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The Adelaide Diagnostic Learning Inventory (ADLIMS) is a measure of learning styles and learning pathologies that was designed to investigate the impact of traditional approaches to learning versus problem-based learning and to identify students whose approach to learning tasks predicted poor academic performance. In this study, some important psychometric properties of the ADLIMS were examined, including its factor structure. In this study, factor replicability across samples was argued to provide a more robust and psychologically meaningful factor solution than that which can be obtained using traditional mathematical criteria. The results of the factor analysis did not confirm the presence of the four factor solution earlier reported for the ADLIMS, but did identify three clear factors that had very high replicability. An inspection of the items comprising these three factors showed that factor 1 tapped subjective distress related to poor study habits, lack of motivation to study, and distraction from social activities. Factor 2 tapped distress arising from high achievement expectations that were hampered by superficial or disorganized study habits that did not enable the student to grasp the relationships between concepts and ideas. Factor 3 tapped positive feelings and a sense of satisfaction associated with a problem-based approach to the learning of new study material. Although the internal reliability of the ADLIMS subscales met the requirements of a measure to be used in general research such as in the investigation of correlates among groups of medical students, they did not meet the higher requirements of a measure to be used to identify or predict individuals with pathological learning styles.  相似文献   
An epitope within the 60 kD Chlamydia trachomatis heat shock protein (hsp) 60, recognized by a HLA-DRB1*0401-restricted T cell clone from a reactive arthritis patient, has been characterized. Stimulatory peptides contained a nine amino acid sequence (residues 38–46) predicted by algorithm to confer strong binding to DRB1*0401, with valine in the P1 position. The overall length of the peptide was critical for efficient recognition; peptides with at least one residue N-terminal to the putative P1 position were markedly more stimulatory than a peptide whose N-terminal is the P1 valine. Optimal responses were seen with 14mer peptides having two to three amino acids N- and C-terminal to the core 9mer. The sequence of the defined epitope is identical in hsp60 from both C. trachomatis and C. pneumoniae. Since the latter is a common respiratory pathogen, patients infected with C. trachomatis may already be primed for responses to hsp60 by prior infection with C. pneumoniae. Such secondary responses are important in the pathogenesis of chlamydia-induced inflammatory diseases such as trachoma. Priming by infection with enteric organisms was considered because of the similarity of the epitope sequence in Escherichia coli hsp60. However, although an E. coli-related peptide was recognized, intact E. coli hsp60 was not, suggesting that the epitope is cryptic in E. coli hsp60. Human hsp60 has six amino acid differences from chlamydial hsp60 in the epitope sequence and was not recognized. Thus cross-reactive recognition of self hsp60 could not be implicated in the pathogenesis of chlamydia-induced reactive arthritis in this patient.  相似文献   
The rapid adoption of the concept of health promotion in recentyears, with the corresponding need to monitor health promotionendeavours, raises issues for the development of valid indicatorsof progress. A first step in such development is the differentiationof health promotion indicators from indicators of health status.The former constitute the means or methods to achieve the goalof enhancing health. The two types of indicators should be conceptuallydistinguished. Indicators must be refined, to tap the relevantdimensions of influences on health. Another major issue in thedevelopment of health promotion indicators is the excessivefocus on indicators of personal behaviour. Meaningful indicatorsare needed of the cultural, structural and situational processesthat affect health.  相似文献   
Difluoromethane (HFC32) is under development as a replacementfor chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) in some refrigeration applications.It has been evaluated by standard studies of toxicity, developmentaltoxicity, and genotoxicity. In addition, the metabolism anddisposition of HFC32 was investigated and a physiologicallybased pharmacokinetic (PB-PK) model constructed. Inhalationof HFC32 (up to 50,000 ppm) caused no organ-specific effects,but resulted in slight maternal toxicity to the pregnant ratand rabbit and some fetotoxicity to the rat. HFC32 did not sensitizethe heart to adrenaline. The pharmacokinetics of [14C]difluoromethane(10,000 to 50,000 ppm/6 hr) revealed that about 2.1% of theinhaled HFC32 was absorbed and that steady state blood levelswere achieved within 2 hr and were proportional to dose. Carbondioxide was the major metabolite of HFC32 at all exposure levels.Carbon monoxide was not detected. The in vivo data were usedto validate a PB-PK model to describe the uptake and metabolismof HFC32. Absorption and distribution are adequately describedusing rat blood:air and tissue:air partition coefficients. Metabolism,which was linear across the dose range, was described by a firstorder rate constant (Kf=8.98 hr–1). Of the absorbed HFC32,about 63% was metabolized at all doses; however, when metabolismwas expressed as a percentage of the inhaled dose it was muchlower, being about 1.4% of the HFC32 entering the airways. Overall,the results indicate that HFC32 is of very low toxicity andshould be an acceptable alternative to CFCs.  相似文献   
