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When children are ill enough to require admission to paediatric intensive care, parents may become distressed about their child's medical condition and this distress may be compounded by the unfamiliar nature of the highly technological environment Parents of children who are sick enough to warrant intubation are particularly likely to be exposed to a frightening array of technological equipment Seventy-one parents of intubated and non-intubated children completed the Parental Stressor Scale Paediatnc Intensive Care Unit (PSS PICU) Overall the findings suggest that parents were most distressed (a) by the painful procedures to which their children were subjected, (b) by the sights and sounds of the intensive care unit and (c) by their children's reactions to intensive care The behaviour of staff towards parents and the way that staff communicated with them caused the least distress When the levels of stress reported by parents of intubated children were compared with those reported by parents of non-intubated children, different patterns of stress were found Painful procedures were a source of greater stress to parents of intubated children whereas the behaviour of staff and the children's reactions to the intensive care experience caused greater stress to the parents of the non-intubated children In general the findings suggest that the needs of parents of non-intubated children are being overlooked, with staff focusing more of their attention on the parents of intubated children  相似文献   
The present study was undertaken to evaluate the noise attenuation characteristics of different types of Ear protective Devices which are commonly used. 20 healthy normal subjects’ open and closed hearing thresholds (with the usage of ear protective device) were recorded in an anechoic chamber and the attenuation charactaristics at 8 discrete frequencies were analysed and compared. Though the attenuation given by different types of ear protective devices are variable and not the ideal, still the present generation of devices have shown satisfactory attenuation characteristics, It is important that proper selection, fitment and usage of these devices should he carefully thought of prior to its usage.  相似文献   
The use of mechanical ventilation in the Emergency Department requires adequate resources in order to maintain patient safety and avoid potential risks. Moreover, developments in technology require increased knowledge of mechanical ventilation techniques to address the complexity of decision-making involved. Organisational issues and system factors have the potential to negatively impact on the ability of the emergency service to provide optimum care to patients receiving mechanical ventilation. These issues include staffing and skill-mix, demand on emergency services, role-delineation, scope of practice, and current mechanisms for monitoring of quality and safety. Furthermore, in response to advances in ventilator technology, current education programs for both nursing and medical staff require review to ensure that they provide comprehensive information about the types of ventilation techniques now available and the relative risks and benefits associated with their application.This article is the second in a two-part series and explores the educational and organisational factors that impact upon safety and quality of care delivered to patients receiving mechanical ventilation in the emergency department. Recommendations for future policy development, curriculum review and reporting mechanisms to support further research in the application of mechanical ventilation in the emergency department are made.  相似文献   
Exposure of murine erythroleukemia cells (MELCs) to nicotinamide (NA) or its synthetic analog N′-methylnicotinamide (N′-MN) reduces cell growth and induces terminal differentiation, marked by increased heme and globin accumulation. On the contrary, 1-methylnicotinamide (1-MN), the primary metabolite of excess NA, was found to stimulate cell growth and reduce spontaneous differentiation of cultured MELCs. Log phase MELCs exhibited up to 50% higher cell density above untreated cells when cultured for up to 96 h with 2.5 mM 1-MN. When combined with NA or several chemically-unrelated inducers of hemoglobin synthesis in cultured MELCs, 1-MN reduced the globin mRNA levels and heme accumulation by 40–80%. 1-MN was able to inhibit heme production if present during only the first 24–48 h after NA exposure. Pre-treatment with 1-MN could not confer resistance of cells to effects of NA, suggesting the inhibition is reversible. Commitment to differentiate in semisolid medium by the most potent inducer, 5 mM N′-MN, was inhibited up to 95% by 2.5 mM concentrations of 1-MN. It appears that 1-MN has opposing effects on growth and induction of differentiation than those seen in MELC cultures exposed to NA or N′-MN.  相似文献   
This study investigated whether previous contact with mental illness affected the attitudes to mental illness (AMI) of general student nurses in Hong Kong — the contact hypothesis. We employed a quasi-experimental design. We compared the attitudes to mental illness of students who had previous contact with mental illness through having taken a psychiatric secondment with those who had not taken a psychiatric secondment. Also, we compared the AMI of: students who had taken other courses related to mental illness with those who had not; those who had a family history of mental illness with those who had not; and those who lived with a mentally ill relative with those who did not. We found that previous contact with mental illness had no significant effect on the attitudes to mental illness of the students. In other words our findings do not support the contact hypothesis. Our sample expressed positive general attitudes to mental illness when presented with general issues about mental illness. However, their attitudes were less positive when presented with specific issues about mental illness that might impinge upon their daily lives. We discuss the implications of these findings for mental health nursing practice, education and research.  相似文献   
A patient with hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection was diagnosed with cutaneous, pulmonary and hepatic sarcoidosis following interferon alpha therapy. There are only a few cases of sarcoidosis associated with this treatment. This is the first case who not only developed sarcoidosis, but also autoimmune hypothyroidism and thrombocytopenia during interferon alpha therapy due to the immunomodulatory effects of the drug.  相似文献   
Syndromes involving peptide or nonsex steroid hormone secretion due to aberrantly located tumors are rare. We report a collected series of 16 patients with ectopic hormone production from ovarian neoplasms, including 3 patients recently encountered at our institution as well as 13 additional cases identified in the recent literature. These tumors included 2 insulin-producing ovarian carcinoids, 1 ACTH-producing pituitary adenoma within a benign ovarian cystic teratoma, 2 cortisol-producing ovarian neoplasms, 8 gastrin-producing ovarian cystadenomata or cystadenocarcinomata, and 3 thyroxine-producing ovarian strumal carcinoids. All patients presented with syndromes of hormone excess. Only 62% of all tumors were localized preoperatively. Following ovarian resection, 87% of patients remained disease-free with a median follow-up period of 1.5 years. In addition to ovariectomy, 8 additional unnecessary ablative procedures were performed in 7 patients. These included distal pancreatectomy, pancreaticoduodenectomy, adrenalectomy, total gastrectomy, selective vagotomy, and subtotal thyroidectomy. Failure to localize the ovarian neoplasm preoperatively was associated with a significantly higher risk of subsequent unnecessary ablative procedures. Because of the potential for the ovary to act as a source of aberrant hormone secretion, we recommend complete preoperative evaluation of the pelvis in female patients presenting with nonlocalizable endocrine tumors.
