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癌基因c-erbB-2在膀胱移行细胞癌中的扩增   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
赵致广  张莉莉 《医学争鸣》2000,21(4):482-482
0 引言 为探讨癌基因 c- erb B- 2的扩增与膀胱移行细胞癌(TCC)的关系 ,我们以斑点杂交的方法对 40例膀胱 TCC标本中 c- erb B- 2的扩增情况进行了检测 ,以期明确 c- erb B- 2扩增与膀胱 TCC病理分级及患者预后的关系 .1 材料和方法  40例膀胱 TCC患者术后石蜡包埋标本 ,随访 5~ 10 a. 11例正常膀胱粘膜石蜡标本作为对照 . c- erb B-c DNA p CER2 0 4质粒由东京大学提供 ,Bothringer缺口平移 DNA标记试剂盒及 32 P标记 d CTP购于北京福瑞公司 .所有石蜡标本经脱蜡及蛋白酶消化 ,以酚 /氯仿抽提 DNA,乙醇沉淀 .每份样品取…  相似文献   
运动中跟腱断裂的原因及预防   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
目的:分析运动中跟腱断裂的原因和发生部位,找到预防的措施。方法:通过检索文献资料、调查访问和临床诊断等方法,对34例在运动中因非外力的原因造成跟腱断裂的个案进行分析。结果:34例全部为在运动中因非外力的原因造成跟腱急性闭合性断裂,其中30例为完全断裂,4例为不完全断裂。损伤的主要原因:①跟腱患有退行性病变,变得脆弱,易断裂。②跟腱部位过度疲劳。③热身活动不足。④技术动作不合理。⑤跟腱的退行性变化提前于肌肉造成的软组织活性不协调。⑥可能的原因:近几年来吃的转基因食品较多或吃的动物肉类所含激素成分较多,造成肌腱脆性增加。34例中有25例为跟腱中部断裂,占74%,即断点在跟腱止点上方3~5cm。34例中28例断端不整齐呈现马尾状,19例曾有慢性跟腱周围炎病史,且年龄平均在40岁以上。断裂部位集中,断裂类型较一致。结论:运动前应充分做好热身活动,防止运动中过度疲劳,严格控制营养素的摄取,尽量少补充含激素成分较多的肉类和转基因食品,以减少跟腱断裂情况的发生。  相似文献   
Prevalence and distribution of schistosomiasis in Zimbabwe   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Surveys for schistosomiasis of 14 619 eight- to ten-year-old children from 157 schools in Zimbabwe are reported. Zimbabwe is divided into three regions on the basis of differing prevalences of Schistosoma haematobium, with mean prevalence levels in each zone of 63.2, 37.1 and 14.3%. Two regions were identified for S. mansoni, with mean prevalence levels of 15.2 and 1.5%. In most regions Commercial Farming areas were shown to have higher levels of infection than Subsistence Farming areas. Females showed a significantly lower prevalence of infection with S. haematobium than males in all areas. Age prevalence surveys in support of the major survey showed the seven- to 20-year-old age group to contain 91.5% of the heavy infections with S. haematobium and 83.7% of the heavy infections with S. mansoni. The availability of surface water is recognized as the major factor governing the distribution and prevalence of schistosomiasis. Control of schistosomiasis is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
目的:观察内洋地黄素水平在老龄大鼠心肌细胞缺氧复氧损伤中的变化以及地高辛抗血清的保护作用。方法:实验于2005-04/05在皖南医学院病理生理教研室完成。取10只24月龄和10只6月龄雄性普通级SD大鼠,分别制备青年和老龄大鼠心肌细胞匀浆,老龄和成年大鼠为两大组,每组分为7小组,即每只大鼠心肌随机分到各小组中,共计14小组,每组10支试管。正常对照组:给予CO2和O2的混合气体(1∶19)通气40min;缺氧复氧组:CO2,O2,N2混合气体(5∶4∶91)通气20min后换成CO2和O2的混合气体(1∶19)通气20min;阴性对照组:同缺氧复氧组,但于再给氧前加入0.1mL的非特异性灭活兔血清;地高辛抗血清组:同缺氧复氧组,但于再给氧前加入0.1mL的非特异性地高辛抗血清(分别为1∶90000,60000,30000,10000)。观察大鼠心肌细胞钠-钾-三磷酸腺苷酶活性和线粒体内钙聚集程度,分析其剂量-效应关系。结果:①缺氧复氧时,青年组和老龄组大鼠心肌分泌内洋地黄素均显著升高,但老龄组显著低于青年组[(0.081±0.03),(0.153±0.06);(0.074±0.04),(0.125±0.05)ng/g;P<0.05]。②缺氧复氧时,老龄组与青年组心肌细胞钠-钾-三磷酸腺苷酶活性显著受抑制[(0.239±0.015),(0.778±0.050);(0.350±0.047),(0.836±0.044)μkat/g;P<0.05],老龄组与青年组相比,其抑制效应显著增强(P<0.05)。③缺氧复氧时,老龄组线粒体内钙与青年组比较明显增强[(0.082±0.011),(0.495±0.095);(0.075±0.008),(0.412±0.084)mmol/L,P<0.05]。④老龄组和青年组相比,地高辛抗血清呈剂量依赖性的恢复钠-钾-三磷酸腺苷酶活性(r=0.695,0.797,n=5,P<0.05),减轻线粒体内钙聚集(r=-0.565,-0.649,n=5,P<0.05);经直线回归分析发现,老龄鼠回归系数大于青年组(酶活性抑制K=1.50,0.94,线粒体内钙K=-7.43,-6.46)。结论:心肌细胞缺氧复氧时,老龄鼠损伤较青年大鼠更显著,其机制与老龄大鼠心肌细胞钠-钾-三磷酸腺苷酶对内洋地黄素敏感性增加有关,地高辛抗血清对老龄大鼠心肌细胞缺氧复氧保护作用更有效。  相似文献   
