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Effective treatment of bronchial asthmawith various methods of acupuncture has beenreported in the literature.The present articlediscusses the results of the treatment of bron-chial asthma(BA)and chronic senile bronchitis(CSB)according to the phenomenon of needlingsensation reaching the site of disease during acu-puncture.  相似文献   
The beneficial effect of acupuncture incoronary heart disease has been reported;the effectiveness on long-term follow-up ofacupuncture in treating chronic rheumaticheart disease has also been reported.Re-sults of observations on 21 patients withchronic rheumatic heart disease before andafter acupuncture,including EKG,chest X-ray film,echocardiogram,systolic time inter-val (STI),blood cAMP,cGMP,cortisol,andeosinophilic count are presented here.  相似文献   
针刺治疗对冠心病的疗效已见报道,对风湿性心瓣膜病经长期随访亦具有一定临床疗效。我们对21例慢性风湿性心瓣膜病患者,在针刺内关前后作心电图、X线、超声心动图、收缩时间间期等检查,并作血浆cAMP、cGMP、皮质醇及嗜酸性细胞计数,从针刺对心功能及生化改变方面探讨其疗效机理。对象及方法一、对象本组21例慢性风湿性心瓣膜病变患者虽  相似文献   
应用不同针灸方法治疗支气管哮喘已有很多报导,都能取得一定疗效,我们根据针刺后“气至病所”来观察支气管哮喘和慢性支气管炎的疗效。一般资料过敏性支气管哮喘27例,男15例、女12例,年龄15~58岁。老年慢性支气管炎17例,男12例、女5例,年龄56~73岁。  相似文献   
近年来原发性心肌病在临床上的发现渐见增多。在临床上一般将其分为充血型、肥厚型与限制型三种。目前本病尚无有效的治疗方法。1964年Harrison氏报道应用β阻滞剂治疗肥厚型心肌病,虽获一定效果,但因药物的某些副作用,不宜于长期应用。因此,对本病的  相似文献   
An investigation on acupuncture of Neiguanand Shaofu was carried out in 12 normal indi-viduals(N),24 cases of hypertrophic obstructivecardiomyopathy(HOCM)and 16 cases of con-gestive cardiomyopathy(CCM).Acupuncture ofthe point was performed over both arms.Afterthe patient felt the needling sensation,a directcurrent of 120 times/minute frequency was con-nected to the needles for 2 minutes,after whichthe needles were retained in place for 15 minutes.Echocardiogram,apex cardiogram,and systolictime interval(STI)were recorded before andafter the acupuncture.Pulmonary capillaryweuge pressure(PCWP)was measured in 2patients.After puncturing Neiguan there was 1)aslight increase of left ventricular outflow tract(LVOT)diameter in N,a significant decrease inHOCM and a significant increase in CCM;2)stroke volume(SV)and cardiac output(CO)were increased in N and CCM,decreased inHOCM;3)the Dd and Ds(internal diameter ofleft ventricle during diastole and during systole)were slightly decreased in N and CCM,increasedin HOCM;4)the LVPWs and LVPWd wereslightly increased in N,HOCM and CCM;5)theSTI was slightly shortened in N and CCM,notchanged in HOCM;6)the PCWP was decreasedin CCM,increased in HOCM.Acupuncture of Shaofu resulted in no changeof LVOT diameter in N,a slight increase inCCM,and a marked increase in HOCM.SV andCO were decreased slightly in N and markedlydecreased in CCM;they were markedly increas-ed in HOCM.The LVPWd and LVPWs weredecreased in N,CCM and HOCM.There was aslight prolongation of STI in N,HOCM andCCM. The authors concluded that acupuncture ofNeiguan could increase cardiac contraction andbe beneficial in heart failure due to CCM orother causes,but could worsen cardiac functionin HOCM.Acupuncture of Shaofu could decreasecardiac contraction and benefit patients withHOCM,but harm heart failure patients withCCM.  相似文献   
浮刺治疗带状疱疹36例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《内经》中浮刺为十二刺之一。经曰:“浮刺者,旁入而浮之”。是斜进针而向肌层横卧透刺,进针比较浅的一种方法。我们于1985年起运用这一古典刺法治疗带状疱疹,经过36例的临床疗效观察,效果明显,尤以镇痛迅速为佳。治疗方法取0.30mm×40mm(32号1.5寸)毫针,在疱疹周围约2cm处进针  相似文献   
患者,男,22岁,工人。住院号:190812。1月14日因左侧臀部酸痛(无外伤史)而接受针刺治疗。穴位:秩边、环跳、阿是穴,先作提插刺激,后再接电针仪20分钟。当晚自觉左侧臀部疼痛加剧,伴畏寒、发热,体温38℃。经口服安乃近,肌注青霉素、链霉素数日,未见缓解,疼痛范围反而扩大,致左下肢行走不便,体温高达39.5℃,并伴有乏力、纳差等症状。本月22日来我院急诊,行局部穿刺术,抽出约0.5ml脓液,涂片化验:红细  相似文献   
合谷穴的性能作用及临床应用体会   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
钱黛华 《中国针灸》1989,9(2):34-35
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