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The aromatization of testosterone into oestrogens plays a key role in the control of many behavioural and physiological aspects of reproduction. In the quail preoptic area (POA), aromatase activity and the number of aromatase-immunoreactive (ARO-ir) cells are sexually differentiated (males > females). This sex difference is implicated in the control of the sexually dimorphic behavioural response of quail to testosterone. We analysed the ontogenetic development of this sex difference by measuring aromatase activity and counting ARO-ir cells in the POA of males and females from day 1 post hatch to sexual maturity. We investigated in parallel another enzyme: tyrosine hydroxylase, the rate limiting step in catecholamine synthesis. Between hatching and 4 weeks of age, aromatase activity levels were low and equal in males and females. Aromatase activity then markedly increased in both sexes when subjects initiated their sexual maturation but this increase was more pronounced in males so that a marked difference in aromatase activity was present in 6 and 8 week-old subjects. Tyrosine hydroxylase activity progressively increased with age starting immediately after hatching and there was no abrupt modification in the slope of this increase when birds became sexually mature. No sex difference was detected in the activity of this enzyme. The number of ARO-ir cells in the POA progressively increased with age starting at hatching. No sex difference in ARO-ir cell numbers could be detected before subjects reached full sexual maturity. The analysis of the three-dimensional organization of ARO-ir cells in the POA revealed that, with increasing ages, ARO-ir cells acquire a progressively more lateral position: they are largely periventricular in young birds but they are found at higher density in the lateral part of the medial preoptic nucleus in adults. These data indicate that aromatase activity differentiates sexually when birds reach sexual maturity presumably under the activating effects of the increased testosterone levels in males. The number of ARO-ir cells, however, begins to increase in a non sexually differentiated manner before the rise in plasma testosterone in parallel with the increased tyrosine hydroxylase activity. Whether this temporal coincidence results from a general ontogenetic pattern or from more direct causal links remains to be established.  相似文献   


In the Netherlands, screening for chlamydia (the most prevalent sexually transmitted infection worldwide) is a relatively simple and free procedure. Via an invitation letter sent by the public health services (PHS), people are asked to visit a website to request a test kit. They can then do a chlamydia test at home, send it anonymously to a laboratory, and, within two weeks, they can review their test results online and be treated by their general practitioner or the PHS. Unfortunately, the participation rates are low and the process is believed to be not (cost-) effective.


The objective of this study was to assess whether the low participation rate of screening for chlamydia at home, via an invitation letter asking to visit a website and request a test kit, could be improved by optimizing the invitation letter through systematically applied behavior change theories and evidence.


The original letter and a revised letter were randomly sent out to 13,551 citizens, 16 to 29 years old, in a Dutch municipality. Using behavior change theories, the revised letter sought to increase motivation to conduct chlamydia screening tests. The revised letter was tailored to beliefs that were found in earlier studies: risk perception, advantages and disadvantages (attitude), moral norm, social influence, and response- and self-efficacy. Revisions to the new letter also sought to avoid possible unwanted resistance caused when people feel pressured, and included prompts to trigger the desired behavior.


No significant differences in test package requests were found between the two letters. There were also no differences between the original and revised letters in the rates of returned tests (11.80%, 581/4922 vs 11.07%, 549/4961) or positive test results (4.8%, 23/484 vs 4.1%, 19/460). It is evident that the new letter did not improve participation compared to the original letter.


