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在本病流行区,对124人用同一抗原在前臂屈面、前臂伸面和后背肩胛间三部位同时做华支睾吸虫病皮试。结果发现三处的皮试阳性率无显著差异,但三处皮试一致阳性者的粪检阳性符合率显著高于仅一处或两处阳性者。三处皮试一致阴性者,均未查见华支睾吸虫卵。对100例7年前做过华支睾吸虫皮试者进行复查,结果表明华支睾吸虫感染经治愈7年后,多数病例的原有皮试反应已由阳性转为阴性,而在未经治疗和治疗未愈的病例,7年后多仍为阳性。  相似文献   
Muscular pseudohypertrophy due to cysticer- cosis cellulosae is a rare clinical syndrome. Two cases had been reported in China and 12 abroad. The present article reports 3 additional cases from North China. This syndrome is often mis- diagnosed and treated as acute theumatic fever before the appearance of muscular hypertrophy of the extremities and trunk. So far no effective remedy is available for this syndrome. Prednis- one or indomethacine may be useful in relieving the general symptoms. Specific drugs fOr killing cysticerci within the nodules are also wanting. Prophylaxis is most important.  相似文献   
眼孟氏裂头蚴病多因敷青蛙肉等而感染的一种寄生虫病,是较常见的眼部寄生虫病之一。我国广州、桂林、福建、浙江等地均有报导。海南岛各县尤以黎苗族自治州各县时有发现。此病虽属散发性分布,但对患者健康影响甚大,严重者可  相似文献   
我们于1980年在北京郊区密云县山区黑热病流行区进行黑热病动物储存宿主的调查,共检查野生动物89只,其中包括獾15只,貉5只、各类松鼠71只,野山鼠6只,野兔1只,以及家犬28只,以上动物均进行了解剖(检查肝脾等脏器)或骨髓穿刺检查。我们在一只貉的骨髓涂片中找到少量典型利什曼  相似文献   
A review of the study and control of para- gonimiasis is made, the treatment o.f choice is bithionol. 15 new species and subspecies of paragonimus and the intermediate and res.ervoir hosts are discussed.  相似文献   
在1955年前,黑热病曾在我国许多省流行,但淋巴结性利什曼病直到1942年钟惠澜首先报告一例局限性淋巴结性利什曼病后才有所了解。本文复习了国内1967—1970年在西北发生的50例患者的临床资料,以及对当地主要传染媒介硕大白蛉吴氏亚种的调查和动物储存宿主的调查,并对当地大沙鼠(Rhombomys opimu8)作为野生动物储存宿主的重要性进行了讨论。  相似文献   
1971年我们在北京见到一例来自黑龙江伊春市的脑型合并胸腔积液的肺吸虫病患者,痰中找不到虫卵,肺吸虫皮试及补体结合试验均呈强阳性,经硫双二氯酚治愈。1972年我们前往伊春汤旺河流域进行调查,获自当地喇蛄体内的囊蚴与卫氏肺吸  相似文献   
2.试验后证实了马拉硫磷及杀螟松灭白蛉效果好,持久效长,既经济又减少药物的用量。三年来在密云六个公社推广使用此两种药后,为国家节约了药费,降低了白蛉密度,并继续控制了黑热病新病人的发生。  相似文献   
An authoritative monograph on the history; epidemiology including distribution, patient age, pre- valence, sources of infection, vectors; clinical aspects including incubation period, typical cases and unusual forms (lymph gland, depigmented macular type, maculopapular nodular type and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis), importance of mitosis of the mono nuclear-phagocyte system cells containing Leishmania amastigotcs, hypersplenism and pathogenesis of pan- cytopenia in visceral leishmaniasis, complications (noma, agranulocytosis, acute bacillary dysentery and pneumonia), treatment (chemotherapy, splenectomy and treatmcnt of complications); post 1949 legislature to facillitatc free and effective treatment, killing of dogs and interruption of transmission route. The disease was not reported in China until the late 19th century. Now it is mainly found in the northwest in Xiujiang, and Inner mongolia and other isolated areas north of the Yangtze River.  相似文献   
芬苯达唑(苯硫咪唑,Fenbendazole,FBZ)是一种毒性较小的广谱抗蠕虫药.Hinz、Barandun和Eckjert曾用其实验治疗分别接种感染细粒棘球蚴和多房棘球蚴的小白鼠和长爪沙鼠,均获良好效果。我们于1983~1984年治疗9例棘球蚴病病例,结果如下。  相似文献   
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