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Strategies for controlling cat fleas, Ctenocephalidesfelisfelis (Bouché), have undergone dramatic changes in the past 5 yr. With the advent of on-animal treatments with residual activity the potential for the development of insecticide resistance increases. A larval bioassay was developed to determine the baseline susceptibility of field-collected strains of cat fleas to imidacloprid. All four laboratory strains tested showed a similar level of susceptibility to imidacloprid. Advantages of this bioassay are that smaller numbers of fleas are required because flea eggs are collected for the test. Insect growth regulators and other novel insecticides can also be evaluated. Using a discriminating dose, the detection of reduced susceptibility in field strains can be determined with as few as 40 eggs.  相似文献   
Intracellular microelectrodes were used to study a cholinergic synapse between two identified neurones: the lateral filiform hair sensory neurone (LFHSN) and giant interneurone 3 (GI 3) in the terminal ganglion of the first-instar cockroach Periplaneta americana. The presynaptic neurone (LFHSN) was impaled in a region of the axon which forms large numbers of output synapses onto GI 3. Intracellular injection of tetraethylammonium (TEA+) into LFHSN blocked LFHSN-GI 3 synaptic transmission. Injection of TEA+ and either acetylcholine (ACh) or choline into the axon preserved synaptic transmission. TEA+ may compete with choline at an intracellular site involved in the maintenance of releaseable ACh.  相似文献   
Neurotrophins are potent regulators of the survival of different neuronal populations in the CNS. Little is known of the immunodistribution of neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) and tyrosine kinase C (TrkC) receptor in the frog visual system, which can successfully regenerate and recover vision after injury. In this study we show that both NT-3 and TrkC are present in the frog retina and tectum, and that their distribution changes after optic nerve transection. Both NT-3 and TrkC are present in the ganglion cell layer, inner nuclear layer, nerve fiber layer and outer plexiform layer, and in Müller cells of control retinas. Quantification of identified RGCs shows that there are only small changes in the proportion, or intensity, of NT-3 immunostained cells surviving after axotomy and regeneration. Müller cell staining, however, is increased. TrkC staining in the retina does not change after axotomy. In the tectum, NT-3 immunoreactivity is present in the retinorecipient layer 9, and in radial processes of neurons and ependymoglia. TrkC is present in ependymoglia and in tectal neurons. After axotomy or colchicine treatment fewer NT-3-immunoreactive processes are present in layer 9 and there is decreased staining of tectal neurons. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that NT-3 is synthesized in the retina and anterogradely transported to the tectum. TrkC immunostaining, on the other hand, increases in tectal cells after optic nerve transection, suggesting that it may be regulated by the supply of NT-3 from the retina.  相似文献   
The efficacies of dicationic carbazole compounds, nitazoxanide (NTZ), and paromomycin were evaluated against the AUCp1 isolate of Cryptosporidium parvum by using a neonatal mouse model. Compounds were solubilized or suspended in deionized water and administered orally by gavage to neonatal mice at a constant dose rate on days 0 to 5 (treatment started on day 0). Dose rates varied for individual carbazole compounds but ranged from 0.65 to 20 mg/kg of body weight. NTZ was tested at 100 and 150 mg/kg, and paromomycin was tested at 50 mg/kg. Efficacies were determined by comparing numbers of oocysts present in treated versus control mice at necropsy examination on day 6. Demonstrable efficacy was observed for several carbazole compounds, based on significant reductions in the numbers of oocysts recovered from treated mice versus control mice. Compounds 1, 7, and 10 (19.0 mg/kg) reduced oocyst passage in treated mice to less than 5% of that in control mice. Treatment with compounds 6, 8, and 9 (17.0 mg/kg) resulted in reductions of oocyst output to less than 10% of that in controls. Although they were not comparable in efficacy to compounds 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10, treatment with other carbazole compounds resulted in statistically significant reductions in oocyst output in treated versus control mice. Compound 1 retained efficacy resulted in reduction of oocyst output to approximately 6% of that in controls when the dose was reduced to 5 mg/kg. Further reductions in the dose rate resulted in considerable reductions in anticryposporidial activity. Likewise, the efficacies of compounds 9 and 10 were reduced substantially when the doses were lowered to one-half the screening dose. Paromomycin yielded excellent activity (reduction of oocyst output to <2% of that in controls) at a dose of 50 mg/kg. NTZ yielded moderate efficacy as powder and injectable formulations administered at 100 mg/kg orally (reduction of oocyst output to 42 and 26% of that in controls, respectively). Oral administration of the injectable formulation of NTZ at a dose of 150 mg/kg resulted in improved efficacy (oocyst output, <5% of that in controls).  相似文献   
Application of basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) to the optic nerve after axotomy promotes the survival of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) in the frog Rana pipiens and results in a rapid up-regulation of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and TrkB synthesis by the RGCs. Here we investigate whether this up-regulation is maintained over the long term and whether it is required for FGF-2's survival effect. At 6 weeks after axotomy and FGF-2 treatment, we found more RGCs immunopositive for BDNF protein and higher intensity of BDNF and TrkB immunostaining, accompanied by increases in BDNF and TrkB mRNA in RGCs. Application of fluorescently labeled siRNA targeted against BDNF to the cut RGC axons showed that it was transported to the cell bodies. Axonal siRNA treatment eliminated the increases in BDNF immunostaining and mRNA that were induced by FGF-2 and had no effect on TrkB mRNA. This reduction in BDNF synthesis by siRNA greatly reduced the long-term survival effect of FGF-2 on RGCs. This, taken together with previous results, suggests that, although FGF-2 may initially activate survival pathways via ERK signaling, its main long-term survival effects are mediated via its up-regulation of BDNF synthesis by the RGCs.  相似文献   