Background The timing of aggressive airway intervention in adult epiglottitis is controversial. Aims To correlate Friedman’s staging of epiglottitis on admission with the airway interventions undertaken. Methods A retrospective study of 23 adult patients, mean age 51 years (range 29–81 years), who had been admitted with acute supraglottitis between March 1988 and December 2000 was undertaken. Results Three patients (13%) had airway interventions; two with tracheostomy and one with tracheal intubation. All were Friedman stage III and had rapid symptom progression during the 24 hours prior to admission. Three other stage III patients with symptom progression longer than 24 hours and all the remaining patients (stage II or less) were managed with observation and intravenous therapy. Conclusions Friedman originally advocated airway intervention in any patient stage II or worse, but this intubation threshold should probably be lowered to those patients with rapid-onset stage III (moderate respiratory distress, stridor, respiratory rate >30 per minute, pCO2 >45mmHg) disease.  相似文献   
目的:观察一氧化氮对肿瘤细胞SMMC-7721辐射敏感性的作用效果。方法:实验于2005-06/09在兰州大学生命科学学院和中科院近代物理研究辐射医学实验室进行。处于对数生长期的肝癌细胞SMMC-7721,在用X射线照射前4h,换入含有0.1mmol/L硝普钠(一氧化氮的前体)的培养液,与对照组(不加硝普钠)一起,在200cGy/min的剂量率下,分别照射0,1,2,4,6,8Gy,换为正常培养液培养。用集落形成法计算细胞的存活率,用吖啶橙/溴乙啶双染法检测细胞的死亡情况,用流式细胞仪检测细胞周期。结果:①存活曲线细胞存活率随照射剂量增加而减少,硝普钠组细胞的克隆形成率低于对照组(2Gy时,P<0.01)。②细胞死亡百分率(坏死细胞与凋亡细胞总数/总细胞数):与照射剂量呈正相关,硝普钠组高于对照组(P<0.05)。对照组从(9.95±3.53)%(0Gy)逐渐升至(58.74±3.46)%(6Gy),而硝普钠组则从(18.53±12.02)%(0Gy)迅速升至(61.57±9.53)%(2Gy)。③细胞周期检测结果:对照组细胞经过X射线照射后,出现了G2/M期阻滞[从0Gy时(12.50±5.76)%逐渐增加到8Gy(40.36±2.74)%],而硝普钠组细胞在低剂量时主要表现为G0/G1期阻滞[0Gy:(16.06±7.19)%;2Gy:(17.93±0.92)%],而G2/M期阻滞仅在高剂量时明显[8Gy时为(50.10±3.93)%,P<0.05]。结论:经硝普钠产生的一氧化氮,通过与X射线协同作用,减少了肝癌细胞SMMC-7721的细胞存活率,促进细胞死亡,阻止细胞被阻滞至G2/M期,是一种有效的辐射增敏剂。  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: A study was undertaken to determine the oropharyngeal carrier state of potentially pathogenic microorganisms (PPM) and the magnitude of colonisation and infection rates of the lower airways with these PPM in children requiring long term ventilation first transtracheally and afterwards via a tracheotomy. METHODS: A 5 year, prospective, observational cohort study was undertaken in 45 children (33 boys) of median age 6.4 months (range 0-180) over a 5 year period at the Royal Liverpool Children's NHS Trust of Alder Hey, a university affiliated tertiary referral centre. The children were first admitted to the 20-bed paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) and, following placement of a tracheotomy, they were transferred to