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A preliminary assessment of the contraceptive efficacy of a daily mild increase (1–2°c) in testicular temperature during waking hours is reported in nine couples using two techniques of non-surgical fixation of the testes close to the inguinal canal. With technique 1, immobilization was achieved by passing the penis and the empty scrotum through a hole made in close-fitting underwear; there was one pregnancy, hm a man who stopped the heating after 7 weeks, for 42 cycles of exposure in three couples. With technique 2, immobilization was achieved by adding a ring of soft material surrounding the hole in the underwear; there was no pregnancy for 117 cycles of exposure in six couples. Reversibility and safety were assessed. These preliminary results suggest that a daily mild increase in testicular temperature could be a potential contraceptive method for men.  相似文献   
The affected sib methods, which are used to make inferences about the genetic components of HLA associated diseases, have many underlying assumptions which may not always be realistic. These include no selective disadvantage of affected individuals, little or no recombination between the marker loci and the 'disease' locus, a single panmictic population, Mendelian segregation of the disease locus alleles and random distribution of individuals over environments. The effects of breaking these assumptions have been investigated. We have explicitly derived the haplotype sharing identity by descent (IBD) expectations for the cases of selection against affected individuals and recombination between the HLA marker loci and the 'disease' predisposing locus for affected sib trios (as was previously done for affected sib pairs). We have also derived, for both affected sib pairs and trios, the haplotype sharing expectations for non-random mating (positive assortative), admixture, meiotic drive (of disease allele carrying haplotypes), and a random versus shared environmental component for sibs. In order to assess the sensitivity of the affected sib methods to perturbations in the assumptions, the expectation spaces of haplotype sharing in affected sib pairs and sib trios under the single diallelic locus model with varying penetrances and allele frequencies are fully described. The effects on haplotype sharing and subsequent disease parameter estimation are different for each of the factors we have considered. The affected sib methods are found to be robust in many situations.  相似文献   
This study was undertaken to investigate a number of immuneparameters which may be compromised with exposure to morphinesulfate. Mice were implanted subcutaneously with 8-, 25-, or75-mg morphine sulfate pellets. Placebo pellets of identicalmakeup to the 75-mg morphine pellet (without morphine of course)were used as a control. Twenty-four hours after implantationof a 75-mg morphine pellet, blood levels reached a peak of 1610ng/ml. Corticosterone increased in parallel with morphine andreached a peak level of 966 ng/ml 24 hr after implantation.The dose response of morphine to increase corticosterone, however,was fiat. The weight of the lymphoid organs, spleen and thymus,and the liver were significantly reduced in the morphine-treatedgroups. Morphine treatment was associated with an increase inserum albumin, SGPT, BUN, and alkaline phosphatase indicativeof hepatic damage. In contrast to increased serum proteins,the C3 component of complement was reduced in a dose-dependentmanner. Leukocyte number in the peripheral blood was significantlyreduced, while erythro-cyte number and hematocrit were bothincreased. The number of B cells and T cells was decreased inmorphine-treated animals. However, the percentage of T cellsrelative to B cells was increased. The primary IgM antibodyresponse to the T-depen-dent antigen, sheep red blood cells,was decreased. Natural killer cell activity was reduced in responseto morphine, as was the phagocytic capacity of Kupffer cells.Host-resistance models of Listeria monocytogenes or Streptococcuspneumoniae showed an increased resistance following administrationof morphine. This increased host resistance, however, was notdue to an increase in antimicrobial action of sera obtainedfrom mice treated with morphine. The majority of morphine'seffects on the immune system exhibited a flat dose response,suggesting that these effects may be mediated secondarily throughcorticosterone.  相似文献   
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed In simplified models that describe large quantities of capillariesthe capillary content is considered to be homogeneous for oxygentransport; but, in reality, the capillaries contain discretered blood cells (RBCs), and this discreteness will affect oxygentransport from the capillary to the tissue. This was previouslyinvestigated with an analytical model, where RBCs were modelledas point-like sources. A numerical approach is used in thisinvestigation, and the results are compared with the analyticalmodel. In both models the effect of the particulate nature ofblood depends on the haematocrit and on the RBC velocity. Thereis only a minor difference between the two models. For rat hearts,the correction factor used in this study, the extraction pressure,can be up to 3 kPa (23 mmHg).  相似文献   
P-selectin (also called CD62, GMP-140, PADGEM, CD62P) is a recently described member of a family of vascular adhesion receptors expressed by activated platelets and endothelial cells that are involved in leucocyte cell adhesion. The aim of this study was to characterize a new monoclonal antibody (LYP7) directed against activated human blood platelets that inhibits ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation. Immunoadsorbent affinity chromatography and immunoprecipitation studies showed that LYP7 (IgG1) bound a surface-labelled glycoprotein (GP) which changed its apparent molecular mass (Mr) on reduction from 138 kD (situated below GPIIb) to 148 kD (above GPIIbα). LYP7 and S12, a monoclonal antibody directed against P-selectin immunoprecipitated the same band. Using ELISA assay, purified P-selectin was shown to bind LYP7 and S12 monoclonal antibodies. Binding sites of 125I-labelled LYP7, which was greatly increased on thrombin-stimulated (2 U/ml) washed platelets (10825±2886, mean ±SD) (Kd=1.5±0.5 nm ) compared to resting platelets (2801±1278, mean ±SD) (Kd=1.5±0.6 nm ), was found to be normal on thrombin-stimulated platelets taken from a patient with grey platelet syndrome or a patient with Glanzmann thrombasthenia. LYP7 (IgG1, F(ab′)2 or Fab fragments) inhibited ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation of platelets in a dose-dependent fashion without affecting the binding of von Willebrand (vWf ) factor. However, agglutination of formaldehyde-fixed platelets induced by ristocetin was not affected by monoclonal antibody LYP7. In addition, the binding of thrombin-activated platelets to neutrophils was inhibited by monoclonal antibody LYP7. These results strongly suggest that P-selectin, by promoting cell–cell contact, may play an active role in platelet–platelet interactions.  相似文献   
Leukemic cell infiltrates were found at autopsy in the tissues of 10 of 15patients with acute leukemia dying during "complete bone marrow remission." The kidney was the most common site of leukemic cell infiltratesfollowed by the liver, testes, bowel, lung, central nervous system, and lymphnodes.

