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Ocular symptoms of Beh?et's syndrome in 16 patients and the results of cytostatic and immunosuppressive therapy with cyclosporin A (6 patients), chlorambucil (6 patients), and a combination of cyclophosphamide and procarbacin (4 patients) are described. The clinical course and therapeutic outcome were compared to the patients' visual acuity and the duration of the disease prior to institution of cytostatic therapy. Average follow-up was 4.6 years, maximum 9 years. The principal ocular symptom in all patients was hemorrhagic, occlusive periphlebitis. Other symptoms, in descending order of frequency, were chorioretinitis, iridocyclitis, complicated cataract, secondary glaucoma and exudative retinal detachment. The patients in whom cytostatic therapy was instituted no later than 6 months after onset of the disease showed an improvement in or stabilization of visual acuity, as well as a clear reduction in signs of intraocular inflammation and frequency of recurrence. No improvement in visual acuity or ocular symptoms was achieved in cases where the disease was very advanced, despite cytostatic-immunosuppressive therapy. The results support early institution of immunosuppressive therapy in cases with Beh?et's syndrome where severe, irreversible damage has not yet occurred and in which vision is threatened in both eyes. However, due consideration must be given to the potential risks of immunosuppressive therapy, in particular the risk of a malignant tumor.  相似文献   
Previous studies of respiratory disorders in workers exposed to pulverised fuel ash (PFA) have been confined to radiological effects that were found to be minimal. The present survey included 268 men (88% of the defined population) with a history of more than 10 years exposure to PFA in six power stations in the south east of England. Respiratory questionnaires with full occupational histories were obtained from all of these subjects, of whom 207 were actively employed and 61 had retired; 243 had lung function tests and 208 had chest x ray examinations. The men were grouped, using their occupational histories, into high, medium, and low exposure categories. Dust concentrations were obtained by personal sampling on a representative sample of men from the three exposure categories. Lung function tests showed that a modest effect on forced vital capacity, vital capacity, forced expiratory volume in one second, peak flow, and gas transfer (DCO) was associated with prolonged heavy exposure to PFA. The men with prolonged heavy exposure also showed higher prevalences of respiratory symptoms. No definite relation between exposure and x ray changes was established. The results of this cross sectional survey indicate that exposures to PFA should not exceed the limits recommended by the Health and Safety Executive for low toxicity dusts.  相似文献   
Extensive bone resorption occurring in aural cholesteatoma is responsible for the severe complications of this disease. In the area of active bone destruction, typical multinucleated osteoclasts are rarely seen, but a heavy cellular infiltrate is found. In the present study we tried to characterize the immunophenotype and the functional state of the cells infiltrating the stroma and the epithelial layer of aural cholesteatoma, using a panel of monoclonal antibodies directed against cell type specific antigens. The results were compared with normal retroauricular skin. The vast majority of cells infiltrating the stroma was bone marrow derived and consisted of T-cells and macrophages. By means of the activation markers HLA-DR and Interleukin-2 receptor an immunologically activated state of the majority of infiltrating cells in cholesteatomas was shown. The great number of activated macrophages in cholesteatomas seems to be very important in the cholesteatomatous immunological process. Because of their various immunological functions (antigen presentation to T-lymphocytes, participation in ingestion and killing of different invading microorganisms and synthesizing a great number of substances involved in host defence and inflammation) these cells play a central role in human immunological system. Langerhans cells, however, did not appear to be involved in the immune process of cholesteatoma. The characteristics of the infiltrating cell population with the great number of phagocytic cells suggest an active immune process resulting in autoaggressive bone resorption.