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大阴唇脂肪肉瘤属罕见,国内未见报道。遇到1例,现报告如下。 病史:患者71岁,20年前发现左大阴唇处有蚕豆大小肿物,曾在当地医院求医,拟诊“皮脂囊肿”嘱随访。以后逐年增大,近2年来,肿块迅速增大,行动不便来我院求医。拟诊左大阴唇脂肪瘤恶变,入院。  相似文献   
宫颈息肉是妇科常见疾患之一,大的息肉比较罕见,现将我院收治一例,介绍如下。陈×女,50岁,已婚,住院号78497。患者主诉外阴块物突出一年余,近半月来明显增大,伴阴道排液增多。1982年8月4日收治入院。以往身体健康。月经周期正常,20岁结婚,足月顺产3胎,产后输卵管绝育10年。妇科检查:外阴可见9×5×2.5cm大小肉样赘生物(图1),表面呈紫红色,赘生物向上延伸至宫颈口12~3点部位,蒂部呈1.5×4.5cm粗细。在赘生物表面有0.8×0.5cm大小溃疡面,右后侧可见2cm长形纵裂口,按之有红色糊状分泌物排出。宫颈中度糜烂。宫体及附件正常。  相似文献   
上海42个纺织工厂1958~1980年间,共普查846,104人次,年龄标化宫颈癌患病率下降97.6%,死亡率下降到末位。共发现宫颈癌520例,其中465例至今存活。已7年来发现Ⅱ期以上的宫颈癌,最近8年发现的宫颈癌45例中,除一例外,全部是亚临床型。宫颈癌及宫颈不典型增生的患病率,≥40岁比<40岁者各高3及7.5倍。本组<40岁的妇女近3年未再发现宫颈癌,近8年无原位癌发现。通过23年普查普治,宫颈癌患者的年龄中位数后移8.7岁,因此认为本组≥40岁为宫颈癌的高危年龄。  相似文献   
刘某,女,21岁,住院号145502。主诉右耻骨旁肿块21年,诊断右腹股沟可复性斜疝,于1978年3月27日入院。患者近4年来(月经初潮开始)渐感肿块增大,直立后即脱出,平卧后消失,劳动时有隐痛或酸胀感,与月经周期无关。月经史18((4~5)/30),量中,无痛经。家属中无畸形史。体格检查:营养发育好。心肺(-)。腹软,肝  相似文献   
Preventive mass screening was conducted every l-2 years in 42 textile factories from 1958- 80 in Shanghai. A total of 846,104 examinations was made, and the percentage of women ex- amined was 70-90%. In 23 years the age- standardized prevalence rate was lowered by 97.6%. 520 cases of cervical cancer were fonnd, among them 465 patients are still alive. The 10-year survival rate (life-table method) was 93.1%, and the 20-year, 86.1%. There were rio stage IV, III and II cases in recent 18, 8 and 7 years, respectively. In the past 8 years, all 45 cases except one were of subclinical type. The average incidence rate of cervical cancer ranked 5th among all malignant cases at these factories, whereas the mortality rate came down to the last. The prevalence rate of cervical cancer in the ≥40 year old group was over 3 times higher than in the <40 year old group. During the 23 years the median age of cervical cancer patients was postponed by 8.7 years. The disease has not been discovered in <40 year old women in the last 3 years. Carcinoma in-situ was not detected in the <40 year old group in the last 8 years. The prevalence rate of cervical atypical hyperplasia in the ≥40. year old group was 7.5 times higher than in the group. of <48 years. Therefore women ≥40 years, old are the high risk group in our series.  相似文献   
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