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Summary Based on national mortality data, the frequency of hip fractures in elderly people was compared between Switzerland and Japan. Age-adjusted annual incidence rates per 100 000 population estimated for Swiss persons over 60 years were around 150 and 200 in males and around 450 in females, while for the Japanese they were only 132 in males and 285 in females. Age-adjusted death rates from hip fracture for the Swiss over 60 were 20.0 in males and 28.9 in females, while for the Japanese they were only 1.6 in males and 2.7 in females. The inclination of the age-dependent slope in hip fracture mortality rates was substantially the same in both countries, but there was a lag time of approximately 10 years in Japan. Remarkably, the proportion of deaths due to falls among all accidental deaths was several times greater in both sexes for the Swiss than for the Japanese. This differential might be an important underlying reason for the observed difference between death rates of hip fracture in Switzerland and Japan. Other known behavioral risk factors for hip fracture such as diet, exercise, estrogen use etc. are unlikely to explain the observed difference in hip fracture mortality and morbidity between Switzerland and Japan. However, given the doubts on the reliability and thus comparability of the available data on mortality and morbidity, the present findings should be regarded as preliminary. In conclusion, we believe that the unexplained and large difference in the burden of hip fracture between Switzerland and Japan merits further studies, including new aetiological hypotheses.
Zusammenfassung Gestützt auf nationale Sterbedaten wird die Häufigkeit von Hüftfrakturen bei Betagten in der Schweiz und Japan verglichen. Alterskorrigierte jährliche Inzidenzraten (bezogen auf 100 000 Einwohner) bezifferten sich bei den Schweizer Personen über 60 Jahren auf ca. 150–200 bei den Männern sowie ca. 450 bei den Frauen, während bei den Japanern die entsprechenden Inzidenzen lediglich 132 bei den Männern und 285 bei den Frauen betrugen. Die alterskorrigierte durch Hüftfrakturen bedinte Mortalität (pro 100000) betrug bei den Schweizern über 60 Jahren 20,0 bei den Männern und 28,9 bei den Frauen, während bei den Japanern die entsprechenden Werte bei 1,6 für Männer und 2,7 für Frauen lagen. Die Gerade, die das Verhältnis zwischen Alter und Hüftfraktur-Mortalität charakterisiert, zeigte in beiden Ländern ungefähr die gleiche Steigung, war in Japan jedoch um ca. 10 Jahre rechtsverschoben. Bemerkenswerterweise war der Anteil sturzbedingter Todesfälle unter allen unfallbedingten Todesfällen bei beiden Geschlechtern in der Schweiz wesentlich höher als in Japan. Dieser Unterschied könnte eine wichtige, zurgrundeliegende Ursache für die Differenz in der Hüftfrakturmortalität zwischen der Schweiz und Japan darstellen. Andere verhaltensabhängige Risikofaktoren für Hüftfraktur wie Ernährung, körperliche Bewegung, Oestrogenzufuhr usw. vermögen die beobachteten Unterschiede in der Mortalität und Morbidität an Hüftfraktur zwischen der Schweiz und Japan kaum zu erklären Angesichts der ungewissen Reliabilität und Vergleichbarkeit der zur Verfügung stehenden Daten müssen die vorliegenden Ergebnisse allerdings mit Vorsicht interpretiert werden. Zusammenfassend glauben wir, dass der grosse und weitgehend unerklärte schweizerisch-japanische Unterschied im Auftreten von Hüftfrakturen weiter abgeklärt werden sollte, unter Einschluss neuer ätiologischer Hypothesen.

Résumé Basée sur les données de mortalité nationales, la fréquence des fractures de hanche des personnes âgées est comparée entre la Suisse et le Japon. Les taux d'incidence annuels corrigés pour l'effet de l'âge chez les personnes suisses âgées de plus de 60 ans sont d'environ 150–200 chez les hommes (par rapport à 100 000 habitants), ainsi qu'environ 450 chez les femmes, tandis qu'au Japon les incidences correspondantes s'élèvent à 132 chez les hommes et 285 chez les femmes. La mortalité des fractures de hanche, corrigée pour l'effet de l'âge s'élève chez les Suisses âgés de plus de 60 ans à 20,0 (par 100 000) chez les hommes et à 28,9 chez les femmes, alors que chez les Japonais les taux correspondants sont 1,6 chez les hommes et 2,7 chez les femmes. La proportion de décès faisant suite à des chutes parmi l'ensemble des accidents mortels est remarquablement plus élevée en Suisse qu'au Japon, pour les femmes comme pour les hommes. Cette différence pourrait expliquer le taux élvé de décès suite à une fracture de hanche observé en Suisse. D'autres facteurs de risque pour la fracture de hanche liés au style de vie ne sont apparemment pas en mesure d'expliquer les différences de mortalité et de morbidité par fracture de hanche observées entre la Suisse et le Japon. Face aux doutes qui concernent la fiabilité et la comparabilité des données à disposition, ces résultats doivent être interprétés avec prudence. Toutefois, nous pensons que la différence substantielle des taux de fractures de hanche entre Suisse et Japon, qui reste inexpliquée, devrait être examinée plus en détail, également en ce qui concerne de nouvelles hypothèses étiologiques.