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of therapy balls as seating on in-seat behavior and legible word productivity of students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Additionally, social validity was assessed to evaluate teacher and student opinions regarding the intervention. METHOD: A single subject, A-B-A-B interrupted time series design was employed across 3 students (2 males, 1 female) with ADHD. The study was conducted in a 4th grade inclusive classroom during daily language arts. During phases 1 and 3, the 3 participants and all other class members sat on chairs (in-seat on chair); during phases 2 and 4, everyone sat on therapy balls (in-seat on ball). Dependent variables were in-seat behavior and legible word productivity. Data were graphed and visually analyzed for differences between phases. RESULTS: Results demonstrated increases in in-seat behavior and legible word productivity for the students with ADHD when seated on therapy balls. Social validity findings indicated that generally the teacher and students preferred therapy balls. CONCLUSION: This study provides evidence that use of therapy balls for students with ADHD may facilitate in-seat behavior and legible word productivity.  相似文献   
Hispanic and African American adolescents are more likely than white Anglo youth to harbor misconceptions about acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and are also more likely to engage in intravenous drug use and sexual intercourse. This paper describes the development of an AIDS prevention curriculum that uses an interactive videodisc program to teach skills for interventions. Focus group and expert panel studies yielded suggests for intervention vignettes and scenes relevant to Hispanic and African American adolescents. The authors then developed and produced a sample curriculum, specifically designed for Hispanic youth. Content was designed to build knowledge, attitudes, and skills in handling situations where young persons are at risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. The feasibility of the finished pilot product was tested with adolescents and with professionals who serve ethnic and racial minority youth. Adults and Hispanic adolescent viewers rated the videodisc as enjoyable, interesting, and likely to achieve positive effects with the intended target population. Findings suggest that the interactive videodisc is a useful way to interest and help Hispanic adolescents learn ways of reducing their risk of contracting and spreading HIV infection through lifestyle practices. This developmental research in the use of interactive videodisc also provides a basis for further investigation.  相似文献   
Background: Spherophakia is an uncommon diagnosis. This is the first case report of spherophakia evaluated by ultrasound biomicroscopy.
Methods: Ultrasound biomicroscopy is a new diagnostic technique developed by one of the authors and provides images with microscopic resolution of the anterior segment. A patient with spherophakia was evaluated by ultrasound biomicroscopy (Zeiss-Humphrey, 50MHz) before and after YAG laser iridotomy.
Results: Ultrasound biomicroscopic assessment revealed a shallow anterior chamber, a very steep anterior lens curvature, iridolenticular contact, elongated zonules, and an increased distance between the lens equator and the ciliary processes. Angle closure glaucoma was due to a pupil block mechanism. The pupil block was relieved by YAG laser iridotomy.
Conclusions: Ultrasound biomicroscopy is a useful technique to confirm the diagnosis of spherophakia. The pupil block in spherophakia is relieved by YAG laser iridotomy.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Hintergrund: Die Assoziation zwischen Helicobacter-pylori-(H.-pylori-)Infektion und Dyspepsie wird kontrovers diskutiert. Im Rahmen der BASF-H.-pylori-Vorsorgeaktion wurde u. a. die Prävalenz von Dyspepsie bei arbeitsfähigen Personen ermittelt sowie der Zusammenhang mit der H.-pylori-Infektion und der Erfolg einer Eradikationstherapie untersucht. Probanden und Methodik: 6 132 Beschäftigte der BASF wurden untersucht und im Rahmen einer standardisierten Anamnese u. a. zu dyspeptischen Beschwerden befragt. Diese wurden entsprechend der führenden Symptomatik den Dyspepsiesubtypen vom Ulkustyp, Dysmotilitätstyp, Refluxtyp und unspezifischen Typ zugeordnet. Bei allen Beschäftigten wurde die Seroprävalenz (IgG-ELISA) der H.