Health care workers have a small but real risk of acquiringHIV infection as a result of occupational exposure. In thispaper, we review all reports in the scientific literature from1984 through to December 1993 of confirmed and probable casesof HIV seroconversion after a specific occupational exposure.A total of 64 confirmed cases have been reported, 24 in Europe,36 in the USA and 4 in other countries. Most seroconversionshave resulted from percutaneous exposure (91%) to AIDS patients(62%), usually caused by hollow bore needlestick injuries inflictedduring blood drawing procedures. Almost all seroconversionshave been detected within 6 months of exposure (94%) and haveusually been preceded by an episode of acute illness (73%).Ten seroconversions have occurred in spite of partial or completecourses of zidovudine prophylaxis. An additional 113 probablecases have been reported, 75 in the USA, 35 in Europe and 3in other countries. Aggregating the results of the prospectivestudies carried out, it is calculated that the risk of seroconversionfollowing percutaneous exposure is 0.33% or 3 in 1000 exposures(95% Cl: 0.21–0.52%), while the risk following mucocutaneousexposure is much lower (0.04%, 95% Cl: 0.006–0.31%). Thedocumented failure of zidovudine prophylaxis following occupationalexposure in a number of instances indicate its effect is, atbest, only partial; furthermore, exposure to source patientswho have been receiving the drug may lead to transmission ofzidovudine-resistant strains of HIV. Risk factors for occupationalexposure to HIV and for transmission, given that an exposurehas occurred, are discussed.  相似文献   
The prevalence of self-reported depressive symptoms was investigatedin a case-control study of patients with rheumatoid arthritis(RA) attending an out-patient clinic at the Middlesex Hospital.Patients selected their own controls, matched for age and sex.Previous attempts to measure depressive symptoms in RA havesuffered from measurement error due to criterion contamination,where psychological symptoms augment depressive scores. A totalof 163 patients (77% of the sample) and 115 matched pairs completedthe Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). The resultsIndicated that RA patients are more depressed and anxious thancontrols. The prevalence of depression above the cut-point was15%. This figure is comparable to other reports adjusted forcriterion contamination, but is lower than that of other studieswhich employ ‘contaminated’ tools. The depressionscale of the HADS appeared to be relatively free of criterioncontamination. Subject to further reliability testing, the HADSmay be a practical screening tool for practitioners to assesspatients in need of psychological interventions. KEY WORDS: Depression, Rheumatoid arthritis, Criterion contamination  相似文献   
The effects of series of ,ß-unsaturated aldehydeson hepatic giutathione, cytochrome P450, and NADPH-cytochromec reductase activity were compared with time. Male F-344 ratswere dosed with muconaldehyde (36 µmol/kg), acrolein (89µmol/ kg), crotonaldehyde (450 µmol/kg), or thesaturated aldehyde propionaldehyde (89 µmol/kg) and terminated0.5, 4, or 24 hr later. Acroiein or muconaldehyde reduced glutathioneto 51 and 75% of controls, respectively, at 4 hr; glutathionereturned control values at 24 hr. Only at 24 hr, acrolein, muconaldehyde,or crotonaldehyde decreased cytochrome P450 to 61, 71, and 67%of control values, respectively; ethylmorphine N-demethylationwas decreased to a greater extent, i.e., to 35, 60, and 23%of controls. The reductase activity was unchanged at any timefollowing the treatment with reactive aldehydes which were nothepatotoxic (as shown by glucose 6-phosphatase activity, histologicalchanges, or serum enzymes). Propionaidehyde changed none ofthese activities. Acroiein (44.5 mol/kg) given 4 hr prior tophenobarbital (50 mg/kg) for two consecutive days decreasedthe phenobarbital induction of cytochrome P450 45% of phenobarbitalalone. This treatment also decreased the 2, 2ß, 6ß,l6, and 16ß hydroxylation of testosterone as wellas androstenedione formation showing effects on individual cytochromeP450 isozymes. NADPH-cytochrome c reductase induction was notdecreased by this treatment, thus indicating that in vivo thesechanges are due to a mechanism other than generalized inhibitionof protein synthesis.  相似文献   
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