a four bedded respiratory ward. The two main indications were neurological disorders and airway obstruction. All children were ventilated transtracheally for a median period of 12 days (range 0-103) and, after placement of the tracheotomy, for a similar period of 12 days (range 1-281). Surveillance cultures of the oropharynx were taken on admission to the PICU and on the day of placement of the tracheotomy. Throat swabs were taken twice weekly during ventilation, both transtracheal and via the tracheotomy. Tracheal aspirates were taken once weekly and when clinically indicated (in cases where the lower airway secretions were turbid). RESULTS: Twenty five patients (55%) had abnormal flora, mainly aerobic Gram negative bacilli (AGNB), particularly Pseudomonas aeruginosa, while the community PPM Staphylococcus aureus was present in the oropharynx of 37% (17/45) of the study population. The lower airways were sterile in six children; the other 39 patients (87%) had a total of 82 episodes of colonisation. "Community" PPM significantly increased once the patients received a tracheotomy, independent of the number of patients enrolled, episodes of colonisation/infection, and the number of colonised/infected patients. "Hospital" PPM significantly decreased after tracheotomy only when episodes were compared. CONCLUSIONS: While P aeruginosa present in the admission flora caused primary endogenous colonisation/infection during mechanical ventilation on the PICU, S aureus not carried in the throat was responsible for the exogenous colonisation/infection once the patients had a tracheotomy. This is in sharp contrast to adult studies where exogenous infections are invariably caused by AGNB. This discrepancy may be explained by chronic underlying conditions such as diabetes, alcoholism, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which promote AGNB, whereas the children were recovering following tracheotomy.  相似文献   
金龙胶囊配合辨证用药治疗中晚期恶性肿瘤40例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1临床资料2003-12/2004-10采用北京建生药业生产的金龙胶囊配合辨证用药治疗中晚期癌症40例.Karnofsky评分≥40分,预计生存期>2 mo.  相似文献   
Moyamoya disease is a progressive disease which involves the internal carotid arteries and its branches bilaterally. The disease is reported both in adults and in children. Moyamoya disease is frequently seen in Japanese patients having certain human leucocyte antigen (HLA) haplotypes including HLA-Aw24, Bw46 and Bw54. Twin cases are rarely reported in the literature. We hereby present the first Turkish monozygotic twins with moyamoya disease whose HLA haplotypes are A2, A9, B21, Bw22, Bw4, Bw6, Cw3, and DR2, DR4, DRw52, DRw53, Dq7. The patients with advanced disease were given nifedipine and intravenous immunoglobulin (400mg/kg/d for 5 days). During the 11 months of follow-up, the patients were attack free.  相似文献   
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