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影响更年期激素替代疗法使用的多因素分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的通过调查妇女对更年期的体验、相关知识、态度、价值观、认知以及所受到的社会影响进行调查和研究,探讨这些因素对更年期激素替代疗法(HRT)使用的影响。方法入户调查278名40~60岁妇女(155名从未使用过HRT者,108名正在使用者和15名曾经使用者),资料采用SPPS10.0软件包并应用Logistic多元回归分析。结果经Logistic多元回归分析发现社会影响、对HRT利大于弊的认知、可觉察到的治疗的需要以及HRT知识程度等四个因素(p=2.7749,p=1.9356,p=1.7115,p=1.5567)对使用HRT有正向作用;相反,对老年的价值观和对替代途径的有效性的认知两个变量起反向作用。结论医疗保健服务提供者应为更年期妇女提供充分的信息,在尊重本人观念、想法和价值观的前提下为她们提供一个综合性的保健方案。  相似文献   
This study examines the contribution of socio-cultural and behavioural factors in mosquito-borne lymphatic filariasis transmission in Southern Thailand. Research was conducted in Nakorn-srithamarat province, which is noted for having the nation's highest Brugia malayi filariasis morbidity rate. Factors examined include traditional knowledge and cultural beliefs concerning etiology, transmission and symptomatology; perceived susceptibility and severity; social stigma; social support in disease prevention and control; and behavioural risk factors and illness behaviours. Data were collected through a multi-method, predominantly qualitative-based approach, including rapid survey and mapping, group interviews, focus group discussions, indepth interviews, and participant observation. Results indicate that poor knowledge and lay, indigenous, traditional belief systems contribute to high risk behaviours, and inappropriate preventive, illness and treatment choice behaviours. Behavioural models for explaining filariasis risk, preventive, illness and treatment choice behaviours are presented. Finally, recommendations for more effective health education programmes are offered.  相似文献   
农村生殖道感染妇女的就医行为及影响因素   总被引:16,自引:8,他引:8  
为了研究影响患生殖道感染的妇女就医行为的社会文化因素 ,采用 Andersen的社会行为模式 ,于 1998~ 1999年对河北省迁安县患生殖道感染的已婚妇女共 378例进行了横断面调查 ,并对 8例妇女进行了深入访谈 ,采用归类 -分析总结 -分析 -总结的方法进行分析。结果显示 :妇女的就医行为各不相同。有去正规医院诊所就医的、有采用自我治疗方法的 ,多数妇女未采用任何治疗措施。影响妇女就医行为的因素有妇女患生殖道感染的严重程度 ,妇女对生殖道感染严重性的认识、有关自我治疗生殖道感染的知识、妇女因患生殖道感染而感到的社会耻辱感、对生殖道感染病因的认识 ,家庭经济收入和药物价格、工作和家庭负担。很有必要给育龄妇女以及男性提供有关生殖道感染方面的知识 ,减少社会对生殖道感染的不良看法 ,给妇女更多的社会支持 ,提高妇女的地位 ,提高保健服务的质量  相似文献   
北京市未婚青年避孕行为的调查研究(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Unwantedpregnancyandpregnancyterminationamongnevermarriedyoungwomenareworldwideproblemsthataffectwomen ,theirfamiliesandthewholesociety Unwantedpregnancyamongadolescentsresultsinatleasttwomillionunsafeabortionsannuallyintheworld ,1 andunsafeabortionsare…  相似文献   
目的:研究未婚人工流产(人流)女青年的避孕知识,态度、行为以及影响避孕行为的因素。方法:以Lawrence的PROCEDE-pROCEED健康促进计划模式为基础的调查问卷,对306例自愿要求人工流产,年龄在18-24岁的未婚女青年进行断面的调查。结果:近12个月以来,仅有13%和女青地持每次性行为都使用避孕方法,偶尔使用和从未使用者的比例分别为26%和275,在224例曾经用过避孕方法的女青年中,最常用的方法分别是避孕套(495)、体外排精(285)、安全期(165),在从未使用任何避孕方法的女青年中,735认为没想到会怀孕是最主要的不避孕的原因。logistic 逐步回归分析显示,女青年对避孕知识的了解,对意外妊娠风险的认识,男友对避孕方法使用的态度。与男友讨论避孕方法,对占孕服务可及性的感受是影响女 年既往避孕行为的主要因素,结论亟需对未婚青年开展有关避孕知识的性教育,提高对意外妊娠风险和人工并发症的认识促进男性积极参与避孕,加强性伴侣之间有关避孕方法的交流。  相似文献   
Objective To identify contraceptive use behavior and its determinants among never married young women with an unwanted pregnancy and seeking pregnancy termination in Beijing.Methods A cross-sectional study, adopting the Lawrence’ PRECEDE-PROCEED model was conducted in 1999 in Beijing, China. A total of 306 unmarried young women, aged 18 to 24 years and requesting pregnancy termination, were face to face interviewed.Results Only 13% of the young women insisted on contraceptive use, and almost an equal proportion occasionally or never used contraceptives (26% and 27%, respectively). Among 224 women who had contraceptive use during the past 12 months, the methods used most often were condom (49%), withdrawal (28%) and the rhythm method (16%). One of the most important