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急性期脑梗塞的药物疗法日本东海大学大矾医院神经科北川泰久医师介绍说,急性期脑梗塞的药物疗法主要目的是再灌注和控制血流。对恢复超早期血流,纤溶疗法很有效,凝血烷A2(TXA2)、合成酶抑制剂等则有助于预防继发性血管阻塞。治疗原则有3点:①一般治疗,即控...  相似文献   
据《日本医学论坛》报道母乳比人工奶粉富含胆固醇和脂肪酸,因此母乳喂养儿在生后几个月内血清总胆固醇值急速上升。芬兰赫尔辛基大学儿童医院Kallio博士等探讨了母乳对乳儿生后一年内血清总胆固醇和脂蛋白值的影响。 对象为孕期和分娩中无并发症的母亲(不吸烟)顺产、出生时体重正常的198例  相似文献   
据《日本医学论坛报》为了避免孕妇体位造成胎儿窒息,作为应急措施,人们常令孕妇采取左侧卧位以解除子宫对腹部大血管的压迫。但日本兵库县尼崎医疗生协医院妇产科中井祐一郎主任则认为,采用市售开洞的褥子让孕女取腹卧位可更有效地改善胎儿胎盘血循。  相似文献   
特殊职能医院和转诊   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
促进医院职能的系统化和加强医院与诊所间的就诊协作制度(转诊)是实行医疗分级分工,使医疗工作从量变转向质变的一项重要政策。当前日本特殊职能医院(设有重点专科的医院)为了增加经济收入,加上患者慕名愿去这些医院就诊,造成候诊时间延长,无法做到就近就医。本文旨在探讨如何使医院职能合理的分工,以便促进门诊转诊的协调工作。  相似文献   
据《美国医学论坛报》1994年8月11日报道荷兰研究人员称,注意胎儿行为而不只是胎儿心率,这有可能显著减少急诊剖宫产。  相似文献   
This is an experimental epidemiologic study comparing the performance of Stainless Steel Ring ( SSR) , Uterine Cavity-Shaped Device ( UCD ) , MLCu250 and TCu220c in breastfeeding women peasants, 711 healthy women, para 1 and gravida 1,22-32years of age, 3-9 months post-partum were randomly allocated to 4 groups receiving 4 different devices single-blindedly. They were followed up regularly. The results showed that 28 months after insertion, the use-ralated termination rates of UCD appeared to be the lowest,followed by MLCu250, TCu220c, and SSR in an increasing order. There were very significant differences among the use-related termination rates of four IUDs. SSR had higer termination rates than those of MLCu250 and TCu220c. The removals due to bleeding and pain were much higher in TCu220c than in MLCu250.  相似文献   
据《美国医学论坛报》1994年8月11日报道荷兰研究人员称,注意胎儿行为而不只是胎儿心率,这有可能显著减少急诊剖宫产。 荷兰奈梅亨大学医院的Nijhuis医师说,不规律的胎心有三型,即波浪型、快速型和几乎无法检出的  相似文献   
据《美国医学论坛报》报道 法国研究人员根据聚合酶链反应(PCR)测试弓形体的方法较常规方法安全而迅速。巴黎医师Hohlfeld对2 632名患有鼠弓形体病妇女进行产前检查,包括超声、羊膜  相似文献   
In 1972, gossypol was shown to have a potent antifertility effect in man. Further clinical trials indicated that in certain districts such as Nanjing, occasional cases of hypokalemia or even hypokalemic paralysis may occur during gossypol administration. There were contradictory views concerning the etiology and pathogenesis of this condition. The authors carried out a series of clinicopharmacologic observations on gossypol related hypokalemic patients. The occurrence of hypokalemic paralysis is far more frequent in gossypol takers than in the control population which suggests that gossypol may be a causative agent in the disorder. In addition other factors such as low dietary potassium may contribute to the development of hypokalemia. In these patients, total body postassium is low and 1 of the apparent causes of body potassium depletion is renal potassium loss not due to hyperaldosteronism. The use of potassium salt at the stage of fatigability, a sure prodromal symptom of impending hypokalemic paralysis, is effective in the prevention of paralysis but for final resolution of the problem, the authors believe that increase in the dietary potassium level or even modification of the gossypol molecule may be necessary. Observation of the urine/serum potassium ratio in high water diuresis may be helpful to the diagnosis of normokalemic potassium deficiency.  相似文献   
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