Dirofilaria immitis is a worldwide parasite that is endemic in many parts of the United States. There are many commercial assays available for the detection of D. immitis antigen, one of which was modified and has reentered the market. Our objective was to compare the recently reintroduced Witness® Heartworm (HW) Antigen test Kit (Zoetis, Florham Park, NJ) and the SNAP® Heartworm RT (IDEXX Laboratories, Inc., Westbrook, ME) to the well-based ELISA DiroChek® Heartworm Antigen Test Kit (Zoetis, Florham Park, NJ).


Canine plasma samples were either received at the Auburn Diagnostic Parasitology Laboratory from veterinarians submitting samples for additional heartworm testing (n = 100) from 2008 to 2016 or purchased from purpose-bred beagles (n = 50, presumed negative) in 2016. Samples were categorized as “positive,” “borderline” or “negative” using our established spectrophotometric cutoff value with the DiroChek® assay when a sample was initially received and processed. Three commercially available heartworm antigen tests (DiroChek®, Witness® HW, and SNAP® RT) were utilized for simultaneous testing of the 150 samples in random order as per their package insert with the addition of spectrophotometric optical density (OD) readings of the DiroChek® assay. Any samples yielding discordant test results between assays were further evaluated by heat treatment of plasma and retesting. Chi-square tests for the equality of proportions were utilized for statistical analyses.


Concordant results occurred in 140/150 (93.3%) samples. Discrepant results occurred in 10/150 samples tested (6.6%): 9/10 occurring in the borderline heartworm (HW) category and 1/10 occurring in the negative HW category.

The sensitivity and specificity of each test compared to the DiroChek® read by spectrophotometer was similar to what has been reported previously (Witness®: sensitivity 97.0% [94.1–99.4%], specificity 96.4% [95.5–100.0%]; SNAP® RT: sensitivity 90.9% [78.0–100.0%], specificity 98.8% [96.0–100.0%]). There were significant differences detected when comparing the sensitivities of the SNAP® RT and the Witness® HW to the DiroChek® among the 150 total samples (p = 0.003) and the 50 “borderline” samples (p = 0.001).


In this study, the sensitivity of the Witness® HW was higher than the sensitivity of the SNAP® RT when compared with the DiroChek® test results prior to heat treatment of samples.

The mechanisms by which neurons recognize the appropriate postsynaptic cells remain largely unknown. A useful approach to this problem is to use a system with a few identifiable neurons that form highly specific synaptic connections. We studied the development of synapses between two identified cercal sensory afferents and two giant interneurons (GIs) in the embryonic cockroach Periplaneta americana. By 46% of embryonic development, the axons of the filiform hair sensory neurons have entered the terminal ganglionic neuropil and grow alongside the GI primary dendrites, although they do not form synapses. From 50% of development, the GI dendrites grow outward from the center of the neuropil to contact the presynaptic axons and their branches. The sensory neurons begin to spike at 52% of development, and, from 55% of development, these action potentials evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials in the GIs. Synaptic contacts were first seen at this time. The pattern of synaptic connections was highly specific from the outset. GI2 had strong input from the medial (M) afferent and had almost negligible input from the lateral (L) afferent, whereas GI3 had input from both. This specificity was present before bursts of spontaneous activity began in the sensory neurons at 59% of development. GI2 filopodia selectively formed synaptic contacts with the M axon rather than the L axon. The few contacts made by GI2 with the L axon had a normal morphology but fewer presynaptic densities. Filopodial insertions were not involved in selective synapse formation. In this system, highly specific synaptic recognition appears to be activity independent. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Cryptosporidicidal effects of two polyether ionophores (maduramicin and alborixin), a fluorinated 4-quinolone (enrofloxacin), and three analogs of pentamidine were evaluated in a suckling mouse bioassay. Treatment with all compounds except enrofloxacin and one of the pentamidine analogs [1,3-di(4-imidazolinophenoxy)propane] resulted in significant (P less than 0.05) reductions in oocyst excretion.  相似文献   
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