reasons cited by 73 percent of women who had never used contraceptives was that they did not realize the risk of getting pregnant. The results of logistic regression analysis revealed that knowledge on contraception, boyfriend’s approval of contraceptive use, perceived risk of getting pregnant, perceived availability of contraceptive services and discussion of contraception with boyfriend were important indicators of a young woman’s contraceptive use behavior.Conclusion These results indicate an urgent need to develop sex education on conception and contraception among young women and men. It is equally important to enhance young women’s perception about the risk of unwanted pregnancy and the complications of induced abortion. Promoting men’s cooperation and participation in contraceptive use as well as strengthening communication on contraception between young women and their partners is essential.  相似文献   
Perspectives of public health generally ignore culture-bound sexual health concerns, such as semen loss, and primarily attempt to eradicate sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Like in many other countries, sexual health concerns of men in Bangladesh have also received less attention compared to STIs in the era of AIDS. This paper describes the meanings of non-STI sexual health concerns, particularly semen loss, in the masculinity framework. In a qualitative study on male sexuality, 50 men, aged 18-55 years, from diverse sociodemographic backgrounds and 10 healthcare practitioners were interviewed. Men considered semen the most powerful and vital body fluid representing their sexual performance and reproductive ability. Rather than recognizing the vulnerability to transmission of STIs, concerns about semen were grounded in the desire of men to preserve and nourish seminal vitality. Traditional practitioners supported semen loss as a major sexual health concern where male heritage configures male sexuality in a patriarchal society. Currently, operating HIV interventions in the framework of disease and death may not ensure participation of men in reproductive and sexual health programmes and is, therefore, less likely to improve the quality of sexual life of men and women.  相似文献   
A cross-sectional survey of 184 mothers or caretakers was undertaken to investigate the effect of socio-behavioral background on decision making in relation to the use of impregnated bednets to prevent malaria for their children in Ratchaburi Province, Thailand. It was found that most mothers had knowledge of the cause, transmission and prevention of malaria. They perceived susceptibility and severity of malaria as a risk to their children, which might even cause death. They also perceived and had positive attitudes toward impregnated bednets as a protection for their children. Three-quaters (76.4%) of them used impregnated bednets regularly to protect their children whereas one-quarter (23.6%) used infrequently and few never used. Bivariate analysis showed that the use of impregnated bednets was significantly related to the factors such as knowledge of malaria prevention, perception of benefits of the use, the receipt of information about the impregnated bednets from malaria workers.  相似文献   
目的 通过调查妇女对更年期的体验、相关知识、态度、价值观、认知以及所受到的社会影响进行调查和研究,探讨这些因素对更年期激素替代疗法(HRT)使用的影响.方法 入户调查278名40~60岁妇女(155名从未使用过HRT者,108名正在使用者和15名曾经使用者),资料采用SPPS10.0软件包并应用Logistic多元回归分析.结果 经Logistic多元回归分析发现社会影响、对HRT利大于弊的认知、可觉察到的治疗的需要以及HRT知识程度等四个因素(β=2.7 749,β=1.9 356,β=1.7 115,β=1.5 567)对使用HRT有正向作用;相反,对老年的价值观和对替代途径的有效性的认知两个变量起反向作用.结论 医疗保健服务提供者应为更年期妇女提供充分的信息,在尊重本人观念、想法和价值观的前提下为她们提供一个综合性的保健方案.  相似文献   
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