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儿童不仅需要身体健康,还需要精神健康。过去儿童保健工作偏重于防治儿童躯体疾患,人们比较关心的是身体健康与智力发展,有关精神卫生问题尚未能引起足够重视。随着人们生活水乎提高,物质条件改善以及“一对  相似文献   
Three hundred and eighty four women in Shanghai who delivered vaginally and chose IUD for contraception received the copper T-380A IUD inserted vaginatty within 10min after delivery of the placenta(i.e.,immediate postplacentat insertion,IPPI).Among them,98.70% were primipara.The women were randomly divided into twogroups:IUD inserted by hand and IUD insreted by ring forceps.Using Life Table Method and X^2test,expulsion and other discontinuation rates were compared at 6,12,24,and 36 months post-insertion between these two different groups.No uterine perforation,infection or prolonged period of lochia occurred in the 384 cases.Expulsions were the main reason for discontinuation.From 6 months to 36 months,the gross cumulative rates of all discontinuation events(expulsion, pregnancy,removal for bleed-ing/pain,etc.)were not statistically significantly different(P>0.05).The results suggest that these two different insertion techniques do not significantly affect discontinuation rate in vaginal IPPI using the TCu 380A, which appears to be suitable for postpartum insertion in Chinese women.Other relevant issues,such as breast-feeding and IUD position in uterine cavity,are also analyzed and discussed in this paper.  相似文献   
本文对1483例女性婚前健康检查进行分析。通过详细询问病史,全身体检,生殖器官检查,实验室检查。结果:患病率29.27%。疾病以念珠菌性阴道炎占第一位,次为HBsAg阳性;生殖系统疾病以念珠菌性阴道炎占第一位,次为子宮发育不良、外阴炎、卵巢囊肿、子宫肌瘤。有人工流产史及现在怀孕者465人,婚前性行为发生率59.38%。因此,要加强妇女的五期保健及卫生知识宣传,并以各种形式举办未婚青年学习班,以提高对婚前性行为危害性的认识,保障妇女健康。  相似文献   
心绞痛是老年人的常发病和多发病。对青年人来讲是较少发作的病。青年人心绞痛发作时的治疗和康复都较老年患者康复得快。老年人的心绞痛发作和青年人虽然临床体征症状表现大体相同。都具有胸前区突然剧痛绞痛或闷痛,冒冷汗等症状。但青年患者的治疗效果远比老年人好,预后也好。例如部分  相似文献   
<正> 国家计划生育药具重点实验室座落在上海市斜土路2140号上海市计划生育科学研究所内。该室于1990年2月建立,1992年10月通过国家验收,并正式向国内外开放。  相似文献   
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