-pylori-Infektion bestimmt. Allen H.-pylori-positiven Personen mit Dyspepsie wurde weitere Diagnostik in Form einer Ösophagogastroduodenoskopie und einer Sonographie des Abdomens bei Fachärzten empfohlen und eine H.-pylori-Eradikationstherapie (Italian-Triple-Therapie) angeboten. In einer Untergruppe endoskopisch untersuchter Beschäftigter mit peptischer Ulkuskrankheit (PUD, n = 37) bzw. Non-Ulcer-Dyspepsie (NUD; n = 39) wurde der prognostische Wert der im Western Blot ermittelten Antikörper gegen CagA und VacA untersucht. Ergebnisse: 1 255 der 6 143 Beschäftigten (20,4%) berichteten über Dyspepsie. 492 Personen mit Dyspepsie (39,2%) waren gleichzeitig H.-pylori-positiv. Bei Personen ohne dyspeptische Symptome betrug die H.-pylori-Prävalenz 35,8%. Personen mit unterschiedlichen Dyspepsiesubtypen unterschieden sich nicht hinsichtlich der H.-pylori-Prävalenz. Personen, die häufige und intensive dyspeptische Beschwerden angaben, waren allerdings signifikant häufiger H.-pylori-positiv (OR 2,09, CI 1,43-3,05). Die Seroprävalenz von CagA und VacA bei Personen mit PUD unterschied sich nicht signifikant von derjenigen bei Personen mit NUD. 458 H.-pylori-positiven Personen wurde die Eradikation empfohlen. 330 Personen (72,1%) folgten der Empfehlung. 128 (27,9%) ließen sich nicht behandeln. An der Nachkontrolle nach 12 Monaten nahmen 402 Personen (87,8%) teil, davon waren 300 behandelt, 102 nicht. Der serologisch analysierte Eradikationserfolg lag bei 81,5%. 42,8% der erfolgreich behandelten Personen berichteten über Besserung ihrer Beschwerden, 33,2% über Beschwerdefreiheit. Bei den nicht behandelten Personen war dies nur in 16,7% bzw. in 37,3% der Fall. Vermehrte Refluxbeschwerden traten nach erfolgreicher Eradikation nicht auf. Schlussfolgerung: Wir konnten keinen generellen Zusammenhang zwischen Dyspepsie und H.-pylori-Infektion in einem großen Kollektiv arbeitsfähiger Personen erkennen. Häufige und intensive dyspeptische Symptome scheinen allerdings ein prädikativer Faktor für die H.-pylori-Seropositivität zu sein. Die serologisch bestimmbaren Virulenzfaktoren tragen nicht zur Unterscheidung PUD oder NUD bei. Die Eradikationstherapie führte nach 1 Jahr zwar häufiger zur Besserung, aber nicht häufiger zu Beschwerdefreiheit bei Beschäftigten mit dyspeptischen Beschwerden im Vergleich zu unbehandelten Personen. Abstract Background: The role of Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection in dyspepsia is controversial. In the course of a health initiative within a large industrial corporation, we investigated the prevalence of both dyspepsia and positive H. pylori serology and the outcome of eradication therapy in symptomatic H. pylori positive employees. Test Persons and Methods: H. pylori serology (IgG ELISA) was determined in 6,143 employees of BASF AG Ludwigshafen/Germany who were also asked to complete a standardized health history administered by a physician. Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) and dyspepsia subgroups were defined based on past medical history and symptom profiles using the criteria of Heading. Upper GI endoscopy, abdominal ultrasound and eradication therapy (Italian Triple Therapy) was recommended for symptomatic H. pylori positive individuals. The prognostic value of antibodies against CagA and VacA was evaluated in 37 and 39 employees with PUD and non-ulcer dyspepsia (NUD) confirmed by endoscopy, respectively. Results: Of 6,143 employees, 1,255 (20.4%) were classified as dyspeptic, 492 (39.2%) of whom were H. pylori positive. The seroprevalence of H. pylori in asymptomatic employees was 35.8%. There were no significant differences in H. pylori seroprevalence among dyspepsia subgroups (reflux only, dysmotility only, reflux/dysmotility, ulcer-like and non-specific). However, individuals reporting severe dyspeptic symptoms were significantly more likely to be H. pylori positive (OR 2.09, CI 1.43-3.05). The seroprevalence of CagA and VacA was not significantly different among employees with NUD compared to referents or among employees with NUD compared to those with PUD. 330 (72%) of 458 employees with dyspepsia received eradication therapy, 128 persons refused therapy. Based on a 12-month follow-up of 402 individuals (300 of whom had received therapy), eradication success was 81.5% as judged by serology. Of the