Resumen Los síndromes relacionados con la secreción de péptidos o de hormonas esteroideas no sexuales por tumores de ubicación aberrante ocurren infrecuentemente. En este artículo reportamos una serie de 16 pacientes con producción hormonal ectópica por neoplasmas ováricos, la cual incluye 3 pacientes vistos recientemente en nuestra institución y 13 identificados en la literatura médica de los últimos años. El grupo incluye 2 carcinoides ováricos productores de insulina, 1 adenoma pituitario productor de ACTH, 2 neoplasmas ováricos productores de cortisol, 8 cistadenomas o cistadenocarcinomas ováricos productores de gastrina, y 3 carcinoides ováricos estrumales productores de tiroxina. Todas las pacientes se presentaron con síndromes de exceso hormonal. En sólo el 62% de los tumores se pudo establecer la ubicación anatómica en la fase preoperatoria. Después de realizada la resección del ovario, 87% de las pacientes permanecieron libres de enfermedad en el período de seguimiento, que fue de 1.5 años en promedio. Además de la resección ovárica, se practicaron otros 8 procedimientos adicionales innecesarios en 7 pacientes. Estos incluyeron pancreatectomía distal, pancreatoduodenectomía, adrenalectomía, gatrectomía total, vagotomía selectiva, y tiroidectomía subtotal. La falla en la localización preoperatoria del neoplasma ovárico apareció asociada con un riesgo aumentado de ulteriores procedimientos quirúrgicos innecesarios. En vista de la potencialidad del ovario de actuar como fuente de secreción hormonal aberrante, nosotros recomendamos una completa evaluación de la pelvis en las pacientes femeninas en quienes se diagnostiquen tumores endocrinos no localizables.

Résumé Les syndromes concernant la sécrétion d'hormones peptidique ou stéroïde nonsexuelle due à des tumeurs ectopiques sont rares. Nous rapportons une série de 16 patientes avec une production d'hormone ectopique provenant de néoplasmes ovariens, comprenant 3 patientes récemment soignées dans notre établissement ainsi que 13 cas supplémentaires relevés dans la littérature récente. Ces tumeurs comprennent 2 tumeurs carcinoïdes ovariennes productrices d'insuline, 1 adénome hypophysaire producteur d'ACTH à l'intérieur d'un tératome cystique ovarien bénin, 2 néoplasmes ovariens producteurs de cortisol, 8 cystadénomes ou cystadénocarcinomes ovariens producteurs de gastrine, et 3 carcinoïdes ovariens strumaux producteurs de thyroxine. Toutes les patientes avaient des syndromes d'hyperproduction hormonale. Soixante-deux pour cent seulement des tumeurs avaient été localisées en préopératoire. Après ovariectomie, 87% des patientes étaient apparamment sans récidive avec un suivi médian d'un an et demi. Cependent, outre l'ovariectomie, 8 interventions supplémentaires non nécessaires ont été accomplis chez 7 patientes. Celles-ci comprenaient: pancréatectomie distale, duodénopancréatectomie, surrénalectomie, gastrectomie totale, vagotomie sélective, et thyroïdectomie subtotale. L'impossibilité de localiser le néoplasme ovarien en période préopératoire était associée à un risque notoirement plus grand de faire une résection inutile. Compte tenu de la possibilité pour l'ovaire de se comporter en producteur de sécrétion ectopique d'hormone, nous recommandons un examen complet préopératoire du bassin chez les femmes se présentant avec des tumeurs endocrines non localisables.

Presented at the International Association of Endocrine Surgeons in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, September, 1989.  相似文献   
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