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患者徐某,50岁,小学教师。因牙痛渐剧,于2月9日在我院口腔科诊治,给灭滴灵、长效磺胺、速效牙痛宁等药无效。自购牙痛乐、含酒精棉球、风油精等,首次或可缓痛,再用无效。2月19  相似文献   
目的:了解便携式甲醛测定仪使用方法及在现场检测中的应用,掌握气体的体积浓度与质量浓度的数据换算。方法使用理研FP-30型甲醛测定仪对空气中的甲醛含量进行检测。结果对14个办公场所进行了监测,甲醛最高浓度大于1.23mg/m3,42.9%(6/14)办公场所的超过国家限值0.08 mg/m3的标准。相对偏见差为17.5%,在平行双样分析相对偏差允许值范围内。结论理研FP-30型甲醛测定仪体积小便于携带、操作简单、检测过程时间短,结果相对稳定,适用于空气中甲醛的现场检测工作。  相似文献   
Objective To analyze the correlation factors and to explore the care measures of postopera-tive delirium in elderly patients with tension - free inguinal hernia repairing. Methods 185 cases of elderly pa-tients with tension - free inguinal hernia repairing were analyzed by single - factor analysis and multi - factor logis-tic regression analysis. Results 24 cases of patients with delirium was delirium group, 161 cases who had not de-lirium was non - delirium group. The average age of delirium group, surgical time, the degree of postoperative wound pain, and the incidence of lumbodynia, the original brain heart and lung disease, dysuria, constipation, postoperative use of analgesics were significantly higher than those of non - delirium group (P<0.01~0.05) . Conclusions The occurrence of postoperative delirium in elderly patients with tension -free inguinal hernia re-pairing is correlated with age, operative time, postoperative pain, heart disease, lung disease, brain disease, dys-uria, constipation, postoperative use of analgesics, degree of postoperative wound pain.  相似文献   
氟奋乃静癸酸酯治疗精神分裂症60例疗效观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合分析氟奋乃静癸酸酯对60例精神分裂症的疗效,约2/3病例有效。认为有改善慢性患者的社会适应力,提高劳动能力,为一种较安全的长效抗精神病药物。特别适用于慢性迁延的拒服药者,有助于开展防治工作。  相似文献   
本文对100例出院20年后的分裂症患者进行了临床和社会-家庭随访。比较了近期与远期疗效,调查了患者目前的社会和家庭生活情况,分析了与疗效有关的因素,并将病程形式与影响病程的可能原因也作了分析。这些资料说明,分裂症的预后还是比较乐观的,因此也说明积极开展防治工作的重要性。  相似文献   
目的探讨康复训练结合针灸治疗在膝关节骨性关节炎患者中的应用效果。方法采用随机数字表法,将100例早中期膝关节骨性关节炎患者分为治疗组和对照组,每组各50例。对照组患者采用中医针灸加一般功能锻炼指导,治疗组在此基础上采用规范化康复训练,10d为1疗程。3个疗程后,观察两组患者膝关节疼痛、关节功能改善情况和临床疗效。结果治疗后,治疗组患者膝关节疼痛、关节功能改善情况优于治疗前和对照组,组间和组内比较,差异具有统计学意义(均P〈0.05)。治疗组患者疗效优于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论康复训练结合针灸治疗能有效减轻膝关节骨性关节炎患者的疼痛,改善膝关节功能,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   
Objective To analyze the correlation factors and to explore the care measures of postopera-tive delirium in elderly patients with tension - free inguinal hernia repairing. Methods 185 cases of elderly pa-tients with tension - free inguinal hernia repairing were analyzed by single - factor analysis and multi - factor logis-tic regression analysis. Results 24 cases of patients with delirium was delirium group, 161 cases who had not de-lirium was non - delirium group. The average age of delirium group, surgical time, the degree of postoperative wound pain, and the incidence of lumbodynia, the original brain heart and lung disease, dysuria, constipation, postoperative use of analgesics were significantly higher than those of non - delirium group (P<0.01~0.05) . Conclusions The occurrence of postoperative delirium in elderly patients with tension -free inguinal hernia re-pairing is correlated with age, operative time, postoperative pain, heart disease, lung disease, brain disease, dys-uria, constipation, postoperative use of analgesics, degree of postoperative wound pain.  相似文献   
Objective To analyze the correlation factors and to explore the care measures of postopera-tive delirium in elderly patients with tension - free inguinal hernia repairing. Methods 185 cases of elderly pa-tients with tension - free inguinal hernia repairing were analyzed by single - factor analysis and multi - factor logis-tic regression analysis. Results 24 cases of patients with delirium was delirium group, 161 cases who had not de-lirium was non - delirium group. The average age of delirium group, surgical time, the degree of postoperative wound pain, and the incidence of lumbodynia, the original brain heart and lung disease, dysuria, constipation, postoperative use of analgesics were significantly higher than those of non - delirium group (P<0.01~0.05) . Conclusions The occurrence of postoperative delirium in elderly patients with tension -free inguinal hernia re-pairing is correlated with age, operative time, postoperative pain, heart disease, lung disease, brain disease, dys-uria, constipation, postoperative use of analgesics, degree of postoperative wound pain.  相似文献   
1987年——1991年我们对50名单根牙残根诱发不活动性根尖周围炎并发瘘管进行一次性超充,术后镶桩冠治疗。收到良好效果,现报告如下: 1 临床资料 本组病人50例,年令在18~50岁,平均年令34岁,以25—35岁多见,占70.4%。男性19例,女性33例,男女之比为0.57:1。总治疗牙数72颗,(其中正中切牙46颗,侧切牙17颗,尖牙11颗)。根少则1颗,多则4颗,分别在唇颊侧根尖部出现程度不同的漏道,病史最长者八年,最短者一年。  相似文献   
Objective To analyze the correlation factors and to explore the care measures of postopera-tive delirium in elderly patients with tension - free inguinal hernia repairing. Methods 185 cases of elderly pa-tients with tension - free inguinal hernia repairing were analyzed by single - factor analysis and multi - factor logis-tic regression analysis. Results 24 cases of patients with delirium was delirium group, 161 cases who had not de-lirium was non - delirium group. The average age of delirium group, surgical time, the degree of postoperative wound pain, and the incidence of lumbodynia, the original brain heart and lung disease, dysuria, constipation, postoperative use of analgesics were significantly higher than those of non - delirium group (P<0.01~0.05) . Conclusions The occurrence of postoperative delirium in elderly patients with tension -free inguinal hernia re-pairing is correlated with age, operative time, postoperative pain, heart disease, lung disease, brain disease, dys-uria, constipation, postoperative use of analgesics, degree of postoperative wound pain.  相似文献   
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