successfully treated employees, 33.2% reported a total absence and 42.8% reported a decrease in symptoms. Among the employees who refused therapy, the corresponding percentages were 37.3% and 16.7%, respectively. An increase in reflux complaints was not observed among treated employees. Conclusion: In a large active employee population, at most a very weak association was observed between the prevalence of H. pylori seropositivity and dyspepsia. Frequent and severe dyspeptic symptoms were associated with an increased rate of H. pylori seropositivity. The analysis of the virulence factors is not particularly helpful in discriminating PUD or NUD. Eradication of H. pylori infection leads to a decrease in dyspeptic symptoms after 12 months, but not more often to their complete absence compared to untreated individuals.  相似文献   
AIM: An evolutionary concept analysis was undertaken to clarify the concept of self-management of type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents. BACKGROUND: Several problems exist in the literature on self-management of type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents. There is no uniform terminology and there is no uniform definition of the concept. Also, there is no differentiation in the literature between self-management of diabetes in children and adults. METHODS: Ninety-nine references were reviewed and analysed in the disciplines of nursing, medicine, and psychology. After separate analyses revealed no significant differences across disciplines, the analyses were combined to describe the attributes, antecedents, consequences, and surrogate and related concepts. RESULTS: The three essential attributes of the concept were identified as process, activities, and goals. Self-management of type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents is an active and proactive process; it is daily, lifelong, and flexible, and it involves shifting and shared responsibility for diabetes care tasks and decision-making between child and parent. It is a process that involves collaboration with health care providers. Self-management of type 1 diabetes in children and adolescents also consists of varied and many activities related to giving insulin, monitoring metabolic control, regulating diet and exercise, to name just a few. The concept also involves goals, which may differ from one parent/child dyad to another. A working definition of the concept is suggested. CONCLUSIONS: It is hoped that a more uniform definition of the concept will enable researchers to continue investigating antecedents and consequences of the concept in a way that allows for aggregating results.  相似文献   
CONTEXT: Central Cushing's syndrome is not always curable by surgery or radiation of the pituitary. Medical treatment is often not possible or effective. Some studies revealed beneficial effects of the PPARgamma (Peroxisome-Proliferator-Activator- Receptor-gamma)-agonist rosiglitazone (RG) in in vitro studies, animal models and short term clinical studies. OBJECTIVE: of this study was to observe the long-term effects of RG-treatment on cortisol- and ACTH -secretion, clinical outcomes and morphological changes of the pituitary in patients with persistent ACTH-overproduction despite previous operation and radiation. DESIGN, SETTING AND PATIENTS: 14 patients with persistent central ACTH -production were included and monitored over a period up to 12 months. RG was administered daily and increased to a maximum dosage of 24 mg daily, according to the response of ACTH and cortisol secretion. ACTH and cortisol were measured at least every 4 weeks during RG treatment. RESULTS: Patients were treated between 4 and 12 months with RG (mean 6.8 months). Compared to baseline, ACTH- and cortisol levels dropped significantly (p<0.01) after 12, 16, 20, 24 and 28 weeks but thereafter rose again during the study period, despite continuous RG- treatment and dose increase up to the maximum dosage. This was paralleled by reocurrence of clinical symptoms. MRI-scans were performed in 6 patients because of persisting visible adenoma, but showed no morphological changes. CONCLUSION: RG seems not to be a long-term treatment option for patients with persistent central ACTH-evcess. Though, in order to reduce perioperative complications, short term treatment of patients could be an alternative.  相似文献   
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