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本文报告1960-61这两年内,在上海地区从沙眼病人标本中共分离到了九株沙眼病毒。其中的一株,经过二位志愿者及猴眼的实验感染,均发生了与自然感染类似的临床症状,并从这些复制的模型中,多次找到了包涵体。文中详细介绍了分离病毒时应该注意的关键性问题和经验,并探讨了鉴定病毒的一些指标。同时提出我们工作中存在的问题和解决这些问题的方法。  相似文献   
近十几年来,随着检查技术的发展以及各学科之间的相互渗透,逐渐认识了视网膜色素上皮(Retinal Pigment Epithelium以下简称RPE)的正常组织结构和生理功能及其在病理情况下的改变对某些眼底疾病的发生发展所起的作用。从而使人们认识到RPE的重要性,在1978年日本召开的第23届世界眼科学年会上,把RPE列为一类重要的论文在大会上宣读和讨论。促使人们想通过对RPE的深入研究,进一步掌握解决某些眼底疾病的关键。一、RPE的构造和功能在光学显微镜下观察,可见RPE位于网膜  相似文献   
Three pairs of twins with retinoblastoma are presented with those reported in the litera- ture. There are altogether 20 pairs of monozy- gotic twins, of which 16 (8.0%) are concordan+,. Of 9 pairs of dizygotic twins, 1 pair (11.1170) is concordant. The hereditary index of retino- blastoma is 77.50%. The factors affecting the concordant rate are discussed. It is suggested that genetic factors play an important role in the development of the disease.  相似文献   
60 cases of st.eroid responses tol corticost.erioid in high myopia are reported and compared with 67 normal subjects and 23 close relatives of pri- mary open-angle glaucoma patients. The fre- quency of high and intermediate pressure responses to corticosteroid in persons with high myopia was significantly higher than in normal subjects (p<0.01), but not different from that of close relatives of patients with primary open- angle glaucoma (p>0.05). The steriod res.ponse was correlated to the initial pressure and C value (p<0.01); it may not be inherited by a single gene, but is possibly of polygenic or multifactorial hereditary nature.  相似文献   
本文报告5例眼部横纹肌肉瘤中3例胚胎型,2例腺泡型,均经手术治疗。随访到的4例中,2例已分别存活3年半及7年半,另2例术前骨质有破坏者术后均死亡。经分析认为本病一经确诊,就应及早施行彻底的眶内容剜出,辅以术后放射治疗。晚期病例疗效不佳。  相似文献   
A series of 156 cases of meibomirm gland carcinomas are studied pathologically with 100 cases followed up. This represents the Iargest series of original cases so far reported in the literature availahle to us. This' tumor is ap- parcntly one of the most mabgnant trimors of the eyelids as ewdenced both by lymphatic spread and hlood-horne metastasis, resulting in a high mortality rate of 41%. The histologic structure of the tumor is ex- tremely variable. It may simulate squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, adenocar- cinoma or spindle cell carcinamu.s. Therefore in dealing with the large numher of cases in our ophthalmic clinic, we have evolved a tenta- tive pathologic classification of thfs tumor into 5 different types: the diftereatiated, squamous cell, basaI cell, adcnold and spindle cell. According to the follow-up data of 100 cases, the pathalogic classification appears to have some bcaring UPOn its clinical manifesta- tions, the differentiated type heing the least maiignane, while tbe basal cell and squamous cell types are the most malignant. Cases of the adenoled type and spindle cell type are too few to warrant any COPclusions concerning their clinical manifestations.  相似文献   
十年内乱造成了科学道德水准严重下降的局面。为了尽快改善这一状况,大力宣传精神文明就显得尤为必要。因为精神建设是物质建设的先决条件,不健康的精神因素将完全抵消物质建设的巨大成就。只有精神文明才可能创造光辉灿烂的物质文朋。这就是我们之所以要努力提倡开展社会科学道德教育的目的。  相似文献   
一、发病概况近视眼在我国是一种常见的遗传性眼病,正常群体的发病率可高达30.93%,其中高度近视(≥6D)占6.98%,其发病率随地区、人种、性别、年龄等因素而异,业已报导在女性及某种种族和种群中有较高的发病率。目前一般根据屈光度及眼底表现将近视分为两类: (1)单纯性近视(又称生理性近视、学校性近视)。一般认为它是属于一系列的生理变异,因此不能认为它是一种眼病,其特征是多见于学龄儿童,近视是轻度或中度的,初次发现时很少超过4D或5D,适当矫正后,视力即可达到正常,近视的程度随着学龄的增加而增加,但这种增加是缓慢的,一般在一年多或几年内仅增加0.50D,而不伴有视力的恶化,这种变化通常在10几岁~25岁左右就进入静止阶段。眼底一般正常,常表现为视盘颞侧有单纯的近视弧,其宽度可以缓慢地增加。此外,眼底通常无明显的器质性病变。  相似文献   
当人们从明亮走进黑暗时,眼睛在最初瞬间看不见周围任何东西,但经过片刻停留,眼对黑暗发生了适应,也就是眼的敏感度逐渐增高,就能逐渐觉察周围的事物,这种适应过程称为暗适应。测定暗适应对于了解限的功能有着重要的意义,对临床诊断  相似文献   
原发性青光眼是一种比较常见的遗传性、致盲性眼病。然而,迄今对其遗传规律仍有争论。因此,进一步探索青光眼的遗传将有助于青光眼的防治。一、发病概况: 目前,多数作者将原发性青光眼分为原发性开角型青光眼与原发性闭角型青光眼两类,其发生随人种和地区而异。在西方国家,开角型青光眼的发生约是闭角型青光眼的5~6倍,占成年人青光眼的60~70%。在美国,90%的原发性青光眼属于开角型;而在我国,闭角型青光眼的发生却远多于开角型青光眼。根据上海第一医学院眼耳鼻喉科医院1977年9月~1981年5月住院青光眼病人的统计,开角型青光眼占12.66%,闭角型青光眼占87.34%。  相似文献   
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