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ABSTRACT: Background: Although increases in perinatal mortality risk associated with fetal macrosomia are well documented, the optimal route of delivery for fetuses with suspected macrosomia remains controversial. The objective of this investigation was to assess the risk of neonatal death among macrosomic infants delivered vaginally compared with those delivered by cesarean section. Methods: Data were derived from the U.S. 1995–1999 Linked Live Birth‐Infant Death Cohort files and term (37–44 wk), single live births to United States resident mothers selected. A proportional hazards model was used to analyze the risk of neonatal death associated with cesarean delivery among 3 categories of macrosomic infants (infants weighing 4,000–4,499 g; 4,500–4,999 g; and 5,000+ g). Results: After controlling for maternal characteristics and complications, the adjusted hazard ratio for neonatal death associated with cesarean delivery among the 3 categories of macrosomic infants was 1.40, 1.30, and 0.85. Conclusions: Although cesarean delivery may reduce the risk of death for the heaviest infants (5,000+ g), the relative benefit of this intervention for macrosomic infants weighing 4,000–4,999 g remains debatable. Thus, policies in support of prophylactic cesarean delivery for suspected fetal macrosomia may need to be reevaluated. (BIRTH 33:4 December 2006)  相似文献   
Overall laboratory reproducibility for the Ames Seralyzer and plasma potassium test strips was less than 4% within the plasma reference range; and linearity extended from 2.1 to 10.2 mmol/l. Neither bilirubin nor lipaemia interfered in the analysis and selectivity for potassium over sodium was 450:1. Laboratory comparison with automated flame photometry and an indirect ion selective electrode showed a Seralyzer bias of +0.10 (+/- 25D 0.26) and +0.11 (0.27) mmol/l. Against flame photometry, comparison of analyses by six doctors from a coronary care unit and four nurses from a renal dialysis unit showed smaller positive biases (0.06 and 0.02 mmol/l) but substantially larger error ranges (0.43 and 0.55 mmol/l, respectively). Some 49% of the nurses' and 37% of the doctors' results differed from laboratory values by more than 0.2 mmol/l. Potassium test strip results proved acceptably comparable and reproducible when produced by an experienced analyst, but greater variability in clinical hands rendered the system unsuitable for precise monitoring of potassium concentration.  相似文献   
Lactobin-R is a commercial hyperimmune bovine colostrum with potent anticryptosporidial activity. It was administered to a 4 year old child with AIDS and severe diarrhoea associated with cryptosporidiosis. There was significant clinical improvement in the diarrhoea and permanent elimination of the parasite from the gut as assessed through serial jejunal biopsy and stool specimens.  相似文献   
We have demonstrated that certain passive motions of the glenohumeral joint are reproducibly accompanied by translation of the head of the humerus on the glenoid. We investigated the relationship of these translations to the position of the glenohumeral joint and to applied torques and forces in seven isolated glenohumeral joints from fresh cadavera, using a six-degrees-of-freedom position sensor and a six-axis force and torque transducer. Reproducible and significant translation occurred in an anterior direction with glenohumeral flexion and in a posterior direction with extension. We also observed translation with cross-body movement. The translation occurring with flexion was obligate in that it could not be prevented by the application of an oppositely directed force of thirty to forty newtons. Operative tightening of the posterior portion of the capsule increased the anterior translation on flexion and cross-body movement and caused it to occur earlier in the arc of motion compared with the intact glenohumeral joint. Operative tightening of the posterior part of the capsule also resulted in significant superior translation with flexion of the glenohumeral joint.  相似文献   
In a prospective study on 47 patients, 16 mg of gentamicin per two litres dialysate was administered intraperitoneally at every cycle of intermittent peritoneal dialysis, carried out over the course of several days. Serum gentamicin sampling, pure tone audiometry and caloric tests were performed before and during the treatment. The gentamicin levels reached at the end of the thirtieth cycle were observed to be low. In view of this, the risk of acute ototoxicity was considered to be minimal. This was confirmed by the absence of clinical audiometric or vestibulometric evidence of toxicity.  相似文献   
Fibronectin production from amnion and placental tissues was evaluated in pregnant woman smokers and nonsmokers in order to examine if there were alterations of fibronectin metabolism in intrauterine tissues. In both amnion and placental tissues, cycloheximide inhibited the fibronectin output indicating that it was being synthesized. Mean fibronectin output by amnion in pregnant woman smokers was significantly lower than that in pregnant woman nonsmokers. In contrast, in the placenta from pregnant woman smokers, the output was significantly higher than that in pregnant woman nonsmokers. The present observations indicate that smoking alters an important biochemical constituent in amnion and placenta, possible leading to some complications.  相似文献   
Fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae were obtained at post mortem examinations of human subjects in the range 26 to 86 years and at the same time specimens were taken from the iliac crests for histological assessment of trabecular density (iliac crest score). After removal of pedicles and spinous processes the vertebrae were compressed in a testing machine to mechanical failure. The following values were obtained; breaking stress (load per unit area at failure), strain (percentage deformation) at failure and relative ash content (ash per unit volume). Strain at failure was independent of the size and strength of the vertebrae. The relative ash content and the iliac crest score were closely correlated. The relative ash content and the breaking stress both declined with increasing age, but the relation between them was not linear since the breaking stress fell more quickly than the ash content. Euler's equation for the buckling stress of a loaded column readily explains how in osteoporosis the reduction of the diameter of the vertical trabeculae and the loss of transverse ties cause loss of strength proportionately greater than the loss of osseous tissue. The results give no reason to suppose that in osteoporosis the quality of the osseous tissue is changed.