Objectives  To evaluate the physical strength, cerebral function, and mental health conditions in elderly persons, and to examine the correlation between these functions. Methods  The subjects were 151 independent-living elderly Japanese women, mean age 70 +/-5 years (+/-SD; range, 60 to 80 years), with normal abilities in daily life. The health check-up was conducted from April to May 1997. Physical strength was estimated by measuring seven activities. Cerebral functions were assessed by six sub-tests of the General Aptitude Test Battery (GATB). Their mental health status was measured by four sub-scales of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ)-28. Results  The physical strenght and almost all of the cerebral functions decreased with age. Social dysfunction and severe depression on the GHQ sub-scales also worsened with age. Physical strength was strongly correlated with cerebral functions after adjusting for the confounding effect of aging. There were also interrelations between physical strength and mental health. Conclusions  This study provided important information on the correlation between physical and mental status in elderly women. Future longitudinal studies with the intervention of physical training are required to determine whether a causal relationship exists between these factors.  相似文献   
Objective: To study seasonal variation in intake and plasma concentrations of fatty acids (FAs) in Japanese female dietitians. Subjects and methods: We assessed consumption of FAs based on four season 7 consecutive day weighed diet records from 71 Japanese female dietitians in 1996–1997. Using overnight fasting venous blood, plasma concentrations of FAs were analyzed by gas chromatography. Seasonal variation in consumption and plasma concentrations was examined by ANOVA for repeated values, followed by Tukey's multiple t-test. We calculated Spearman's partial rank correlation coefficients (CCs) between intake and plasma concentrations of FAs. Furthermore, we computed inter-seasonal Spearman's partial rank CCs for consumption and plasma concentrations of FAs. Results: Statistically significant seasonal differences were observed in consumption for most FAs, except for myristic acid, monounsaturated FAs, oleic acid, n-6 polyunsaturated FAs (PUFAs), linoleic acid, -linolenic acid, -linolenic acid, PUFAs/saturated FAs, and n-6 PUFAs/n-3 PUFAs, and for most plasma concentrations, except for stearic acid, -linolenic acid, n-3 PUFAs, -linolenic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and n-3 highly unsaturated FAs (HUFAs). However, statistically significant Spearman's partial rank CCs between intake and plasma concentrations were observed for EPA, DHA, n-3 HUFAs, n-6 PUFAs/n-3 PUFAs and n-6 PUFAs/n-3 HUFAs for almost all seasons. Conclusions: Seasonal variation exists in consumption and plasma concentrations of FAs, so that this should be taken into account in epidemiological analyses, including case–control and cohort studies.  相似文献   
A cross-sectional study was conducted to clarify the associations of lifestyle factors (habitual exercise, alcohol intake and smoking habit) and plasma fatty acid (FA) concentrations as biomarkers of dietary FA intakes. We collected 7-d weighed diet records, lifestyle information and blood samples from 15 male and 79 female Japanese dietitians, and estimated dietary FA intakes and analyzed plasma FA concentrations. Plasma concentrations of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and (n-3) highly unsaturated FA (HUFA) derived from marine foods, but not linoleic and alpha-linolenic acid from plant origins, demonstrated positive correlations with dietary intakes (r = 0.303-0.602, P < 0.05) in both genders. Multiple linear regression analyses adjusted for age, BMI, total energy intake, fat (or respective FA) consumption and lifestyle factors showed that dietary intakes of EPA, DHA and (n-3) HUFA were positively associated with age in men (P < 0.05) and negatively associated with BMI in women [P < 0.01 for DHA and (n-3) HUFA]. The plasma concentrations of EPA, DHA and (n-3) HUFA in women were found to be positively associated with age and marine oil (or respective FA) intake (P < 0.01), and negatively associated with total energy intake [P < 0.05 for EPA and (n-3) HUFA]. Lifestyle factors were not associated with dietary FA intakes and plasma FA concentrations. These findings suggest that the plasma concentrations of EPA, DHA and (n-3) HUFA might be useful biomarkers for the assessment of relative FA intakes without considering associations with habitual exercise, alcohol intake and smoking habit.  相似文献   