It is clear that the approach of inviting the target population through a letter does not lead to higher participation rates for chlamydia screening. Other approaches have to be developed and pilot tested.  相似文献   
Research into the organization of high-level visual cortex has mainly used discrete object classes (e.g. faces and buildings). In contrast, the lower levels of the visual cortex have mainly been studied using phase-encoding techniques with gradually changing rotating wedges and expanding/contracting rings. The gradual stimulus changes cause traveling waves on the cortical surface and time delays of each cortical location are related to stimulus preference. We propose to extend this method to study higher-order properties of visual objects. We created gradual morphing sequences from a face into a building and vice versa. The activation in traditional face- and house-selective regions corresponding to fusiform face area (FFA) and parahippocampal place area (PPA) was time-locked to presentation of respectively face(-like) and building(-like) stimuli in the morphing sequences. We also included contracting/expanding rings containing images of parts of natural scenes. Confirming existing literature with discrete object classes, activity in FFA and PPA was time-locked to the presentation of foveal and eccentric rings, respectively. The results however contradict large-scale continuous maps across the ventral visual stream, as the cortical area between FFA and PPA was not modulated by the position in the morphing sequences, or by the retinotopic position of the rings. We conclude that phase-encoding techniques can help in revealing the organization of high-level visual regions for complex object properties.  相似文献   

Adolescents tend to go to bed later and sleep less as they grow older, although their need for sleep stays the same throughout adolescence. Poor sleep has negative consequences on personal and interpersonal functioning, including increased aggressive tendencies. With adolescents’ social life increasingly including interactions via digital media, these interactions may also become more aggressive when adolescents’ sleep problems increase. One of the ways in which online aggression may be enacted is through cyberbullying. Although previous research has examined the role of sleep disruptions in offline bullying, the role of sleep in cyberbullying has not yet been addressed. Therefore, this study examines the longitudinal effect of poor sleep quality on later cyberbullying behavior. Thirteen- to fourteen-year-old adolescents completed self-report measures on sleep quality, anger, cyberbullying perpetration, and frequency of digital media use. Because one of the pathways through which sleep is proposed to be linked to aggression is an affective pathway, namely via angry affect, a mediation model of poor sleep quality predicting cyberbullying via feelings of anger was tested. Results from structural equation modeling and a bootstrap test indicated that poor sleep quality was indeed indirectly associated with later cyberbullying behavior through heightened feelings of anger, even when taking the effects of the use of digital media and previous cyberbullying behavior into account. This finding provides support for the proposed affective pathway linking sleep problems to aggression. As sleep problems and anger seem to play a predicting role in cyberbullying behavior, suggestions for cyberbullying intervention and prevention strategies are formulated.  相似文献   


The unpredictable nature of the potentially devastating impact of 2009 pH1N1 influenza pandemic highlights the need for pandemic preparedness planning, where modeling studies could be most useful for simulations of possible future scenarios.


A compartmental model with pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic influenza infections is proposed which incorporates age groups as well as intervention measures such as age-specific vaccination, in order to study spread of influenza in a community.


We derive the basic reproduction number and other effective reproduction numbers under various intervention measures. For illustration, we make use of the Pneumonia and Influenza (P&I) mortality data and vaccination data of the very young (age 0-2) and the very old (age >64) during 2004-2005 Taiwan winter influenza season to fit our model and to compute the relevant reproduction numbers. The reproduction number for this winter flu season is estimated to be slightly above one (~1.0001).


Comparatively large errors in fitting the P&I mortality data of the elderly (>64) were observed shortly after winter school closings in January, which may indicate the impact of younger, more active age groups transmitting influenza to other age groups outside of the school settings; in particular, to the elderly in the households. Pre-symptomatic infections seemed to have little effect on the model fit, while asymptomatic infection by asymptomatic infectives has a more pronounced impact on the model fit for the elderly mortality, perhaps indicating a larger role in disease transmission by asymptomatic infection. Simulations indicate that the impact of vaccination on the disease incidence might not be fully revealed in the change (or the lack thereof) in the effective reproduction number with interventions, but could still be substantial. The estimated per contact transmission probability for susceptible elderly is significantly higher than that of any other age group, perhaps highlighting the vulnerability of the elderly due to close contacts with their caretakers from other age groups. The relative impact of targeting the very young and the very old for vaccination was weakened by their relative inactivity, thus giving evidence of the lack of impact of vaccinating these two groups on the overall transmissibility of the disease in the community. This further underscores the need for morbidity-based strategy to prevent elderly mortality.  相似文献   
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