianal fistula imaging. In addition the Doppler technique can further characterize their blood supply.  相似文献   
The study was designed to evaluate the pattern of insulin secretion and the presence of anti-GAD65 antibodies as beta-cell autoimmune marker in subjects with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and their impact on the further development of glucose intolerance. 29 subjects with IGT, of mean BMI 24.7 +/- 2.4 kg/m(2) and mean age 37.7 +/- 7.0 years were enrolled in the study. They were followed-up once yearly for three years. A group of 59 age- and weight-matched subjects with normal glucose tolerance (NGT) served as a control group. 42 newly-diagnosed diabetic patients, of mean BMI 24.4 +/- 2.7 kg/m(2) and mean age 37.2 +/- 6.9 years were also studied. According to their response during IVGTT the subjects with IGT were divided into two groups. The first group (n = 11)(IGT-I) showed reduced FPIS (34.0 +/- 8.9 mU/l vs 114.4 +/- 41.2, p < 0.001), SPIS being within normal values, and reduced AUC for total insulin secretion (1554.1 +/- 496.3 vs 2323.6 +/- 804.5 mU/l x 60 min, p < 0.001); the difference with type 1 diabetic patients being significant (p < 0.001), the pattern of insulin secretion being quite similar to that of type 2 diabetic patients. The other group (n = 18) (IGT-II) demonstrated normal insulin secretion (FPIS, SPIS, AUC for insulin secretion), not differing from that of the controls with NGT. Anti-GAD65 were present in 3.3% of subjects with NGT, in 73.7% of patients with type 1 diabetes and in none of type 2 diabetic patients. 18% from the group with IGT-I were anti-GAD65 positive, and 22% - from IGT-II. 5 of the subjects with IGT-I developed diabetes during the follow-up period - 2 at the 1st year, 1 at the 2nd year and 2 - at the third year. One of these patients was anti-GAD65 positive (having the highest anti-GAD65 level amongst the others with IGT - 15.2 U/ml), showing pattern of insulin secretion similar to that of type 1 diabetic patients. 3 of the subjects with IGT-II reverted to NGT within the first year and 2 - at the second year, none of them being anti-GAD65 positive. The anti-GAD65 positive patients from this group remained with IGT, and none progressed to diabetes mellitus. We consider that IVGTT allows precise assessment of the phases of insulin secretion and in combination with the study of anti-GAD65 antibodies helps to identify the subjects with IGT at risk of developing diabetes mellitus. As far as the decrease in the FPIS is considered it could be proposed that such subjects are assigned to certain protective measures - diet, physical activity and some drugs affecting postprandial glucose levels.  相似文献   
Food parenting practices (FPPs) have an important role in shaping children’s dietary behaviors. This study aimed to investigate cross-sectional and longitudinal associations over a two-year follow-up between FPP and dietary intake and compliance with current recommendations in 6- to 11-year-old European children. A total of 2967 parent-child dyads from the Feel4Diabetes study, a randomized controlled trial of a school and community-based intervention, (50.4% girls and 93.5% mothers) were included. FPPs assessed were: (1) home food availability; (2) parental role modeling of fruit intake; (3) permissiveness; (4) using food as a reward. Children’s dietary intake was assessed through a parent-reported food frequency questionnaire. In regression analyses, the strongest cross-sectional associations were observed between home availability of 100% fruit juice and corresponding intake (β = 0.492 in girls and β = 0.506 in boys, p < 0.001), and between parental role modeling of fruit intake and children’s fruit intake (β = 0.431 in girls and β = 0.448 in boys, p < 0.001). In multilevel logistic regression models, results indicated that improvements in positive FPPs over time were mainly associated with higher odds of compliance with healthy food recommendations, whereas a decrease in negative FPP over time was associated with higher odds of complying with energy-dense/nutrient-poor food recommendations. Improving FPPs could be an effective way to improve children’s dietary intake.  相似文献   
The effect of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) on plasma C-peptide (CP) level and peripheral insulin effectiveness was studied in twenty-five healthy volunteers. Plasma CP levels were studied in 14 volunteers (group C) during a three-hours PGE2 infusion. The same experiment was repeated a week later, with saline infusion. Plasma CP level were measured 15 minutes before the infusion, at the beginning of the experiment (0 min) as well as 15, 30, 60, 120 and 180 minutes after the start of the infusion. Peripheral insulin sensitivity was studied in vivo by means of the artificial endocrine pancreas (Biostator), using the euglycaemic hyperinsulinaemic clamp technique. The healthy volunteers underwent a three-hour experiment with saline (group A) or with saline and PGE2-10 micrograms/min during the third hour of clamping (group B). There was a significant decrease in plasma CP level at the 15 th and 30 th minute of PGE2 infusion in the subjects from group C (p less than 0.05). In the group A there was an increase of 14.2% in the amount of glucose infused during the third hour of clamping as compared to the second (2nd-9.673 +/- 1.680 mg/kg/min, 3rd-11.051 +/- 1.802 mg/kg/min). The amount of glucose infused in the subjects of group B remained the same in the course of clamping (2nd hour-7.938 +/- 2.180 mg/kg/min, 3rd hour-7.932 +/- 2.284 mg/kg/min). The difference in the dynamic changes of the amount of glucose infused between the two groups of volunteers (group A and group B) was significant (F = 5.68, p less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
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