A novel melanogenesis inhibitor, byelyankacin (1), was isolated from the fermentation broth of a bacterial strain. The producing organism, designated B20, was identified as a member of the genus Enterobacter based on taxonomic characteristics. 1 was obtained as a white powder from the culture medium by solvent extraction and serial chromatographic purification. The structure of 1 was determined as (E)-4-(2-isocyanovinyl)phenyl alpha-L-rhamnopyranoside on the basis of spectroscopic data. 1 potently inhibited mushroom tyrosinase and melanogenesis of B16-2D2 melanoma cells with IC50 value of 2.1 nM and 30 nM, respectively.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVES: To examine the direct detection of rifampicin (RFP)-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum by Line Probe Assay (LiPA). MATERIALS AND METHODS: We collected 130 sputa and analyzed both by LiPA and the Amplicor M.tuberculosis assay. For culture-positive samples, RFP resistance testing was performed and compared with the results by LiPA. RESULTS: Eighty two out of 84 M. tuberculosis samples were detected by LiPA and all of 10 Mycobacteria other than M. tuberculosis (MOTT) samples and 36 negative samples were negative by LiPA. The detection rate is same as Amplicor. For culture-positive samples, LiPA showed mutation pattern for all of 22 RFP-resistant strains and wild type pattern for 19 of 20 RFP-sensitive strains. The one remaining showed mixed pattern of wild type and mutation pattern. CONCLUSION: The use of LiPA for sputum coould enable early detection of RFP-resistant tuberculosis and seems to be useful for the control of tuberculosis.  相似文献   
Acute graft-versus-host disease (aGVHD) remains a major complication of allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, which is caused by donor T cells specific for host alloantigens. In a murine model, we found that donor T cells expressed a natural killer cell inhibitory receptor, CD94/NKG2A, during the course of aGVHD. Administration of an anti-NKG2A mAb markedly inhibited the expansion of donor T cells and ameliorated the aGVHD pathologies. These results suggested that the CD94/NKG2A inhibitory receptor expressed on host-reactive donor T cells can be a novel target for the amelioration of aGVHD.  相似文献   
False recognition can occur at high levels after participants study lists of associated words and are tested with semantically related lures. The present study attempted to determine the differences of young and elderly adults in retention interval on false recognition and remember-know judgments of critical lure. Young participants' mean age was 21.6 years (range 21-23 years). Elderly participants' mean age was 69.7 years (range 65-74 years). Participants engaged in estimating the frequency of usage of visually presented words, and they were tested both immediately and one week later after the study phase. We found that elderly adults were relatively more susceptible than young adults to this false recognition effect. Moreover, a reliable increase of false recognition for critical lures was observed across retention interval in young adults but not in elderly adults.  相似文献   
PURPOSE: This study was conducted to assess clinically whether intervention with instruction applying respiratory rehabilitation method for expectorating sputum was useful or not to obtain more suitable sputum for smear examination of acid-fast bacilli. SUBJECT: All specimens examined were sputa obtained from 163 patients without the instruction group and 161 patients with the instruction group, who visited our outpatients clinic during one year from September 1, 2000 to August 31, 2001 and the following one year, respectively. METHOD: Gross appearance of the sputum according to Miller & Jones' classification (M1, M2, P1-P3) and smear positive rate by fluorescence staining method after N-Acetyl-L-cysteine-NaOH treatment and centrifugation were compared between the two groups. RESULTS: M1 and P1 sputa were 21.5% and 21.5% in the no instruction group, while those were 8.1%, 36.6% in the instruction group. Difference in M2, P2 and P3 sputa were not significant between the groups. Smear positive rate was 10.4% in the no instruction group, while it was 21.1% in the instruction group. According to gross appearance of M2, P1 and P2, positive rate was 11.1%, 11.4% and 30.8% in the no instruction group, and 17.7%, 28.8%, and 26.3% in the instruction group. Chest roentogenographic findings judged by type (cavitary and non-cavitary) and extent of the pulmonary lesions of these smear positive cases (17 in the no instruction group and 34 with the instruction group), revealed that the no instruction group consisted of more predominantly severer disease with cavity and moderately or far advanced lesions as compared with the instruction group. CONSIDERATION: We could exclude that the difference in gross appearance and smear-positive rate of the sputum specimen between groups without and with the instruction might be due to differences in disease severity between the two groups with and without the instruction. CONCLUSION: The instruction for sputum expectoration seems to be useful to increase positive rate in the smear examination of acid-fast bacilli.  相似文献   
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