Zusammenfassung Die vierten und fünften Lumbalwirbelknochen wurden von Obduktionen menschlicher Leichen innerhalb der Altersgrenzen von 26 und 86 Jahren gewonnen. Gleichzeitig wurden Proben von der Beckenschaufel entnommen, um Maßstäbe für die Bälkchendichte festzulegen (Beckenschaufelzahl). Nach Entfernung der Ansätze und Dornfortsätze wurden die Wirbelknochen in einer Prüfungsmaschine komprimiert, um mechanisches Versagen zu bestimmen. Folgende Werte wurden erhalten: Bruchbelastung (Gewicht pro Einheitsfläche bei Bruch), Beanspruchung (Prozentsatz von Deformation) bei Bruch und relativer Aschegehalt (Asche pro Einheitsvolumen). Die Beanspruchung bei Bruch war unabhängig von Größe und Stärke der Wirbelknochen. Zwischen dem relativen Aschegehalt und der Beckenschaufelzahl bestand eine enge Verbindung. Der relative Aschegehalt und die Bruchbelastung wurden mit fortschreitendem Alter kleiner, jedoch war die Beziehung zwischen diesen beiden Faktoren nicht linear, da die Bruchbelastung rascher als der Aschegehalt abnahm. MitEulers Gleichung für die Verbiegungsbelastung einer geladenen Säule läßt sich leicht erklären, auf welche Weise bei der Osteoporose die Reduktion des Durchmessers der Wirbeltrabekeln und der Verlust der transversen Verbindungen einen verhältnismäßig größeren Stärkeverlust hervorruft, als durch Verlust von Knochengewebe erklärt werden kann. Die Ergebnisse geben keinen Anlaß zu der Vermutung, daß bei der Osteoporose die Qualität des Knochengewebes eine Veränderung erfährt.

Résumé Les quatrième et cinquième vertèbres lombaires sont prélevées post-mortem chez des sujets humains, âgés de 26 à 86 ans, et des échantillons de crête iliaque sont collectés simultanément pour établir histologiquement la densité des travées osseuses (index de la crête iliaque). Après avoir enlevé les pédicules et les apophyses épineuses, les vertèbres sont compressées dans une machine pour tester la résistance mécanique. Les valeurs suivantes sont déterminées: force de rupture (en poids par unité de surface au moment de la rupture), effort de rupture (en pourcentage de déformation) et contenu relatif en cendres (en cendres par unité de volume). L'effort de rupture est indépendant de la taille et de la force des vertèbres. Le contenu relatif en cendres et l'index de la crête iliaque sont en rapports étroits. Le contenu relatif en cendres et la force de rupture diminuent en fonction de l'âge, mais ce rapport n'est pas linéaire, car la force de rupture chute plus rapidement que le contenu en cendres. L'équation d'Euler pour une force courbe appliquée à une colonne chargée explique facilement comment, dans l'ostéoporose, la réduction de diamètre des travées verticales et la perte des attaches transversales sont responsables de la perte de force proportionellement plus élevée que la perte de tissu osseux. Les résultats ne permettent pas de supposer que, dans l'ostéoporose, la qualité du tissu osseux est altérée.
All detainees admitted to seven London police stations were observed over a six-month period (n=2,947). Four per cent were identified as opiate users, although the actual percentage is likely to be much higher. Compared to the general population of detainees there were significantly more women among known opiate users and this group also contained a higher percentage of white detainees and people born in the British Isles. People born in continental European countries were also over-represented. A little more than half of known users did not reveal their use on arrival at the police station. At least 60% of known opiate users remained well throughout their detention, 30% were intoxicated through drugs at the time of their arrest, but only 13% displayed signs or symptoms of withdrawal during their detention. Overall, 65% of the known opiate users were seen by a police surgeon and of these 52% were given medication. All of those withdrawing were given drug treatment, but most of those who were intoxicated by opiates, or who remained well throughout their detention, received no medication. Of those given medication 86% received an opiate, dihydrocodeine being the commonest preparation, usually in association with a benzodiazepine. Despite the adoption of differing management paradigms among police surgeons, the actual medical treatment of opiate-using detainees was pragmatic and determined by individual need.  相似文献   
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