These findings indicate that leukemic cells are not completely eradicatedby current chemotherapy even in patients in whom no leukemic cells can beidentified in the bone marrow.

The distribution of residual leukemic cells demonstrates that the centralnervous system is not the only reservoir of leukemic cells in patients duringbone marrow remission.

Submitted on July 10, 1964 Accepted on December 20, 1964  相似文献   
Abstract The effect of a low dose of omeprazole on intragastric acidity and fasting plasma gastrin concentration was measured in eight subjects with duodenal ulcer in remission. Intragastric acidity was measured during a baseline 24 h period. This was then repeated after 14 days of dosage with 10 mg of omeprazole administered daily, either in the morning or the evening, using a randomized, double-blind cross-over design. The median 24 h pH level rose significantly from a baseline of 1.6, to 3.1 and 3.5 during morning and evening dosages, respectively. However, variability in the response to this dose was substantial: three subjects exhibited no discernible change in 24 h median acidity on two occasions, while in others it was reduced by greater than 99%. Fasting plasma gastrin concentrations were not significantly altered by the administration of 10 mg of omeprazole daily for 2 weeks.  相似文献   
A six-year-old girl with thrombocytopenia was found to have the May-Hegglin anomaly, consisting of Döhle bodies in the leukocytes in associationwith giant platelets. This was also observed in the patient’s mother and brotherwho had normal platelet counts. The familial nature of this anomaly is againconfirmed, and the world literature reviewed. Its morphologic and clinicalfeatures are contrasted with those seen in the leukocytes of the Chediák-Higashi anomaly.

Submitted on July 8, 1962 Accepted on July 30, 1962  相似文献   
Variable protection against malaria blood-stage infection has been demonstrated in mice following parenteral immunization with the highly conserved 19 kD carboxylterminal fragment of the merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP119) using CFA/IFA and other adjuvants. Here we show that intranasal immunization of BALB/C mice with yeast expressed Plasmodium yoelii MSP119 plus a mixture of native and recombinant cholera toxin B subunit, could induce serum MSP119-specific antibodies at titres ranging from 20 000 to 2 560 000. The Ig subclass responses were predominantly G1 and G2b. Intranasal immunization led to protection following challenge (peak parasitaemia < 1%) in mice with the highest MSP119-specific titre (≥ 640 000). In two of the three protected mice, a peak parasitaemia of 0.1%–1% was followed by a boost of the antibody response whereas one of the three protected mice did not boost its antibody response after a peak parasitaemia of 0.02%. In unprotected mice, antibody levels rose, then fell, following the detection of parasites in the peripheral blood. CD4+ T cell-depletion abrogated the ability of the mice to boost their antibody response following challenge. These data demonstrate the potential for intranasal immunization with MSP119 to protect against malaria .  相似文献   
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